Individual Details

James Richard Rastatter Sr.

(Jan 12, 1926 - Nov 11, 1985)

Nickname:<NICK> Jim Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr. Cause of Death:<C AUS> Liver Cancer BIOGRAPHY: While he was attending Collinwood Hig h School in the early 1940s, he was forced to drop out because his fat her got sick and son Jim had to take o ver his Dad's duties as Churc h custodian. He never returned to complete his hi gh school education . He joined the Navy in March of 1944 and took his basic tr aining a t the Great Lakes Naval Training Center. From April 1944 to July 1945 , he was stationed at Indian Head, Maryland where he was a Seabee. H e built roa ds and worked at an ammunition plant. In July 1945, he wa s transferred to the Naval Research Lab in Washington, DC. He pilote d the Admiral's "gig", a 60-foo t boat. He was busted for "mouthing o ff" to a WAC officer. After his discharg e, he took advantage of th e GI bill and became a carpenter's apprentice for the H. J. Morriso n Company. He used $100 of his GI bill money to buy tools, worke d fo ur days a week and attended classes for one day each week. He complet ed hi s four-year apprenticeship in 1950. During his years as a carpe nter, he worked for Midwest Builders (early 1950s), Zeman-Wolf (1956) , Giant Tiger Department Stores (early 1960s), and E. F. Hauserman (19 66). All during his adult life he was a member of the Catholic War Ve terans and held many local and statewide po sitions in that organizati on. He was a proud WWII veteran who marched in numer ous parades an d participated in as many fund raisers (even his sons were enlist ed i n the sale of poppies). He was known to "tear up" at the site of an A meric an flag or an old Hollywood war movie. He injured his back a t a construction s ite in 1968 and retired on disability in 1971. Ear ly in his retirement, he wen t back to work as a Maintenance Superinte ndent for a local manufacturing compan y. He spent his later years en joying his grandchildren, compiling the family's photo albums and hom e movie history, and indulging his passion for World War I I history . He compiled a large library of World War II books that were late r d istributed to various family members.


BirthJan 12, 1926Cleveland, Ohio
MarriageJun 19, 1948St. Jeromes Church, Cleveland, Ohio - Sally Ann O'Neil
DeathNov 11, 1985Cleveland, Ohio
DescriptionAbout 5'9", stocky build, brown hair
DescriptionAbout 5'9", stocky build, brown hair
Title (Nobility)Sr.
BurialAll Souls Cemetery, Chardon, Ohio

