Individual Details

Max Josef Friend

(22 Oct 1866 - 20 Sep 1894)

Archiwum Archidiecezjalne, ul. Kanonia 12, 50-328 Wroclaw, Poland, 11 Mar 1991
1866, 28th October was christened a legitimate son of resident and shoemaker Robert Freundt, of his wife Augusta nee Lux, born on the 22nd of the month, by chaplain Thienel. He received the name Max Josef. Godparents were: brewery worker's son Josef Kahler, harnessmaker's daughter Maria Karras.

EMIGRATED: September 1882
Germans to American, Vol. 44, August 1882-November 1882; p92
Max Freund, age 15, male, no occupation, from Germany; Ship RHEIN from
Bremen and Southhampton to New York, arrived September 4, 1882.

The RHEIN was built by Caird & Co. in 1868 for Norddeutscher (North German Lloyd). Her details were 2,901 gross tons, length 332 feet x beam 40 feet, clipper stem, one funnel, two masts, iron construction, single screw and a speed of 13 knots. There was accommodation for 70 in 1st class, 100 in 2nd class and 600 in 3rd class. Launched in August 1868, she sailed on her maiden voygage from Bremen to Southampton and New York on March 10, 1868. In 1878 her engines were compounded by the builders and on October 16, 1889 she left Bremen on her last voyage to Baltimore and New York. On September 18, 1890 she commenced her last Bremen to Baltimore voyage and the following year was sold to a British company. She was scrapped in 1893.
The SS Rhein was the headliner of a class of ships known as the "Rhein series." Sistership to the SS Main, SS Donau, SS Mosel, ie, nearly identical.

HST 21Apr1893,p4,col1;
"The old firm of J.J. Lucks & Son has changed into Lucks and Friend. Max has been active silent partner in the busy establishment for some times past..."

(St. Croix County Courthouse, Hudson, Wis., Vol 2 pg 165)
Name: Max Friend, age 27
Father: Robert Friend
Mother: Augusta Friend
Occupation: Grocer
Birthplace: Germany
Birthdate: 22 Oct 1866
Deathdate: 20 Sep 1894

Hudson Star-Times, 28 Sep 1894, p8
Max Friend, son of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Friend, died at the home of his parents on Tenth Street Thursday afternoon, Sept. 20, of consumption, aged 27 years.
The deceased was born in Neu Altmansdorf, Germany, Oct. 6, 1866, came to America Sept. 1, 1882, locating in New Baltimore, Michigan where he worked for his uncle at the shoemaker trade until 1886. He then came to Hudson and began driving delivery wagon for "J.J. Lucks & Son's Grocery".
He soon moved up to the position of head clerk, and about two years ago purchased an interest in the store. He was from that time up to the date of his death known as a junior member of the firm, "Lucks and Friend". "Mox", as he was most familiarly known by all, was a genial, kind hearted young man, one whose favor and popularity grew stronger every day of his life. He was taken sick and confined to his home the 22nd day of October last and was a constant patient sufferer from the dreaded disease up to the time of his last Thursday.
The funeral took place at St. Patrick's Catholic Church in this city Sunday afternoon, Reverand Father Barney officiating, and was very largely attended.

Funeral Register,Slater & Hunt, June 10, 1892 -September 8, 1897 (from WHM 30 Jul 2002)
Freund, Max
Died Sept. 20, 1894
Buried Sept. 23, 1894
Age 27


Birth22 Oct 1866Neu Altmannsdorf, Kreis of Munsterberg, District of Breslau, Prussia
Baptism28 Oct 1866Neu Altmannsdorf, Kreis of Munsterberg, District of Breslau, Prussia
Death20 Sep 1894Hudson, St. Croix County, Wisconsin
Burial23 Sep 1894Hudson, St. Croix County, Wisconsin, St.Patrick's Cemetery


FatherRobert Friend (1836 - 1906)
MotherAugusta Lux (1835 - 1918)
SiblingAnna Friend (1868 - 1957)
SiblingRobert Jr. Friend (1872 - )
SiblingOttilia Friend (1873 - 1949)
