Individual Details
( - Aft 1810)
Nickname:<NICK> Sr. BIOGRAPHY: Abraham Beaman was born by 1755. H e married Eli zabeth Dage/D'Auge, and their first son, Abraham, was bo rn by 1774. Abraham was witness to a deed for his brother Osias in Wa yne County in February 1780 (Wayn e County Deed Book 1, page 20), an d for his brother Francis in 1786 (Wayne Coun ty Deed Book 4, page 520 ). He was on the 1786 tax list in Wayne County, taxed f or 200 acres a nd one free poll (Journal of North Carolina Genealogy, page 1045) , an d had two free polls on a 1788 tax list of Insolvents in Captain Hamm' s Dis trict in Wayne County (Wayne County Tax Records, CR #103.703.4 , NC Archives). H e was under the care of the Contentnea Monthly Meeti ng until February 1787 (Hin shaw, Vol. I, page 299). His household i n 1790 included two males age sixteen a nd older, three males under ag e sixteen, and two females. While Francis [senio r] relocated to Rand olph County by 1797 and Francis [junior] to Montgomery Coun ty befor e 1800, Abraham Beaman and his sons migrated to Johnston County by 179 9 . He was deeded 100 acres by William Messer in March 1799 (Johnsto n County Deed Book Y1, page 45), and was of Johnston County at that t ime. An Abraham appeare d consistently in the records of Johnston Coun ty during the following decade. A braham [senior] (specifically) firs t appears on that County's tax list in 1802 with 296 acres and one pol l (note: 100 acres, Messer & 196 acres, Fish), and Ab raham [junior] w ith 300 acres. They lived on the south side of McCullers (Colou rs) Br anch near Black Creek (near the Cumberland County line). He and his so ns, David, Jacob, Abraham, and Isaac were enumerated in the 1800 Fede ral census in Johnston County (pages 765, 766, 767, 772, 773 respecti vely). His son, Jacob, had married James Langdon's daughter in Johnsto n County that year (North Caroli na Marriage Bond #66981). Having mov ed before 1810, an Abraham (probably the s on) appeared on the 1810 ta x list in Johnston County owning 300 acres, but with no polls. Abraha m and his sons, Jacob, David, Isaac and Abraham, and his son-i n-law Z achariah Collins were enumerated in the 1810 Federal census in Montgom er y County with Francis Beaman [junior] in their midst (page 570). Th e following year, Samuel, son of Francis of Montgomery County, returne d to Johnston County for his bride, another daughter of James Langdo n (North Carolina marriage bond #66982). Presumably Abraham [senior ] died near Troy in Montgomery County after the 1810 census. His son s Abraham [junior] and David served in the Montgomery County militia u nder Captain Harris during the War of 1812 (Muster Rolls of Sol dier s in War of 1812, Adjutant General, NC). Sons Isaac, David and Jacob m igrat ed to Owen County, Indiana circa 1823-1824. Source: Contact: Jo anie Greenbeck Epperson <>
Marriage | Bef 1774 | Johnston County, North Carolina - Elizabeth Dage | | | |
Death | Aft 1810 | Montgomery County, North Carolina | | | |
Birth | | Nonsemond County, Virginia | | | |