Individual Details

Mary Smith

(28 Aug 1874 - 8 May 1946)

I remember my grandmother as being a happy person, one who was pleased t o see you when my family went to visit my grandparents on a Sunday aftern oon, usually weekly or fortnightly.

I also remember her as being very caring as evidenced by some letters , which I still have, that she wrote to me when I was suffering from ast hma and only 12 years old. Eva confirms this saying that she was a lovin g and kind woman.

I remember the Christmases we spent there, usually the Sunday before Chri stmas day. It was a very happy occasion, when all my aunts, uncles and co usins would descend on Holmesville. Dadda Shaw would already have gone in to the bush and obtained a Christmas tree which was erected on the back v erandah and then decorated, to which presents were attached for and fro m all who were there. Grandma Shaw always cooked a beautiful baked dinne r for all 16 of us in her kitchen, on an open fire, together with a Chris tmas pudding , a sixpenny coin being placed under each serving. (She wa s an excellent cook and enjoyed making jams and cakes. Eva recalls tha t as soon as one Christmas was over, she'd start preparing for the next.

My grandfather, apparently, was a very hard man and my grandmother ofte n had to do things behind his back, as Eva recalls. His departure for Afr ica following the death of their first child and when my mother was merel y 5 months old confirms this, I feel.

Apparently, I must have been a mischievous child and Grandma had to put l ocks on the cupboards to stop me from getting into them, so Eva told me , but Eric told me this wasn't correct and that Beryl was the culprit.

My grandmother was only 17 when she was married and consent had to be giv en by her parents.

She attended the Congregational Church at Holmesville and was a staunch c hurch lady actively involved in work for the church both at Holmesville a nd at Lambton.

My grandmother was a very good sewer having been taught by a woman who o wed money to her father, a shopkeeper.

The ashes of my grandparents are located at the Beresfield Crematorium, D rive Wall C13, top row.


Birth28 Aug 1874Wales
Marriage5 May 1894The residence of Andrew Shaw . Minmi. Newcastle.. - Andrew Shaw
Death8 May 1946West Wallsend, New South Wales, Australia
CremationBeresfield, Newcastle - Outer West, Newcastle, New South Wales, Australia
FamilySearch Id2M1Y-72S


SpouseAndrew Shaw (1863 - 1947)
ChildLizzie Shaw (1893 - 1896)
ChildBarbara Corner Shaw (1896 - 1983)
FatherRichard Smith (1849 - 1889)
MotherElizabeth Phillips (1846 - 1905)