Individual Details
Susanna Claasen
(Bef 14 Feb 1672 - Bef 3 Aug 1710)
Spouse | Mattijs Greeff (1655 - 1712) |
Child | Anna Greeff (1685 - 1711) |
Child | Matthys Greeff (1687 - 1713) |
Child | Klaas Greeff (1689 - ) |
Child | Magaretha Greeff (1691 - ) |
Child | Susanna Greeff (1693 - ) |
Child | Jochem Greeff (1695 - 1706) |
Child | Hendrik Greeff b7 (1696 - 1772) |
Child | Catharina Greeff (1700 - ) |
Child | Adriaan Greeff (1702 - ) |
Spouse | Simon van Malabar (1670 - 1709) |
Father | Claas Jacobs (1638 - 1673) |
Mother | Aagje Rijx (1650 - ) |
Een dochterke van Claas Jacobz van Meldorp en Aagje Ryckssijn huysvr' wiert genaamt Susanna tot, getuyge stont Neeltje
Roosen-daal, huysvr' van Frans Gerritz
Eodem dito (12 November)Mathys Greve, jonghman, vryborger en Susanna Claessen, jonge dochter, van de Caep.
Census (family)
"Matthijs Greve en Susanna Claasz"Christen-shared
Den 7 OctoberAntie
Matys Greve en Susanna Claesen
Aegie Rycks en Theunis van Schalckwyck
Census (family)
Hierdie jaar se monsterrol het nie distrikte aangedui nie."Matthijs Greve en Susanna Claasz"
Den 25 dito (Maij) is een kint gedoopt ende genaamt Mathijs waar vanvader was Mathijs Greven ende moeder Zusanna
Claasz. de getuijgen waaren Jacob Aarts Brouwer en
Maria Lindenhovius
Census (family)
Die paartjie het nie vir die opname van die 1688-monsterrol opgedaag nie.Christen-shared
Eeodem dito (26 Junius) een kindt ghedoopt waervan vader is Mathijs Greeve, demoeder Susanna Claesz. de ghetuijge Gerrit van der Bijl
ende Anna Sophia Bos, ende ghenaemt Claes
Census (family)
Vrouens is nie in die 1690-monsterrol opgeneem nie. Daar is ook geen distrikte aangedui nie."Matthijs Greve"
Het belydenis van geloof afgelê.Census (family)
Weereens word geen vrouens aangegee nie, maar hierdie keer wel distrikte."Matthijs Greve"
Baptised: 20 May 1691Father: Mathijs Grieve
Mother: Susanna Claesze
Witnesses: Cornelis Botma, Aeltie van Nes
Additional notes: Gedoop op Stellenbosch
Census (family)
"Matthijs Greve en Susanna Claasz 4 k."Die 4 kinders waarna verwys word, sal Anna, Matthys, Klaas en Margaretha wees.
Census (family)
"Matthijs Greve en Susanna Claas 4 k."Christen-shared
SusannaBaptised: 26 Apr 1693
Father: Mathijs Greeff
Mother: Susanna Claesze
Witnesses: Cornelis Linnis, Geertruij Lubringh
Additional notes: Gedoop op Stellenbosch
Census (family)
"Matijs Greve en Susanna Claasz 5 k."Jochem Greeff, die paartjie se sesde kind, is in April 1695 gedoop. Uit bestaande rekords is duidelik dat nie een van hul eerste vyf kinders vóór 1700 oorlede is nie, dus beteken dit dat die monsterrol-opname aan die begin van die jaar moes wees, vóór Jochem se geboorte.
JoghemZoon van Matijs Greef de moeder
Susanna Klaas is gedoopt 14 april
1695 als getuijge Henning Huijsing
Fintie Cloeten
Census (family)
"Mattijs Greev en Susanna Claasz"Census (family)
"Matthijs Greve en Susanna Claas 4 k."Die verwysing na vier kinders is 'n raaisel. In 1698 het die paartjie ten minste sewe kinders gehad:
1. Anna *1685
2. Matthys *1687
3. Klaas *1689
4. Margaretha *1691
5. Susanna *1693
6. Jochem *1695
7. ongenoemde kind wat op 21.10.1696 in die Paarl gedoop is (Hendrik of Catharina).
Die oudste, Anna, is pas in 1701 getroud, en die twee oudste seuns, Matthys en Klaas, was hierdie jaar maar rond die tien jaar oud (ouer as sestien sou hulle miskien apart as vryburgers op die lys kon verskyn). Daar is rekord van die kinders in later jare, so hulle was definitief nog almal lewend. Watse rede sou die paartjie hê om minder kinders aan te gee?
Die enigste rede wat ek aan kan dink, is dat hulle moontlik slegs 4 inwonende kinders gehad het. Sou dit kon wees dat 3 van die (waarskynlik ouer) kinders tydelik by 'n familievriend gewoon het?
Of is hierdie 'n fout in die transkripsie of oortik van die oorspronklike dokument?
Census (family)
"Mattijs Greef en Susanna Clase"Census (family)
"Mattijs Greef & Susanna Claas 7 k."Hier verskyn weer meer kinders as in die vorige beskikbare monsterrol waarin kinders vermeld word.
Maar, as ons aanneem dat ál hul kinders by hulle gewoon het op hierdie stadium, so dit beteken dat Catharina eers ná Jochem gebore was.
AdrianusSoon van Mattijs Greev, d'Moeder Susanna
Klaasz, getuijgen Borger Pieterse van
Dijk, en Anna Greeff, den 21 Maij 1702
Census (family)
"Matthijs Greef en Susanna Claasz"Census (family)
"Matthijs Greeff en Susanna Claesz"Miscellaneous-shared
Uit die aangehaalde bron:"Als een vrouw zaken zonder medeweten van haar man deed, was ze algauw verdacht. Toen Jeronimus Stevens in 1704 geld van Susanna Claasz, de vrouw van oud-heemraad Matthijs Greef, ontvangen had, kreeg hij het aan de stok met Greef zelf:
'Gij bent de pol van mijn wijf. Als gij geld van mijn vrouw opneemt buijten mijn kennis, kond gij wel meer met mijn vrouw uijtstaande hebben.'
Reden voor Susanna om Jeronimus Stevens duchtig met een houten muil onder handen te nemen: 'Gij zijt een kwaat stoker tussen man en vrouw'. "
Census (family)
"Mathijs Greef en Susanna Claase"Census (family)
"Mathijs Greeve en Susanna Claas"Miscellaneous
Uit die aangehaalde bron:"Toen een paar mensen in januari 1705 bij een ruzie bij Jacob Aertsen Brouwer te hulp geroepen werden, troffen zij Susanna Claas, de vrouw van oud-heemraad Matthijs Greef aan met hangend haar, de muts van het bebloede hoofd en met 'haar arm bont en blaauw'. De soldaat Pieter van der Linden vroeg Brouwer, die met twee scheermessen in de hand stond, 'Waarom slaat gij zoo een vrouw zoo deerlijk die haar selven niet weeren en kan?' Reden voor Brouwer om Van der Linden met de scheermessen aan te vallen."
Susanna Claas was die stiefdogter van Jacob Aertsen Brouwer. Hij het met haar ma, Aagje Rijx, getrou in 1677.
Biewenga haal aan KAB 1/STB 18/154 3 feb 1705
Uit die aangehaalde bron:"June 25.
"Simon of Malabar, slave of Matthys Greef, hanged for theft. On a Sunday, three years ago, he and Kelder, a servant of the Company and horse herd at Klapmuts, had been at the house of an old man, Frans Hendriksz de Raad, alias Platte Boer, at Stellenbosch, and at a time when he knew that the said Frans and his wife Aatje Philips were at his master's house.
"That 'Kelder' opened the window and climbed into the housel that prisoner stood on the watch outside to look out for the passers-by; that Kelder broke open the chest and stole Rds. 139 tied in a piece of sailcloth, a silver purse in which there were 8 diamonds, a silver-mounted belt, a hat, an under waistcoat with 24 silver buttons, 16 buttons with silver plates, and a silver breech button".
He had confessed that, excepting the button last mentioned and the money, of which he had only received Rds. 25, he had thrown the waistcoat, after having cut off the silver buttons, into the bushes. When he returned home he pretended to pity the poor old people who had been robber and were still at his master's house, by saying "that poor woman's property has been stolen," endeavouring by such words of sympathy to his his premeditated crime. For that purpose he also gave the silver purse, the belt and diamonds to his mistress, the wife of Matthys Greeff, in order to compromise her as aider and abetter, and secure her protection ; the money and the silver buttons he kept for himself.
The buttons he sold to a certain Jan Roux at Drakenstein for twopence each and gambled the amount away at the house of Jan Valniet at Stellenbosch.
When the robbery was discovered the prisoner was ordered by his master to keep out of the way, and he was sent first to an outside station, the "Drie Fonteinen ", and after that to the 24 Rivers. This the prisoner obeyed and remained in his hiding-place until, like all other vagabonds, he flew into a candle like a moth.
Some four months ago he had incited some slaves to steal their master's cattle, which he had kept among his master's lambs, and with which he had run away under the direction of two Dutch or Europeans, who professed to have a compass, with which they might reach another country in six weeks' time. Together they carried of 19 sheep, 7 of the Heemraad Jad Botma, and 12 of Mr. Elsevier, also some tobacco, two guns, and powder and lead stolen from Hans Polonie (servant of Elsevier) ; prisoner then commenced the journey with the two Europeans, Jan Bakker and another Jan ; and when they had eater up everything they parted from the Europeans; becoming then the leader of the company and proceeding inland beyond the Olifants River into the Cochema's land, they were attacked by the Hottentots, who robbed them of their goods and ammunition, and broke and threw their firelocks in to the river. When prisoner and his comrades had crossed the river to this side, they were again attacked by the Hottentots (Namaquas or Bushmen), captured and delivered into the hands of justice, &c., &c.
Signed by L. van Assenburgh, J. C. d'Ableing, O. Bergh, Js. Swellengrebel, W. van Putten, K.J. Slotsboo, Pr. Kikze, Claas Hendriksz: Diepenauw, Henning Husing, and H. Donker, all members of the Court of Justice."
Hoekom het Greeff sy slaag weggestuur juis toe die diefstal bekend geword het? Ek vermoed hy het geweet van sy slaaf se betrokkenheid en dié se verhouding met sy vrou, en wou nie dat dit bekend word nie.
Uit Adam Tas se dagboek:"Maandag den 25en.
's Morgens warm weer. met dorsschen en koor schoon te maaken is ons volk op dato weder bezig geweest. deesen namiddag is de zoon van Matthijs Greef genaamd Jochem begraaven, onse knegt Jacob is eene der dragers geweest, ik ben van meening geweest om meede ter begraave te gaan, dog ik ben niet genoodigt, 't welk een verzuijm van de kromme koster is, die Lubbert heeft de meeste mensen niet genoodigt, en om mij en mijn vrouw te versoeken heeft die kruk expresse ordre gehad."
Census (family)
"Mathijs Greef en Susanna Claasz"Census (family)
"Matthijs Greef en Susanna Claassen"Census (family)
"Mathijs Greef en Susanna Claasz"Miscellaneous-shared
Uit die aangehaalde bron:"June 25.
"Simon of Malabar, slave of Matthys Greef, hanged for theft. On a Sunday, three years ago, he and Kelder, a servant of the Company and horse herd at Klapmuts, had been at the house of an old man, Frans Hendriksz de Raad, alias Platte Boer, at Stellenbosch, and at a time when he knew that the said Frans and his wife Aatje Philips were at his master's house.
"That 'Kelder' opened the window and climbed into the housel that prisoner stood on the watch outside to look out for the passers-by; that Kelder broke open the chest and stole Rds. 139 tied in a piece of sailcloth, a silver purse in which there were 8 diamonds, a silver-mounted belt, a hat, an under waistcoat with 24 silver buttons, 16 buttons with silver plates, and a silver breech button".
He had confessed that, excepting the button last mentioned and the money, of which he had only received Rds. 25, he had thrown the waistcoat, after having cut off the silver buttons, into the bushes. When he returned home he pretended to pity the poor old people who had been robber and were still at his master's house, by saying "that poor woman's property has been stolen," endeavouring by such words of sympathy to his his premeditated crime. For that purpose he also gave the silver purse, the belt and diamonds to his mistress, the wife of Matthys Greeff, in order to compromise her as aider and abetter, and secure her protection ; the money and the silver buttons he kept for himself.
The buttons he sold to a certain Jan Roux at Drakenstein for twopence each and gambled the amount away at the house of Jan Valniet at Stellenbosch.
When the robbery was discovered the prisoner was ordered by his master to keep out of the way, and he was sent first to an outside station, the "Drie Fonteinen ", and after that to the 24 Rivers. This the prisoner obeyed and remained in his hiding-place until, like all other vagabonds, he flew into a candle like a moth.
Some four months ago he had incited some slaves to steal their master's cattle, which he had kept among his master's lambs, and with which he had run away under the direction of two Dutch or Europeans, who professed to have a compass, with which they might reach another country in six weeks' time. Together they carried of 19 sheep, 7 of the Heemraad Jad Botma, and 12 of Mr. Elsevier, also some tobacco, two guns, and powder and lead stolen from Hans Polonie (servant of Elsevier) ; prisoner then commenced the journey with the two Europeans, Jan Bakker and another Jan ; and when they had eater up everything they parted from the Europeans; becoming then the leader of the company and proceeding inland beyond the Olifants River into the Cochema's land, they were attacked by the Hottentots, who robbed them of their goods and ammunition, and broke and threw their firelocks in to the river. When prisoner and his comrades had crossed the river to this side, they were again attacked by the Hottentots (Namaquas or Bushmen), captured and delivered into the hands of justice, &c., &c.
Signed by L. van Assenburgh, J. C. d'Ableing, O. Bergh, Js. Swellengrebel, W. van Putten, K.J. Slotsboo, Pr. Kikze, Claas Hendriksz: Diepenauw, Henning Husing, and H. Donker, all members of the Court of Justice."
Hoekom het Greeff sy slaag weggestuur juis toe die diefstal bekend geword het? Ek vermoed hy het geweet van sy slaaf se betrokkenheid en dié se verhouding met sy vrou, en wou nie dat dit bekend word nie.
Sterfplek word aangeneem, aangesien dit is waar sy gewoon het.Endnotes
1. Richard Ball, Corney Keller, Transcriber, "Cape Town Baptisms 1665-1695," transkripsies, eGGSA, ( : accessed ),; Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696..
2. Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806 (N.p.: n.p., 1946), 119.
3. Corney Keller, Richard Ball, Transcriber, "Cape Town Marriages 1665-1695," transkripsies, eGGSA, ( : accessed ),; Cape Archives Verbatim copies document VC 603 - Cape Town baptisms, memberships and marriages 1665-1695, which is a photocopy the original register, now housed in the Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerkargief, Noordwal-Wes, Stellenbosch, as G1-1/1. This photocopy was made for the Sciences Research Council (HSRC) and a copy was donated to the South African Archives, a copy going to the Cape Town Repository (VC series) and to the Pretoria Repository (where it is part of the FC series)..
4. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
5. Richard Ball, Corney Keller, Transcriber, "Cape Town Baptisms 1665-1695," transkripsies, eGGSA, ( : accessed ),; Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696..
6. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
7. Richard Ball, Corney Keller, Transcriber, "Cape Town Baptisms 1665-1695," transkripsies, eGGSA, ( : accessed ),; Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696..
8. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
9. Richard Ball, Corney Keller, Transcriber, "Cape Town Baptisms 1665-1695," transkripsies, eGGSA, ( : accessed ),; Cape Archives Verbatim Copies VC 603, Nederduits Gereformeerde Kerk, baptisms 1665 to 1696..
10. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
11. Dr. J. Hoge, Personalia of the Germans at the Cape, 1652-1806 (N.p.: n.p., 1946), 119.
12. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
13. Richard Ball, Corney Keller, et al, "eGGSA BMD project (Birth, Marriage and Burial Registers)," database, eGGSA Birth Marriage and Burial Registers ( : accessed ), .
14. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
15. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
16. Richard Ball, Corney Keller, et al, "eGGSA BMD project (Birth, Marriage and Burial Registers)," database, eGGSA Birth Marriage and Burial Registers ( : accessed ), .
17. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
19. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
20. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
21. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
22. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
24. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
25. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
26. Ad Biewenga, De Kaap de Goede Hoop: Een Nederlandse vestigingskolonie, 1680-173 (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Prometheus / Bert Bakker, 1999), p221.
27. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
28. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
29. Ad Biewenga, De Kaap de Goede Hoop: Een Nederlandse vestigingskolonie, 1680-173 (Amsterdam: Uitgeverij Prometheus / Bert Bakker, 1999), 71.
30. H. C. V. Leibbrandt, Keeper of the Archives, Journal, 1699-1732: Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, Government Printers, Castle Street, 1896), 194-195.
31. Adam Tas, The Diary of Adam Tas (1705-1706), Leo Fouché, editor (London: Longmans, Green and Co., 1914), p118.
32. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
33. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
34. Richard Ball, "Cape Archives VC Lists," monsterrollen-databasis, eGGSA, eGGSA Libary - South African Records Transcribed ( accessed ),; citing Richard Ball.
35. H. C. V. Leibbrandt, Keeper of the Archives, Journal, 1699-1732: Precis of the Archives of the Cape of Good Hope (Cape Town: W.A. Richards & Sons, Government Printers, Castle Street, 1896), 194-195.
36. Susanna Claas Inventaris (3 August 1710); Cape Archives Estate Files; MOOC 8/2.40, KAB, Cape Town.