Individual Details
Anton Jochum
(1859 - 1894)
BIRTH: Tradition has it that Anton Jochum's ancestors came from the Al sace-Lorr aine area of Europe. Jochum is the Bavarian spelling of Jac him in English-Germ an. Bavaria is not far from Alsace-Lorriane and w as changing hands every few y ears during the Thirty Years War (earl y 16th century). During the 16th and 17t h centuries, various Emperor s and Queens gave land to get Catholics to move int o new sovereign la nds (including Hungary) to prevent the growth of Martin Luthe r's foll owers. This is one of the reasons for the pockets of German speakin g C atholics in Hungary, who were surrounded by the Magyars. It woul d also explain why a German with a Bavarian spelling of this name liv ed in Hungary. BIRTH: Anton may have had a brother that came to th e US. That sibling may have settl ed in Minneapolis, Chicago or Cinci nnati. BIOGRAPHY: Anton was a cabinetmake and shop keeper that buil t the family house, shop and general store in 1889. The construction t ook two or three years. There was a cabinet shop on one side , a gene ral store in the middle and the family's living quarters on the othe r s ide. Their living quarters consisted of a bedroom, kitchen (oven ) and porch ac ross the front. "Clare and Anton Jochum" was carved i n stone above the door. Anton worked as a cabinet maker and made caske ts, some say his own. Clara ran the store (the only one in the villag e) and raised their two children from that marriage. After Anton's d eath in 1894, Clara met and married Michael Rastatte r.
Birth | 1859 | German St. Peter, Arad, Romania | |||
Marriage | Bet 1884 and 1888 | German St. Peter, Arad, Romania - Clara Friesenhahn | |||
Death | 1894 | German St. Peter, Arad, Romania |
Spouse | Clara Friesenhahn (1865 - 1946) |
Child | Stephen Jochum (1889 - 1978) |
Child | Mary Jochum (1893 - 1987) |