Individual Details

Jerome Henry Saylor

(19 Oct 1913 - 26 Dec 1994)

MARRIAGE: To Edna Adams, JORDAN TRIBUNE, 23Mar1950; 1950; ; ; Copy in
possession of Art & Nancy Hawkinson.

MARRIAGE-SPOUSE: Obituary of Mrs. Jerome (Edna) Saylor, MILES CITY STAR;
2Dec1960; p2; ; Copy in possesion of Bertha Rufley, Miles City MT, copied by
Nancy Hawkinson, 1995.

BIRTH-PARENTS-MARRIAGE: Obituary of Jerome H. Saylor, THE LOCAL PAPER, Jordan
MT, 13Jan1995; 1995; p4; ; Copy in possession of Art & Nancy Hawkinson.

The Jordan Tribune, 6 Jul 1961, p1, c2
O'Connor-Saylor Vows Spoken
In a quiet ceremony at the First Presbyterian Church in Billings, with the Rev. Wells officiating Beulah O'Connor of Jordan was united in marriage to Jerome Saylor of Brusett. Mrs. Ruth Stanton and Boyd Isaac were the attendants. The close friends of the couple who attended the wedding were an Aunt of the bride, Mrs. Lydia Dewing of Billings; Mr. and Mrs. Boyd Isaac and Ruth Stanton. The couple will make their home on the Saylor ranch.

My Brother Jerome

by Melba Currey, December 1994

Over the years I have many special memories of Jerome-- he was always there in
time of need and for support.

Whenever there is a family of five children we can feel fortunate that we were
together for 81 years. Our family enjoyed a close relationship with one
another and for this we can be thankful for, many times over.

Jerome will always be remembered by his family and friends as someone who went
the extra mile without asking why, or for any recognition. An honest, friendly
and gracious man who lived a comfortable and uncomplicated life, will be held
in our hearts forever.

Jerome was a man who never said an unkind word about anyone; nor did he ever
utter a word of complaint. His compassion for others and integrity was an
inspiration to all who knew him.

His eminent presence will be incredibly missed by his family and friends and
all those lives he touched without knowing.

So this is our "Goodbye Jerome", we will miss you terribly; but will always be
proud for having had you for our brother.

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OBITUARY: The Local Paper [of Jordan, Montana], 13Jan1995,p4

Jerome H. Saylor, 81, husband of Beulah for 33 years and a life-long
resident of Garfield County, died Monday, December 26, 1994 of natural causes.

Jerome was born October 19, 1913 at Mankato, Minnesota, the oldest son of
Julius and Anna Saylor. He moved with his parents to Montana at the age of
three and they settled in the Brusett area where they ranched and farmed. He
was reared and educated in Garfield county.

Jerome married Beulah Clark in Billings, Montana on June 28, 1961 and continued
with his sheep and cattle operation on his ranch which he managed until
his death.

Jerome loved his ranch; caring for his livestock and building things in his
shop. There was always repair work to do to keep everything going and he could
fix anything. The last few years he enjoyed rebuilding and making sheep wagons
for a hobby.

He was a member of the Montana Stockgrowers Association and a member of the
Presbyterian Church.

He was preceeded in death by his parents and his first wife, Edna.

Jerome is survived by his wife, Beulah, of Jordan; two brothers, Walt Saylor
and wife, Eloise, of Jordan; Lewis Saylor and wife, Ola, of Brusett; two
sisters, Melba and husband, Jack Currey of Jordan; Abbie and husband, Jack
Hill. of Anderson, California, also four nephews and three nieces.

Jerome is also survived by the following step-children: Caroline (Hawkinson)
Ashcraft, Adkins, Texas; Art Hawkinson and wife, Nancy, of Hudson, Wisconsin;
Dorothy (Hawkinson) and husband, Harlan Krinke of Marine on St. Croix,
Minnesota; Frances (Hawkinson) and husband, Henry Greaux of the Virgin Islands;
Chester Spracklin and wife, Vada, Garden Valley, Idaho.

Funeral services were held Thursday, December 29, 1994 at 2 p.m. at the VFW
Hall in Jordan, under the direction of Stevenson & Sons Funeral Homes with
Pastor John Bilbro officiating. The eulogy was given by Rev. Mike Maldonado of
Billings, Montana.

Music was under the direction of Jackie Currey.

Pallbearers were Mike McKeever, Bill Dutton, Jack Currey, Clyde Saylor, John
McKeever, Phil Shawver, Claude Saylor and Ron Saylor.

Interment was in the family lot of the Pioneer Cemetery, Jordan, Montana.

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Funeral Memorial

Jerome H. Saylor, aged 81, husband
of Beulah died Monday, December 26, 1994 at his home in Jordan, Montana.

He was born October 19, 1913 at Mankato, Minnesota, the son of Julius and
Anne Udelhofen Saylor. He moved to Montana at the age of three years with his
parents to the Brusett area where they ranched. He was married to Beulah Clark
in Billings, Montana on June 28, 1961 and together they continued on the family
ranch where he spent his entire life.

Jerome loved his ranch, his cattle and helping others. He enjoyed fixing and
making sheep wagons. He was a member of the Montana Stockgrowers and the
Presbyterian Church.

He is survived by his wife Beulah of Jordan and two brothers, Lewis of
Brusett, Montana; Walt Saylor of Jordan, Montana; two sisters Melba and her
husband Jack Currey of Jordan, Montana and Abbie and her husband Jack Hill of
Anderson, California.

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Jerome wrote these few lines about himself for "25 Years of Garfield County High
School, 1914 thru 1939."

After I left school [1934] I worked on the ranch with my father, later I bought
my present ranch. I married Edna Hawkinson and we raised cattle, sheep and feed
grains. Edna passed away and later I married Beulah O'Conner. We have a home in
Jordan but I still have my ranch. I just have cattle now as the coyotes got
to taking the profit from the sheep so I sold them. I have always enjoyed being
a rancher.

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The Jordan Tribune, 2Aug1951

Jerome Saylor and Lee Badgett are haying at the Welborn ranch this week.

The Jordan Tribune, 1Nov1951, Steve's Forks Items

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Saylor entertained some neighbors on October 19th, the
occasion being Jerome's birthday. Those present were Red Smith, Mr. and Mrs.
Walt Saylor, Ronnie and Irene, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Badgett and children, and Mrs.
Ethel Welborn.

The Jordan Tribune, 12Feb1953, Steve's Forks Items

Lewis Saylor and Ole Thompson were guests at the Jerome Saylor home Friday, and
played pitch during the afternoon and evening.

Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Saylor and Frank Ramonoff visited the Bill Hughes home

Frank Ramonoff helped Jerome Saylor haul a threshing machine home from Marvin
Johnson's Monday.

The Jordan Tribune, 16Aug1956

Mr. Julius Saylor, of Salem, Ill., has been visiting his sons, Lewis and Jerome
and other relatives here the past week.

The Jordan Tribune, 11Oct1956

Jerome Saylor killed a bobcat a few days ago while loading baled hay.

The Jordan Tribune, 26Sep1957

Guests at Jerome Saylor home recently have been Mr. and Mrs. Chester Spracklin
and family of Idaho and Dorothy Hawkinson and Bonnie Levine of Harris,


Birth19 Oct 1913Mankato, Blue Earth County, Minnesota
Marriage17 Mar 1950Hardin, Big Horn, Montana - Edna Louise Hollenbeck
Marriage28 Jun 1961Billings, Montana - Beulah O'Connor
Death26 Dec 1994Jordan, Garfield, Montana
Burial29 Dec 1994Jordan, Garfield, Montana, Pioneer Cemetery


SpouseEdna Louise Hollenbeck (1911 - 1960)
SpouseBeulah O'Connor (1913 - 2001)
FatherJulius Saylor (1887 - )
MotherAnnie Udelhofen (1892 - 1941)
SiblingWalt Saylor
SiblingLewis Saylor
SiblingMelba M. Saylor
SiblingAbbie Saylor
