Individual Details

Henry B. Hawkinson

(Apr 1890 - Bef Jun 1945)

BIRTH: 1900 MN Soundex; 1900; E.D.6, sheet 2; line 11; Wisconsin State
Historical Society, Madison WI, microfilm; Resides in household of Peter M.
Hawkinson, Chisago Co MN.

BIRTH: 1910 U.S. Census, Chisago Co., MN; 1910; Harris Village, E.D. 7, Sheet
1A;; Wisconsin State Historical Society, Madison WI; NOTE: Resides in the
household of Peter M. Hawkinson.

FATHER-SIBLINGS: Obituary of Peter M. Hawkinson, North Branch Review; 1927;
microfilm; 9Dec1943; p 1; Minnesota Historical Society, St. Paul MN; Photocopy
in possesion of Art Hawkinson, Hudson WI.

History Center, St. Paul MN; NOTE: 2824 Blaisdell Ave, OCCUPATION: carp Sheet
Metal Products.

DEATH: Obituary of mother, Christine Hawkinson, North Branch Review; 1945;
microfilm; 28Hyb1945; Minnesota Historical Society; St. Paul MN; Photocopy
in possession of Art Hawkinson.

He is living in Minneapolis and employed as a carpenter at Sheet Metal
Products Company in 1927.

This could be him:
Minnesota Death Index: HAWKINSON, HENRY, Cert# 1939-MN-006168
Date of Birth: not indexed Place of Birth: not indexed Mother Maiden Name: not indexed Date of Death: 08/29/1939 County of Death: Isanti


BirthApr 1890, Minnesota
DeathBef Jun 1945


FatherPeter M. (Pehr Martin) Hawkinson (1858 - 1927)
MotherChristine Johnson ( - 1945)
SiblingFred Martin Hawkinson (1891 - )
SiblingEdwin L. Hawkinson (1893 - )
SiblingAnne Theresa Hawkinson (1895 - 1948)
SiblingNell Christine (Petronella) Hawkinson (1898 - 1981)