Individual Details

Annie Udelhofen

(4 Feb 1892 - 17 Aug 1941)

The Jordan Tribune, 21Aug1941

Mrs. Annie Saylor Dies at Miles City

Mrs. Annie Saylor, wife of Julius Saylor of Brusett, died Sunday, Aug. 17th, at
Holy Rosary hospital in Miles City, where for many weeks she had been a
patient. To the Brusett neighborhood, her home since 1916 when she and her
husband located on a homestead, and to the people of Jordan and other sections
of the county where she was known, news of her untimely death came as a
grievous shock.

Annie Cecelia Udelhofen was born at Mankato, Minn., Feb. 4, 1893. She married
Julius Saylor in 1911. Five years later they came to Montana and took up their
residence in the Brusett region where they have since made their home.

Besides the husband, five children are left to mourn her loss: Jerome, Walter,
Louis, Melba and Abigail. Other survivors are three sisters, Mrs. Maggie
Studt, St. Paul; Mrs. Mary Ewald, Minneapolis; Mrs. Olaf Munson, Des Moines,
Iowa; and one brother, Henry Udelhofen, Mankato, Minn.

Funeral servie was held at St. John's Catholic church in Jordan at 10 o'clock
a.m. Wednesday. Interment was in Pioneer cemetery.


Birth4 Feb 1892St.Paul, Ramsey, Minnesota
Death17 Aug 1941Miles City, Custer, Montana
Burial20 Aug 1941Jordan, Garfield, Montana, Pioneer Cemetery
MarriageJulius Saylor
