Individual Details

Amos Randel

(13 Feb 1799 - 10 Mar 1882)

Vol. A, Survey Book 1, p.44. "Amers" Randle. Entry #1015. 10 Dec 1822. 79a on Cedar Crk, R10/11, S3. Warrant #4276 issued to Thos. McCrary. SCC: John Groore, John Roberts.

1826 Amos was summoned to serve as juror in First Circuit Court, Perryville, Perry Co. TN

Perry Co TN Land Survey Abstracts 1820-1890
Connie Copeland Young, Francine Sullivan Copeland
Land Survey Book A - Dec 1820-Jun 1846
p.379 James C. Randle Entry 111 5 Oct 1846 740a Cedar Cr R10,S3
CC: Amos Randle, W. Holms. Adj. James Holms, William Horner
p.382 William Kelley Entry 103 22 Sep 1846 440a Cedar Cr R10,S4 Adj: James G. Torrence, James Kelley, E. Inman, A. Inman, Amos Randle
p.384 Abraham Inman Entry #128 5 Oct 1846 130a Cedar Cr R11, S4 Adj: William Kelley, Amos Randle, Asa Randle
p.574 Amos Randle Entry 104 12 Apr 1846 25a Cedar Cr R10,S3
CC: A. V. Neely, James Randle
p.575 Amos Randle Entry 106 12 Apr 1846 20a Cedar Cr R10, S3
CC: John W. Randle, WM R. Randle
p.575 A. Randle Entry 108 12 Apr 1846 13a Cedar Cr R10,S3
CC: W. R. Randle, H. Hutcheson

Amos, his father Moses, and brothers John R. and Nathaniel M. "Nacy" all served on the grand jury several times according to the Perry Co TN Circuit Court Docket from 1826-1833. [LDS Fiche #6117775]

Books of court minutes by WPA – transcription complete
Perry Co TN Minutes of Circuit Court Vol. 1 1826-1833
p.59 Mon Oct Term 1827   Amos Randall summoned to serve as a juror –called 3 times at the door of the courthouse but came not.  Fine to the state $25 unless he show cause
p.84   Tues  Apr 8, 1828 Defendant came & presented sufficient reasons.  Set aside.

1830 US Census; Perry Co TN, p.246: 2m -5 [Amos & John]; 1m 5-10 [Wm R]; 3m 10-15 [This is either an error or someone living with him - James C. is the only known son this age]; 1m 20-30 ???; 1m 30-40 [Amos]; 1f -5 [Rebecca]; 2f 10-15 [Polly & Nancy]; 2f 30-40 [Rebecca]

1840 US Census; Perry Co TN; p.165, Line 17: Amos Randle 1m 5-10 [Nacy], 2m 10-15 [Amos and John]; 1m 15-20 [William R]; 1m 50-60 [Amos] 1f 10-15 [Rebecca] and 1f 40-50 [Rebecca].

Vol A, Survey Book 7, p.574. Amos Randle, Entry #104. 12 Apr 1846. 25a on Cedar Crk, R10, Sc. SCC: A. V. Neely, James Randle
p.575. Entry #106. 12 Apr 1846. 20a on Cedar Crk. SCC: John W. Randle, Wm R. Randle. and Entry #108 for 13a same location. SCC: E. R. Randle, H. Hutcheson
[James, William R. & John W. Randle are all sons.]

1850 US Census; Perry Co TN; p.144a. Amos Randle age 57, born ?Geo [Georgia?] and Rebecca age 53, born in South Carolina.

#0977671 Perry Co TN
Deed Book I Jan 1853 - Jan 1855
p.134 24 Feb 1852 Amos Randel to Elisah T. Denton. $1000.
1st tract, R11, S3. East corner of R11, S3 30 acres
2nd, same, boundary line of entry 737 - 31 acres
3rd Tract, same, corner of 25a entry name of P.Childers, conditional line bet C. Swindle and Amos Randle. Conditional line bet Jane Shipman, A. N. Hays & sd Randle, 200a entry name of D. Cheny, conditional line bet John Kelly & sd Randle. 140 acres
Signed: Amos Randle. Wit: Wm R. Ward, Wm Horner
21 May 1853 Amos Randel ack.

Horner Farm
Robert G. Horner
The impact of the Civil War and Reconstruction on Middle Tennessee plantations is recorded in the history of the Horner Farm, which is the oldest Century Farm in Perry County. Upon acquiring 490 acres in 1846, Amos and Rebecca Randel established one of the county’s most important antebellum plantations. The Randels eventually controlled 1,690 acres, located seven miles southwest of Linden, which produced corn, peanuts, cattle and swine. The Civil War and early Reconstruction years, however, undermined the farm’s future prosperity. According to the family, night riders murdered Rebecca Randel and the family sold 490 acres of the property. In 1867, Nancy Randel Horner and her husband William Horner inherited the farm. The founders’ daughter, Nancy was the mother of ten children. William and Nancy sold an additional 710 acres and although the farm had suffered greatly, it remained a community gathering place. The local post office stood on the farm and was named Horner. In 1955, Robert S. Horner inherited the family land. The founders’ great great grandson, Robert and his two sons worked 800 acres and produced soybeans, corn, cattle and swine in 1976. At that time, the family also used a mid-nineteenth century log stable in its daily operations. unity/historical-society/122-century-farms-of-perry-county#Harder_Farm

Will of Amos Randel, pages 512, 513, and 514, Minute Book 1876-1883, CCCOffice, Linden TN. Real estate value in 1860 of $4,000, personalproperty value of $7,000.
Be it remembered that on this 5th day of June 1882 a certain paper purporting to be the last will and testament of Amos Randal dec'd was propounded for probate, which is in the words and figures following,to-wit:
In the name of God, Amen - I, Amos Randal, of the County of Perry and State of Tennessee, being in good bodily health and of sound and disposing mind and memory, calling to mind the frailty and uncertainty of human life, and being desirous of settling my worldly affairs and directing how the estate with which it has pleased God to bless me shall be disposed of after my decease while I have strength and capacity to doso, do make and publish this my last will and testament, hereby revoking and making null and void all other last will heretofore made.
And First, I commend my immortal being to Him who gave it, and my body to the earth to be buried with little expense and ostentation by my executors herein after named.
And as to my worldly estate and all the property real, personal or mixed of which I shall die seized or possessed, to which I shall be entitled at the time of my decease, I devise, bequeath and dispose thereof in the manner following, to-wit:
2nd, I will and bequeath unto my beloved grand-daughter Mary Carter, formerly Mary Randal, daughter of my beloved son, James C. Randal (now deceased) the sum of Three Hundred Dollars, to be paid to her by my executors hereinafter named out of the first moneys that may come into their hands after my death, not otherwise disposed of.
3rd. I will and bequeath the remainder of my estate both real and personal, after paying my just debts if an, and burial expenses be equally divided among my beloved children, to-wit; Polly Kelly, Nancy Horner, William R. Randal, and Rebecca Ann Thompson, to be divided amonth them as soon as my estate can be settled up by my executors. Also, I will that there be no account taken for any advancements that may have been made to any one of the named by me at any time but that all notes or accounts that they may owe me at the time of my demise, shall be accounted for and settled by them with my executors.
Lastly, I do nominate and appoint William H. Harder to be Executor of this my Last Will and Testament.
In testimony whereof, I, the said Amos Randal, have to this my Last Will and Testament contained on one sheet of paper subscribed my name and affixed my seal this 31st day of August, in the year of our Lord, One Thousand Eight Hundred and Sixty Nine.
The above instrument of one sheet of paper was at the date subscribed by Amos Randal the Testator in presence of each of us, and was at the time declared by him to be his last will and testament and we at his request sign our names hereto as attesting witnesses:
/s/ Jeremiah Harder
/s/ William Flowers

And it appearing to the Court that the subscribing witnesses, Jeremiah Harder and William Flowers are both deceased came W.J. Flowers who upon his oath stated stated to the Court that he was acquainted with the handwriting of the Testator, Amos Randel, and the subscribing witness William Flowers, and that he believes their signatures appended to the foregoing instrument are genuine.
Also came W.N. Horner into open Court, who after being duly sworn stated that he was familiar with the handwriting of the Testator Amos Randel,and that he believes his signature to the Will offered for probate to be his genuine signature.
Then came R.W. Thompson into open Court and was duly constituted and appointed administrator with the will annexed of Amos Randel dec'd.Whereupon the said R.W. Thompson entered into bond conditioned as the law directs with J.L. Webb and W.I. Pace his Securities thereto which bond was acknowledged in Open Court by said R.W. Thompson and his Securities,and is in words and figures following, to-wit:
We, R.W. Thompson and J.L Webb and W.I. Pace are bound to the State of Tennessee in the penalty of Two Thousand Dollars.
Witness our hands and seals, this Fifth day of June AD, 1882.
The condition of this obligation is such, that whereas the above bound R.W. Thompson has been appointed Administrator of the estate of Amos Randel deceased.
Now if the above R.W. Thompson shall well and truly as such Administrator perform all the duties which are or may be required by law, this obligation shall be void, otherwise to remain in full force and virtue.
/s/ R.W. Thompson
/s/ J.L. Webb
/s/ W.I. Pace

Undated narrative, WorldConnect database:
Amos Randel and His Family by Royeta C. Malone:
Amos Randel was born 13 Feb 1799 in Franklin County, Georgia. In 1808 he moved with his father's family to Barren County, Kentucky where they lived for several years. On 6 Nov 1817 Amos married Miss Rebecca Finn in Sumner County, Tennessee when he was 18 years old and she was 19. Rebecca was born 15 Jan 1798 in South Carolina. At the time Amos and Rebecca lived in Sumner County, Tennessee there also lived a Peter Finn who may be a kinsman of Rebecca.
Amos and Rebecca Randel lived in Spencer County, Indiana where their first two daughters were born. Mary (Polly) was born 1 Dec 1818 and Nancy was born 25 Aug 1820. (Nancy is my great, great, grandmother.) Amos and his young family then moved to Perry County, Tennessee where he lived the rest of his long life.
Six children were born in Perry County: James C. Randel 28 Aug 1922, William Riley 8 Oct 1825, John W. 13 July 1828, Rebecca Ann 21 Jun 1830, Amos Randel Jr. 1832, and Nacy 4 Feb 1834. Mary (Polly) Randel married James Kelly 19 Jul 1836, Nancy married William Horner 16 Oct 1837, Wm, R married Caroline Comstock 20 Jan 1842, James C. married Maria Wells in 1845, and Rebecca Ann married Robert Wyley Thompson 8 Dec 1846, all in Perry Co.
This was a happy time for Amos and his family with many of his older children married and grandchildren being born. Then in the mid-1840's tragedy struck. Four of his sons died. John W., Amos Jr., and Nacy all died about 1846, and James C. died 20 Jan 1847. Was there some epidemic that all these sons died about the same time? Nacy and Amos Jr. were about 12 years old, and John W. perhaps 18, so they were too young to be in a war. James C. was 25 and the father of a daughter Mary A. born in 1847, perhaps posthumously.
James C.'s widow Maria remarried to James Bennett 5 Oct 1848 and they moved to Schuyler County, Missouri with her daughter Mary. William R. and Caroline Randel moved to McDonald County, Missouri in 1852, as did James and Mary Randel Kelly with their large families. James and Mary Kelly settled in Rocky Comfort with their 13 children and lived there until their deaths. After a few years in McDonald County, MO, William and Caroline Randel moved on to Kansas where they lived with their 10 children in Cedarvale, Chautauqua County, Kansas.
Namcy Randel Horner and Rebecca Randel Thompson both stayed in Perry County on Cedar Creek, each having 10 children. Amos and Rebecca enjoyed having their 20 grandchildren close by. Rebecca Finn Randel died 23 Jul 1869 at age 71. In the 1870 Perry census, Amos was living with his widowed daughter, Nancy Horner; her husband William Horner having died in 1869. In the 1880 census Amos Randel is probably the illegible name next to Nancy Horner. Amos Randel died 10 Mar 1882 at the age of 82. He was surely buried beside his wife and their four sons who died young. But, where is that cemetery today? Amos Randel's will is in Perry County will book of 1876-83, page 512.--Royleta C. Malone, 260 North Lyon #63, Hemet, CA 92543.


Birth13 Feb 1799Franklin County, Georgia
Marriage6 Nov 1817Sumner County, Tennessee - Rebecca Finn
Death10 Mar 1882Perry County, Tennessee


SpouseRebecca Finn (1798 - 1867)
ChildMary Ann "Polly" Randel (1818 - 1908)
ChildNancy C. Randel (1820 - 1914)
ChildJames C. Randel (1822 - 1847)
ChildWilliam Riley Randel (1825 - 1900)
ChildJohn W. Randel (1828 - 1846)
ChildRebecca Ann Randel (1830 - 1912)
ChildAmos Randel Jr. (1832 - 1841)
ChildNathaniel "Nacy" Randel (1834 - 1846)
FatherMoses Randel (1776 - 1860)
MotherRebecca ?Finn (1769 - 1860)
SiblingJohn R. Randel (1806 - 1878)
SiblingLucinda C. Randel (1807 - 1873)
SiblingFrances L. Randel (1808 - 1870)
SiblingNathaniel Moses "Nacy" Randel (1809 - 1887)
SiblingLydia Jane Randel (1811 - )
