Individual Details
(Aug 27, 1876 - Mar 10, 1969)
BIOGRAPHY: Source - Graettinger Centenial Book: George was born in 187 8, in Elm Grove, Wisconsin. He was the youngest boy, having four olde r brothers and thre e sisters. His father was of German descent, havin g immigrated to the U.S. His mother was also German but was born in Wi sconsin. The family moved to Graettin ger in 1880 and settled north o f the present town. The Town had not been establ ished yet. In 1889, h is father Blasius bought seventy acres where Ralph Graetti nger now li ves. In 1900 George's father died and he took over the farming. In 190 8 George married Tresa O'Rourke. He and his wife had three boys. The o ldest boy, Eugene, died in infancy. The other two boys, Al and Ralph , were raised on the farm. George farmed until 1937 when he and his wi fe moved to Graettinger. On March 10, 1964, Tresa died. George had a s troke in July of the same year but never recovered his faculties an d died five years later (1969) at the age of n inety-nine.
Birth | Aug 27, 1876 | Elm Grove, Wisconsin | | | |
Death | Mar 10, 1969 | Spirit Lake, Iowa | | | |
Burial | | St. Jacob's Cemetery, Graettinger, Palo Alto County, Iowa | | | |