Individual Details

Frank Bruer Haney

(8 Aug 1878 - 19 Nov 1942)

The Jordan Gazette, 15Oct1914, p8

Frank B. Haney returned last Friday from Hyannis, Nebr., where he spent a month
visiting with friends and relatives and attending to business matters. Upon
his return he purchased a new Ford auto from Howard Reeve.
The Jordan Gazette, 15Apr1915, p5

Frank B. Haney and Geo. W. Bozarth were in from their ranches on Snow creek
Monday, making the trip in Mr. Haney's auto.

The Jordan Gazette, 22Apr1915, p5

Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Haney, prominent residents of Snow creek, were Jordan
business visitors on Tuesday of this week.

The Jordan Gazette, 6Apr1916, p4

J.W. Reed and Frank B. Haney were in from the Chalk Butte neighborhood on
business today.

The Jordan Gazette, 17Aug1916

Frank Haney's father ill in Hyannis, Nebr.; left immediately.

The Jordan Tribune, 19Nov1942, p1


John [sic] B. Haney,one of the few remaining pioneers of this section of
Montana, and long time resident of what is now Garfield county, "crossed the
divide" at 9 o'clock this (Thursday) morning at Good Samaritan hospital where
he had been a patient for a short time. A heart attack with other
complications due to his advanced age was the immediate cause of death.

Mr. Haney was 64 years old at the time of his death.

A sister, Mrs. Mary Beam, and brother, J.W. Haney, both of Hyannis, Neb., Mr.
Haney's wife and their two children, Alfred E. Haney and Mrs. Nellie Burchett,
were at his bedside when death came.

A more extended obituary will be published next week.

The Jordan Tribune, 26Nov1942, p1


Last rites for the late Frank B. Haney, pioneer resident of the section of
Montana that is now called Garfield county, were held at the Community
Presbyterian church.

A trio composed of Mrs. H. F. West, Mrs. Roland Taylor and Miss Emma Sprenger
sang favorite sacred songs including "Rock of Ages" and "My Faith Looks Up to
Thee." Miss Evelyn Rager was piano accompanist.

Many beautiful floral pieces were banked around and atop the casket as tokens
of love and esteem of relatives and friends.

Following the service at the church many cars followed the hearse to Pioneer
Cemetery where breif committal rites were held and burial took place.


Frank B. Haney was born August 8, 1878, in Saline county, Nebraska, the son of
Benjamin and Emma Haney. He died at Jordan, Mont., Nov. 19, 1942, aged 64
years, three months and 11 days. Mr. Haney's residence here dates from 1912.
He was married in 1900 to Lillian Williams, to which union two children were
born-- Alfred Haney and Mrs. Nellie Burchett, both of Jordan. Survivors
besides the widow are two sisters, Carrie Conner, Bruner, Mo., Mary Beem of
Hyannis, Neb.; five brothers, T.D. of Wilbur, Neb., Homer of Omaha, Neb., and
James, George and Rufus of Hyannis, Neb.; and nine grandchildren.

The death of this sturdy pioneer came as a severe shock to the immediate
members of the family, and particularly to his devoted wife. They were
inseparable companions.
One Sunday, last July 12th, 150 people gathered at the Haney home on Hell
creek, 20 miles from Jordan, to help celebrate the 42nd wedding anniversary of
the late Mr. Haney and his wife. That occasion was one of many incidents
indicative of the high esteem in which he and his life-companion were held by
the community in general.

Bray & Rudolph, the Miles City morticians, had charge of the funeral


Birth8 Aug 1878, Saline, Nebraska
Marriage1900Hyannis, NE - Lillian Williams
Death19 Nov 1942Jordan, Garfield, Montana
BurialJordan, Garfield, Montana, Pioneer Cemetery


SpouseLillian Williams (1878 - )
ChildAlfred Edgar Haney (1902 - 1985)
ChildNellie M. Haney
FatherBenjamin Haney