Individual Details

Ellen Englund

(18 Jul 1880 - 20 Apr 1953)

North Branch Review, 7May1953

Fish Lake Resident Is Called By Death

Mrs. Ellen Swenson, the daughter of the late John and Sarah Englund, was born
in Borlanga, Darlane, Sweden, on July 18, 1880. There she was baptized and
confirmed in the Lutheran faith and received her elementary education. She
immigrated to the United States at the age of 21 years [about 1901], and made
her home in Minneapolis. In 1913 she came to the Fish Lake community.

In April, 1914, she was united in marriage to Gustaf Swenson of Fish Lake and
they made their home on their farm near Goose Lake. To this union was born one
daughter, Phoebe (Mrs. George C. Lindwall) of Minneapolis.

Mrs. Swenson passed away at the Braham hospital on April 20th, 1953, havingattained the age of 72 years, 9 months and 12 days. Her husband, Gustaf,
preceeded her in death on June 22nd, 1950. Those surviving are her daughter,
Phoebe; two granddaughters; her son-in-law; one brother, Alfred Englund of
Sweden; other relatives and friends.

Funeral services were held from the Fish Lake Lutheran church on Sunday, May
3rd. Rev. Hjalmar Olson officaited. Mr. John Hultgren sang a solo in Swedish
and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Rouff sang a duet. Mrs. John Hultgren accompanied the
singers on the pipe organ. The casket bearers were: Alex and Gilbert Norlund,
Reuben Lind, Gust Wiberg, Ernest Bergstrom and Fred Nystrom.

Interment was made in the family lot in the Fish Lake Cemetery.

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Also preceeding Ellen in death were her sister, Emma Kristina (Mrs.
Ernest) Carlson (5Jun1884-2Sep1945, buried at Fish Lake Lutheran cemetery);
and brothers, Carl Englund of Cambridge, Minnesota and August Anderson of
Minneapolis, Minnesota. Emma's husband, Ernest Carlson (1889-1960) is also
buried at Fish Lake. On the same lot with Emma and Ernest is Anna Carlson
(1880-1928). Emma immigrated to the United States in 1927.


Birth18 Jul 1880Borlanga, Darlane, Sweden
Marriage10 Apr 1914Gustaf Swenson
Death20 Apr 1953Braham, Isanti, Minnesota
Burial3 May 1953Fish Lake, Chisago, Minnesota, Fish Lake Luth.


SpouseGustaf Swenson (1875 - 1950)
ChildPhoebe Swenson
FatherJohn Englund
SiblingEmma Kristina Englund (1884 - 1945)
SiblingAlfred Englund
SiblingCarl Englund ( - 1953)
SiblingAugust Anderson ( - 1953)