Individual Details
(Bet 1752 and 1755 - 1827)
Nickname:<NICK> Jr. Name Suffix:<NSFX> Jr. BIOGRAPHY: He was Q uaker in Wayne County, North Carolina and became a Baptist in Montgome ry County, North Carolin a. He moved to Owen County in 1823-24 and se ttled in MOrgan Township. He deed ed the Jennings claim to his son Sa muel, in February 1840, and the Jackson clai m to his son-in-law, Geor ge W. Helm, in February 1837.
Birth | Bet 1752 and 1755 | North Hampton County, North Carolina | | | |
Marriage | Abt, 1780 | North Carolina - Suzannah Unknown | | | |
Death | 1827 | Owen County, Indiana, USA | | | |
Title (Nobility) | | Jr. | | | |