Individual Details
(Mar 3, 1928 - )
BIOGRAPHY: She attended grade school at Holy Cross, Euclid, Ohio whil e her pare nts were in residence on East 208th Street (north of Lake S hore Blvd, Euclid, O hio). Her father taught her to type, take notes , etc. Her High School years w ere spent at Villa Angela Academy, a p rivate, catholic, all-girls' school where she graduated on June 7, 19 45. She spent two years at Notre Dame College, Lyn dhurst, Ohio and t hen changed and went to the Wilcox Business College for nine months, w here she further developed her secretarial skills. She went to wor k a t Bond Clothes, at East Ninth and Euclid Avenue, where she was th e secretary to the Manager. Sally was a career woman all of her adul t life. She finally ret ired in December 2001 from The Brewer Company .
Birth | Mar 3, 1928 | Cleveland, Ohio | | | |
Marriage | Jun 19, 1948 | St. Jeromes Church, Cleveland, Ohio - James Richard Rastatter Sr. | | | |