Individual Details
Herbert Norval Arnold Stayberg
(10 Feb 1910 - 23 May 1981)
Postcard in collection of Nancy Hawkinson addressed to Herbert Norval Arnold Staberg, 12th and St. Croix St., Hudson, Wis., dated May 8, 1910.
"Best wishes for the day of your Christening from your Papa, Sisters Jeanette and Thelma & Your Mama."
HSO, 5 Nov 1931, p5
Herbert Stayberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stayberg of Hudson, and Miss Helen Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hughes of St. Paul, were married at the Swedish Lutheran parsonage on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 31, at 5 o'clock. Rev. C. W. Almen officiated. They were attended by Miss Delloris Evenson and Clarence Lein of Hudson.
A wedding dinner followed the ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stayberg for the bridal party and the members of the immediate families. A wedding reception and shower was held later in the evening at the home of the bride's parents in St. Paul. Fifty guests were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Stayberg expect to make their home in Hudson.
HSO, 26 Oct 1933, p5, c4
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stayberg entertained for the former's sister and family, Lieutenant and Mrs. Clarence Erickson, on Tuesday last week.
HSO, 9 Nov 1933, p5, c3
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stayberg and son went to St. Paul Thursday and spent the weekend with relatives.
HSO, 7 Dec 1933, p5, c3
Mr. and Mrs. H. Stayberg spent Thanksgiving day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hughes and family at St. Paul.
HSO, 31 Aug 1939, p5, c6
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stayberg and family and the latter's father, Miles Hughes, of St. Paul, visited in Hudson over Sunday and enjoyed the last band concert at the Lake Front Park while here.
HSO, 28 Dec 1939, p5, c4
Herbert Stayberg and family with Miss Laura Hughes of St. Paul, were Hudson visitors on Sunday and Monday. Little Buddy Stayberg is spending the week with his grandparents.
HSO, 6 Jun 1940, p5, c5
Herbert N. Stayberg and sons, Buddy and Jack, of St. Paul, were Hudson visitors at the parental home on Sunday.
HSO, 15 Aug 1940, p4, c3
Herbert Stayberg and family of St. Paul were weekend visitors in Hudson.
HSO, 19 Dec 1940, p7, c3
Herbert Stayberg, with sons Jackie and Buddy, and daughter, Marion, were Sunday guests at the home of his parents, J. A. Stayberg and family.
HSO, 21 Aug 1952, p1
Six Escape From Flaming Home in Morning Blaze
A Hudson mother and her five childre, including a 4 months old child, narrowly escaped with their lives when they were forced to leave their flaming home early Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Herbert Stayberg and her five children, Jack, 17, Dale, 14, Marion, 16, Danny, 4, and Billy, 4 months, were forced to leave the burning home in their night clothes because of the rapid spread of the fire.
The fire was discovered shortly after 7 a.m. by Marion Stayberg when she was awakened by the crackling of the burning wood. She aroused the other members of the family and they fled to safety in the matter of mere seconds.
The small house, a combination trailer and clap board addition, located on 12th street, at the head of St. Croix street, was completely gutted by the conflagration. It is estimated that the total loss will be about $4,000.
Besides the interior of the house being a total loss, the family lost all of its wearing apparel and personal effects. Nothing was saved by the family except the clothes which they were wearing.
Because of the seriousness of the situation, the St. Croix County Chapter of the American Red Cross responded immediately and secured wearing apparel for the entire family. "I don't know what we'd have done without the Red Cross", Jack Stayberg said.
The Hudson Fire Department made a record-breaking run to the scene of the blaze, and quickly extinguished the fire, but only after it had done its disastrous damage.
The fire is thought to have started in the kitchen when a deep fat fryer which had been heating on the gas stove ignited and set the wall afire. The fryer had been used earlier in the morning by another member of the family in preparing breakfast.
Mr. Stayberg and his father-in-law, Miles Hughes, who makes his home with the family, had both gone to work when the fire broke out.
It is reported, that temporarily the family will take residence at the Carrol Cabins until other living quarters can be obtained.
HSO, 5 Jun 1980, Sec II, p12
Hudsonite Helps Father Out of Sinking Car
A Hudson man possibly saved his father's life in a boating incident Sunday at a Lake Mallalieu boat landing.
Herbert Stayberg, 69, 1221 St. Croix St., was backing his boat into Lake Mallalieu near the Dairy Mart and lost traction with the car descending into the lake. His son, William Stayberg, 28, 926 Fourth St., was able to get into the sinking car and pull his father out.
Herb Stayberg was backing his row boat into the lake at about 6 p.m. His brakes failed and the car went backward and started floating in the water. He tried to get out but couldn't get the doors open. He rolled down the window and water started filling the car.
His son, William, was on shore and he jumped in the water and got the door open. He helped his father to the back seat and then out of the car.
Bruce Nerby later pulled the car out of the water with his four wheel drive vehicle.
HSO, 28 May 1981, Sec 1, p6
Herbert N. A. Stayberg
Herbert N. A. Stayberg, 71, of 1221 Twelfth St., died suddenly Saturday morning, May 23, of a massive heart attack while visiting relatives in Los Angeles.
His body was cremated in California.
Memorial services will be Saturday afternoon, May 30, at Swanson-Murphy-Kramer Funeral Home with the Rev. Eugene Glade, pastor of Trinity Lutheran church officiating. Paul Willink will be organist and Mark Willink, soloist.
Herbert Stayberg was born Feb. 10, 1910, the son of John A. and Karine (Jenson) Stayberg, and attended Hudson High School.
On Oct. 31, 1931, in Hudson, he was married to Helen Hughes of Roberts.
He was employed as a welder for the Great Northern Railroad in St. Paul for more than 30 years, retiring in 1976.
Preceding him in death were his parents and a brother, John, who was killed in World War II. [He was also preceded in death by a sister, Thelma, in 1969]
Surviving are his wife, Helen; five sons, Richard of Orange, Calif.; John C. (Jack) of Audubon Ct., Hudson, Dale of St. Paul, Daniel of Hastings, Minn., and William of 926 Fourth St., a daughter, Mrs. John (Marion) Heebink of St. Mary's Point, Minn.; a sister, Mrs. Clarence P. (Jeannette) Erickson of Hudson; 13 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Interment will be in the family lot in Willow River Cemetery.
"Best wishes for the day of your Christening from your Papa, Sisters Jeanette and Thelma & Your Mama."
HSO, 5 Nov 1931, p5
Herbert Stayberg, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stayberg of Hudson, and Miss Helen Hughes, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Miles Hughes of St. Paul, were married at the Swedish Lutheran parsonage on Saturday afternoon, Oct. 31, at 5 o'clock. Rev. C. W. Almen officiated. They were attended by Miss Delloris Evenson and Clarence Lein of Hudson.
A wedding dinner followed the ceremony at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Stayberg for the bridal party and the members of the immediate families. A wedding reception and shower was held later in the evening at the home of the bride's parents in St. Paul. Fifty guests were present.
Mr. and Mrs. Stayberg expect to make their home in Hudson.
HSO, 26 Oct 1933, p5, c4
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stayberg entertained for the former's sister and family, Lieutenant and Mrs. Clarence Erickson, on Tuesday last week.
HSO, 9 Nov 1933, p5, c3
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stayberg and son went to St. Paul Thursday and spent the weekend with relatives.
HSO, 7 Dec 1933, p5, c3
Mr. and Mrs. H. Stayberg spent Thanksgiving day with the latter's parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Hughes and family at St. Paul.
HSO, 31 Aug 1939, p5, c6
Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Stayberg and family and the latter's father, Miles Hughes, of St. Paul, visited in Hudson over Sunday and enjoyed the last band concert at the Lake Front Park while here.
HSO, 28 Dec 1939, p5, c4
Herbert Stayberg and family with Miss Laura Hughes of St. Paul, were Hudson visitors on Sunday and Monday. Little Buddy Stayberg is spending the week with his grandparents.
HSO, 6 Jun 1940, p5, c5
Herbert N. Stayberg and sons, Buddy and Jack, of St. Paul, were Hudson visitors at the parental home on Sunday.
HSO, 15 Aug 1940, p4, c3
Herbert Stayberg and family of St. Paul were weekend visitors in Hudson.
HSO, 19 Dec 1940, p7, c3
Herbert Stayberg, with sons Jackie and Buddy, and daughter, Marion, were Sunday guests at the home of his parents, J. A. Stayberg and family.
HSO, 21 Aug 1952, p1
Six Escape From Flaming Home in Morning Blaze
A Hudson mother and her five childre, including a 4 months old child, narrowly escaped with their lives when they were forced to leave their flaming home early Tuesday morning.
Mrs. Herbert Stayberg and her five children, Jack, 17, Dale, 14, Marion, 16, Danny, 4, and Billy, 4 months, were forced to leave the burning home in their night clothes because of the rapid spread of the fire.
The fire was discovered shortly after 7 a.m. by Marion Stayberg when she was awakened by the crackling of the burning wood. She aroused the other members of the family and they fled to safety in the matter of mere seconds.
The small house, a combination trailer and clap board addition, located on 12th street, at the head of St. Croix street, was completely gutted by the conflagration. It is estimated that the total loss will be about $4,000.
Besides the interior of the house being a total loss, the family lost all of its wearing apparel and personal effects. Nothing was saved by the family except the clothes which they were wearing.
Because of the seriousness of the situation, the St. Croix County Chapter of the American Red Cross responded immediately and secured wearing apparel for the entire family. "I don't know what we'd have done without the Red Cross", Jack Stayberg said.
The Hudson Fire Department made a record-breaking run to the scene of the blaze, and quickly extinguished the fire, but only after it had done its disastrous damage.
The fire is thought to have started in the kitchen when a deep fat fryer which had been heating on the gas stove ignited and set the wall afire. The fryer had been used earlier in the morning by another member of the family in preparing breakfast.
Mr. Stayberg and his father-in-law, Miles Hughes, who makes his home with the family, had both gone to work when the fire broke out.
It is reported, that temporarily the family will take residence at the Carrol Cabins until other living quarters can be obtained.
HSO, 5 Jun 1980, Sec II, p12
Hudsonite Helps Father Out of Sinking Car
A Hudson man possibly saved his father's life in a boating incident Sunday at a Lake Mallalieu boat landing.
Herbert Stayberg, 69, 1221 St. Croix St., was backing his boat into Lake Mallalieu near the Dairy Mart and lost traction with the car descending into the lake. His son, William Stayberg, 28, 926 Fourth St., was able to get into the sinking car and pull his father out.
Herb Stayberg was backing his row boat into the lake at about 6 p.m. His brakes failed and the car went backward and started floating in the water. He tried to get out but couldn't get the doors open. He rolled down the window and water started filling the car.
His son, William, was on shore and he jumped in the water and got the door open. He helped his father to the back seat and then out of the car.
Bruce Nerby later pulled the car out of the water with his four wheel drive vehicle.
HSO, 28 May 1981, Sec 1, p6
Herbert N. A. Stayberg
Herbert N. A. Stayberg, 71, of 1221 Twelfth St., died suddenly Saturday morning, May 23, of a massive heart attack while visiting relatives in Los Angeles.
His body was cremated in California.
Memorial services will be Saturday afternoon, May 30, at Swanson-Murphy-Kramer Funeral Home with the Rev. Eugene Glade, pastor of Trinity Lutheran church officiating. Paul Willink will be organist and Mark Willink, soloist.
Herbert Stayberg was born Feb. 10, 1910, the son of John A. and Karine (Jenson) Stayberg, and attended Hudson High School.
On Oct. 31, 1931, in Hudson, he was married to Helen Hughes of Roberts.
He was employed as a welder for the Great Northern Railroad in St. Paul for more than 30 years, retiring in 1976.
Preceding him in death were his parents and a brother, John, who was killed in World War II. [He was also preceded in death by a sister, Thelma, in 1969]
Surviving are his wife, Helen; five sons, Richard of Orange, Calif.; John C. (Jack) of Audubon Ct., Hudson, Dale of St. Paul, Daniel of Hastings, Minn., and William of 926 Fourth St., a daughter, Mrs. John (Marion) Heebink of St. Mary's Point, Minn.; a sister, Mrs. Clarence P. (Jeannette) Erickson of Hudson; 13 grandchildren and three great grandchildren.
Interment will be in the family lot in Willow River Cemetery.
Spouse | Helen Margaret Hughes (1913 - 1983) |
Child | Richard H. "Bud" Stayberg |
Child | Clarence John "Jack" Stayberg (1935 - 2008) |
Child | Marion Karine Stayberg (1936 - 1996) |
Child | Dale Arnold Stayberg |
Child | Daniel Charles Stayberg |
Child | William Raymond Stayberg |
Father | John Arnt Stayberg (1882 - 1952) |
Mother | Karine Marie Jenson (1883 - 1973) |
Sibling | Jeannette Karine Stayberg (1905 - ) |
Sibling | Thelma Lorraine Stayberg (1907 - 1969) |
Sibling | John Winston Stayberg (1923 - 1945) |
1. Register of Deeds, Birth Records: Wisconsin, St. Croix County, Vol. 8, Page 29.
2. 1930 U.S. Federal Census, Wisconsin, St. Croix, Hudson, John A. Stayberg.
3., Illinois, Deaths and Stillbirths Index, 1916-1947.
4. U.S. Social Security Death Index .
5. 1930 U.S. Federal Census, Wisconsin, St. Croix, Hudson, John A. Stayberg.