Individual Details
Clara Friesenhahn
(Jul 18, 1865 - Aug 16, 1946)
BIOGRAPHY: After her first husband's death (Anton Jochum), she ran th e family s tore to support herself and her two children from that marr iage, Steve and Mary Jochum. After two or three years, her father he ard that a German family's son had just been discharged from the Calv ary of Emperor Franz Josef (1830 - 1916) . The two fathers agreed tha t they should meet and Clara later married Michel Rastatter. In late J anuary 1905 Michael left for the US. Stepson Steve (Jochu m) left fo r the US later that year also. Clara and the other three children ( M ary, James and Anna), left Bremen, Germany on May 2, 1907 aboard th e SS Breslau , and arrived in Baltimore, Maryland on May 18, 1907. Ab oard ship Clara met Mi chael's cousin Joseph Rastatter and his daughte r Theresa whom she took under he r wing (Theresa had been separated fr om her father during the trip as male and female passengers in third c lass steerage lived in separate dormitory like acco modations). There sa said that the ship was crowded and hot in the sleeping qua rters, a nd that many people on board were sick (though she was not). She reme m bers sneaking up to second-class steerage, with Mary Jochum, to danc e to music that the other passengers would play.
Spouse | Anton Jochum (1859 - 1894) |
Child | Stephen Jochum (1889 - 1978) |
Child | Mary Jochum (1893 - 1987) |
Spouse | Michael Rastatter (1871 - 1936) |
Child | James Mathew Rastatter (1899 - 1973) |
Child | Anna M Rastatter (1903 - 1980) |
Child | Catherine Susan Rastatter (1909 - 1990) |
Father | John Friesenhahn ( - ) |
Mother | Susan Gornik ( - ) |
Sibling | Franz Friesenhahn ( - ) |
Sibling | Hanz Friesenhahn ( - ) |
Sibling | Anna Friesenhahn ( - ) |
Sibling | Stephan Friesenhahn ( - ) |
Sibling | Susan Friesenhahn ( - ) |
Sibling | Catherine Friesenhahn ( - ) |
Sibling | Margaret Friesenhahn ( - ) |
1. 1920 Federal Census, Ohio, Cuyahoga County, Cleveland, ED#493.