Individual Details

Thomas Francis Rastatter Sr.

(Apr 28, 1928 - )

Nickname:<NICK> Tom Name Suffix:<NSFX> Sr. BIOGRAPHY: Tom Rast atter always se emed fascinated with electronics and got a ham radio o perator's license at an e arly age. While attending Collinwood High S chool in Cleveland, Ohio, he rewire d the entire sound system. In th e latter half of the 1940s, he entered the mil itary service and fo r a time was stationed on the Island of Guam. During the 1 950s he an d partner (Marty) owned and operated a TV repair store on East 152 S t reet (in the same building that housed the Commodore Theater), in Cl eveland, Oh io. He retired from IBM and presently lives in Lyndhurst , Ohio.


BirthApr 28, 1928Cleveland, Ohio
Title (Nobility)Sr.


SpouseLiving Stropki ( - )
ChildLiving Rastatter Jr. ( - )
ChildLiving Rastatter ( - )
FatherJames Mathew Rastatter (1899 - 1973)
MotherElizabeth Marion Steitz (1903 - 1973)
SiblingLiving Rastatter ( - )
SiblingLillian Claire Rastatter (1925 - )
SiblingJames Richard Rastatter Sr. (1926 - 1985)
SiblingElizabeth Catherine Rastatter (1938 - 1979)
SiblingLiving Rastatter ( - )