Individual Details

Joan Maria Kingsley

(Abt 1870 - )

In the 1920 census Joan states that she immigrated to the U.S. in 1876. At that time she was living in Sheridan, Wyoming with husband Fremont Chuning.

This Last Westman L. Hoopes, M.D., (MCPL)
p189, "Kingsley, Joan: '83 school days, Miles City Public Schools."

In the Will of Amelia Kingsley, December 1892, fourth daughter, Joan Maria Matilda Sophia Kingsley, was bequeathed "my homestead filed on December 16th, 1890 in the U.S. Land Office in Miles City, Montana, and described as follows:
S 1/2 of SW 1/4 and S 1/2 SE 1/4 of Section 10 in Tp 1 S, R48E, Custer County, Montana" .... "for and in consideration of the fact that she has remained constantly with me in my declining years, and that through her efforts more than to any other of my children I have accumulated the bulk of my little property. And for her attention and kindness to me this present Fall and Winter during a protracted and painful illness.

Powder River County Courthouse, Broadus, Montana
Deeds, Book A, Page 30
Warranty Deed from Book G, Page 276, Custer County
Date: July 12, 1895
Grantor: William Smith and Joan Smith, his wife, of Stacy
Grantee: Adam Forster
Sum of $600
S 1/2 of SW 1/4 and S 1/2 of SE 1/4 in Sec 10 Twp 1S R48N of Montana Principal Meridan.
160 acres

The Yellowstone Journal, Miles City, Montana, 13Oct1900
"Miss Joan Kingsley of Pueblo, Colo., a former resident of Pumpkin Creek, arrived yesterday afternoon and will visit her sister, Mrs. John Penman [Charlotte] of the north side."



BirthAbt 1870Essa, Simcoe, Ontario, Canada
Marriage19 Jul 1893Miles City, Custer, Montana - William Smith
Marriage21 Jun 1903Miles City, Custer, Montana - Fremont Chuning
Census17 Jan 1920Sheridan, Wyo.
Census19 Apr 1940Long Beach, Los Angles, CA
DivorceWilliam Smith
Alt nameJosie Kingsley


SpouseWilliam Smith (1865 - )
SpouseFremont Chuning (1867 - 1930)
FatherAmos L. Kingsley (1822 - 1892)
MotherAmelia Foster (1830 - )
SiblingCharlotte Kingsley (1853 - )
SiblingJames Kingsley (1856 - )
SiblingWilliam John Kingsley (1858 - )
SiblingFranklin L. Kingsley (1860 - )
SiblingRobertson Kingsley (1864 - )
SiblingHenrietta Kingsley (1865 - )
SiblingMary Elizabeth Kingsley (1868 - 1951)
SiblingAlfred A. Kingsley (1874 - 1946)
