Individual Details
Robertson Kingsley
(May 1864 - 24 Jun 1906)
DEATH: "Echoing Footsteps-Powder River County", pg. 257, MHS.
(actual text not in our file)
At the time of Amelia Kinglsey's Will, December 1892, Robertson was living at Stacy, Custer county, Montana. He was bequeathed "one milch cow of white color with red spots intermixed and known as "Whitie" branded s on left ribs. Also one milch cow of dark red color with mottled face and known as "Pinkie" and branded s on left ribs. Also one bedstead which he has used since residing on Little Pumpkin creek of this state and county."
BLM: Accession/Serial #MTMTAA 046912; BLM Serial #MTMTAA 046912
Patentee: Robertson Kingsley
State: Montana
Acres: 80
Metes/Bounds: No
Title Transfer Issue Date: 24 Feb 1898
U.S. Reservations: Yes
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: May 20, 1862: Homestead Entry Original (12 Stat. 392)
S1/2 NE 1/4 SEC 10 TWP 1S R48E, Fract Section: No; Meridian: Montana PM; State: MT; Counties: Powder River
Powder River Courthouse, Broadus, Montana
Deed Book A, Page 282
Warranty Deed transcribed from Deed Record Book K, Custer County, Page 283-C
Between Robertson Kingsley, an unmarried man of Custer County and George Horkan of Custer County.
Sum $787
S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec 10, Twp 1S R48E
Powder River County Courthouse, Broadus, Montana
Deeds, Book A, p285
Transcribed from Book K, Custer County, p298-C
Warranty Deed, October 5, 1899 between Jack C. Kennedy, an unmarried man [grantor] and Robertson Kingsley [grantee] of Beebe, county of Custer.
Sum: $1,000.
E 1/2 of NE 1/4 and E 1/2 of SE 1/4 in Sec 24, Twp 1S R49E
1900 Federal Census, State of Montana, Custer County, Twp 1 South Range 49 East. ED207, Sheet 1
FHL: Film No. 1240910
Kingsley, Robertson, Head, White, Male, born May 1864, Age last birthday 36, Single, born Canada-English,
Father born New York, Mother born Ireland, Year of Immigration 1880, Number years in US - 20, Na,
Occupation - Stock raising, he can read & write & speaks English, Owns a Farm free of mortgage, farm schedule 1
The Yellowstone Journal, Miles City, Montana, 11Jun1900
"Robertson Kingsley of Stacy arrived in the city yesterday."
The Yellowstone Journal, Miles City, Montana, 15Jan1901, Local Items
"There was a decided flutter among the Leighton guests this morning when the word was passed around that a wedding would be performed in the hotel parlor shortly before the noon hour and the result was that quite a number of
interested spectators were present when Rev. E. M. Calvin, who perfomed the ceremony, took his position in front of the bride and groom. The contracting parties were Robertson Kingsley of Stacy and Miss Anna Olson of Miles City. The groom is a well known and prosperous ranchman and the bride has been a resident of Miles City where she has been employed in the hotels for several years."
The Yellowstone Journal, Miles City, Montana, 20Dec1901
"Robertson Kingsley was a visitor in the city today from Stacy."
Daily Yellowstone Journal, Miles City, Tuesday, 11Nov1902, Local Items, p3
District Court
R. Kingsley was among those slected for jury duty.
The Independent, Miles City, 10 Mar 1904
"Robinson [sic] Kingsley was in this week from Pumpkin Creek. He says there has been considerable snow in his section the past winter and that he estimates the loss in cattle will not exceed six to eight percent."
The Independent, Miles City, 31 Mar 1904
"A. C. Berry, who recently sold his ranch on upper Pumpkin creek to Robinson [sic] Kingsley, has purchased the old Beebe ranch from W. L. Kelly."
The Independent, Miles City, 27 Jul 1905
"Robertson Kingsley from Kingsley, Montana, was in the city on a business trip this week."
The Independent, Miles City, 3 Aug 1905
"Robinson [sic] Kingsley was in town last week and informed us that Kingsley post office was going to be re-established, but would be on C. A. Coon's ranch on Mizpah as it would accomodate more settlers at that point. C. A. Coon will be post master."
Powder River Courthouse, Broadus, Montana
Order and Decree Book, Book I, Page 10
Transcribed from Record of Orders and Decrees, Book I, page 212, Custer County
Decree Setting Apart Homestead
In the matter of the Estate of Robertson Kingsley, deceased, 2nd May 1907 . . . the petition of Mrs. Annie Kingsley widow of Robertson Kingsley, deceased . . . that the said real property is valued in said inventory at the sum of $200, that said real property was and is he community property of said Robertson Kingsley, deceased, and Mrs. Annie Kingsley, his widow . . .
E 1/2 NE 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 in Sec 24 Twp 1S R49E
Further ordered That this decree be recorded and entered as a decree setting apart said real estate as a homestead for use of said Annie Kingsley as surviving widow of deceased.
2 May 1907
1983 Calendar Series, Powder River Historical Society, Broadus MT
"Mrs. Murray had the Kingsley Post Office at her ranch home in 1902; she was formerly Ann Kennedy Kingsley and that is how the name of Kingsley was chosen for the post office. Her ranch was located one mile west of the present
Coalwood buildings. Norma Coon had the post office at the George Daniels Jr. place near the Bob Rice and the Gilmore place; her husband, Charles Coon was the Postmaster from June 1905 until 1914. There was a period of time during his term when the post office was discontinued and the mail came on a route from Beebe. The post office then moved to the Rayner place about 10 miles north of Broadus and Mary Herron Rayner became Postmaster October 24, 1914. Mrs. Rayner had some of the first dairy cows in the country and sold her dairy products to her postal customers. Mr. Rayner had a store in part of their home and also served as Justice of the Peace for the Kingsley area. Dorothy Rayner Edwards, their granddaugther, remembers the huge tin spice cabinet in the store and post office, all in the log main building; and her grandfather performing marriages in their home. In 1923, Mrs. Norma Whalen was appointed and the office moved to the John Whalen homestead August 7, 1923 and later moved to the Bob Rice ranch nearby with Mrs. Whalen continuing as Postmaster until the office was discontinued January 15, 1929 when mail came on a route from Olive."
"Echoing Footsteps-Powder River County", pg. 330; Coalwood.
"Robertson, or Bob as he was called, was hurt when a horse reared backwards with him on a roundup. This took place at Wilbur Spring just over the Custer County line. He lived a few days and died at the Chris Nelson house. His wife, Anna, later married John Murray and lived by Coalwood.
The Independent, Miles City, 28 Jun 1906, p5, c4, in Locals
"The remains of Robert Kingsley were brought to town Monday morning and the funeral took place that afternoon. Deceased met his death by being injured by a viscious horse one day last week, the animal having fallen backwards on him. He was working on the roundup on Foster creek, a tributray of Tonque river, and the fall rendered him unconscious. Dr. Andrus was summoned and found that the skull was fractured, holding out practically no hope for his recovery. He died Sunday afternoon."
To obtain mail in early days, people had to ride to Miles City, Beebe, Stacey. The first post office in the area was established at the Bob Kingsley place on S.L. creek, but was abandoned a few years later [ca 1902-1907].
(actual text not in our file)
At the time of Amelia Kinglsey's Will, December 1892, Robertson was living at Stacy, Custer county, Montana. He was bequeathed "one milch cow of white color with red spots intermixed and known as "Whitie" branded s on left ribs. Also one milch cow of dark red color with mottled face and known as "Pinkie" and branded s on left ribs. Also one bedstead which he has used since residing on Little Pumpkin creek of this state and county."
BLM: Accession/Serial #MTMTAA 046912; BLM Serial #MTMTAA 046912
Patentee: Robertson Kingsley
State: Montana
Acres: 80
Metes/Bounds: No
Title Transfer Issue Date: 24 Feb 1898
U.S. Reservations: Yes
Mineral Reservations: No
Authority: May 20, 1862: Homestead Entry Original (12 Stat. 392)
S1/2 NE 1/4 SEC 10 TWP 1S R48E, Fract Section: No; Meridian: Montana PM; State: MT; Counties: Powder River
Powder River Courthouse, Broadus, Montana
Deed Book A, Page 282
Warranty Deed transcribed from Deed Record Book K, Custer County, Page 283-C
Between Robertson Kingsley, an unmarried man of Custer County and George Horkan of Custer County.
Sum $787
S 1/2 of NE 1/4 of Sec 10, Twp 1S R48E
Powder River County Courthouse, Broadus, Montana
Deeds, Book A, p285
Transcribed from Book K, Custer County, p298-C
Warranty Deed, October 5, 1899 between Jack C. Kennedy, an unmarried man [grantor] and Robertson Kingsley [grantee] of Beebe, county of Custer.
Sum: $1,000.
E 1/2 of NE 1/4 and E 1/2 of SE 1/4 in Sec 24, Twp 1S R49E
1900 Federal Census, State of Montana, Custer County, Twp 1 South Range 49 East. ED207, Sheet 1
FHL: Film No. 1240910
Kingsley, Robertson, Head, White, Male, born May 1864, Age last birthday 36, Single, born Canada-English,
Father born New York, Mother born Ireland, Year of Immigration 1880, Number years in US - 20, Na,
Occupation - Stock raising, he can read & write & speaks English, Owns a Farm free of mortgage, farm schedule 1
The Yellowstone Journal, Miles City, Montana, 11Jun1900
"Robertson Kingsley of Stacy arrived in the city yesterday."
The Yellowstone Journal, Miles City, Montana, 15Jan1901, Local Items
"There was a decided flutter among the Leighton guests this morning when the word was passed around that a wedding would be performed in the hotel parlor shortly before the noon hour and the result was that quite a number of
interested spectators were present when Rev. E. M. Calvin, who perfomed the ceremony, took his position in front of the bride and groom. The contracting parties were Robertson Kingsley of Stacy and Miss Anna Olson of Miles City. The groom is a well known and prosperous ranchman and the bride has been a resident of Miles City where she has been employed in the hotels for several years."
The Yellowstone Journal, Miles City, Montana, 20Dec1901
"Robertson Kingsley was a visitor in the city today from Stacy."
Daily Yellowstone Journal, Miles City, Tuesday, 11Nov1902, Local Items, p3
District Court
R. Kingsley was among those slected for jury duty.
The Independent, Miles City, 10 Mar 1904
"Robinson [sic] Kingsley was in this week from Pumpkin Creek. He says there has been considerable snow in his section the past winter and that he estimates the loss in cattle will not exceed six to eight percent."
The Independent, Miles City, 31 Mar 1904
"A. C. Berry, who recently sold his ranch on upper Pumpkin creek to Robinson [sic] Kingsley, has purchased the old Beebe ranch from W. L. Kelly."
The Independent, Miles City, 27 Jul 1905
"Robertson Kingsley from Kingsley, Montana, was in the city on a business trip this week."
The Independent, Miles City, 3 Aug 1905
"Robinson [sic] Kingsley was in town last week and informed us that Kingsley post office was going to be re-established, but would be on C. A. Coon's ranch on Mizpah as it would accomodate more settlers at that point. C. A. Coon will be post master."
Powder River Courthouse, Broadus, Montana
Order and Decree Book, Book I, Page 10
Transcribed from Record of Orders and Decrees, Book I, page 212, Custer County
Decree Setting Apart Homestead
In the matter of the Estate of Robertson Kingsley, deceased, 2nd May 1907 . . . the petition of Mrs. Annie Kingsley widow of Robertson Kingsley, deceased . . . that the said real property is valued in said inventory at the sum of $200, that said real property was and is he community property of said Robertson Kingsley, deceased, and Mrs. Annie Kingsley, his widow . . .
E 1/2 NE 1/4 and E 1/2 SE 1/4 in Sec 24 Twp 1S R49E
Further ordered That this decree be recorded and entered as a decree setting apart said real estate as a homestead for use of said Annie Kingsley as surviving widow of deceased.
2 May 1907
1983 Calendar Series, Powder River Historical Society, Broadus MT
"Mrs. Murray had the Kingsley Post Office at her ranch home in 1902; she was formerly Ann Kennedy Kingsley and that is how the name of Kingsley was chosen for the post office. Her ranch was located one mile west of the present
Coalwood buildings. Norma Coon had the post office at the George Daniels Jr. place near the Bob Rice and the Gilmore place; her husband, Charles Coon was the Postmaster from June 1905 until 1914. There was a period of time during his term when the post office was discontinued and the mail came on a route from Beebe. The post office then moved to the Rayner place about 10 miles north of Broadus and Mary Herron Rayner became Postmaster October 24, 1914. Mrs. Rayner had some of the first dairy cows in the country and sold her dairy products to her postal customers. Mr. Rayner had a store in part of their home and also served as Justice of the Peace for the Kingsley area. Dorothy Rayner Edwards, their granddaugther, remembers the huge tin spice cabinet in the store and post office, all in the log main building; and her grandfather performing marriages in their home. In 1923, Mrs. Norma Whalen was appointed and the office moved to the John Whalen homestead August 7, 1923 and later moved to the Bob Rice ranch nearby with Mrs. Whalen continuing as Postmaster until the office was discontinued January 15, 1929 when mail came on a route from Olive."
"Echoing Footsteps-Powder River County", pg. 330; Coalwood.
"Robertson, or Bob as he was called, was hurt when a horse reared backwards with him on a roundup. This took place at Wilbur Spring just over the Custer County line. He lived a few days and died at the Chris Nelson house. His wife, Anna, later married John Murray and lived by Coalwood.
The Independent, Miles City, 28 Jun 1906, p5, c4, in Locals
"The remains of Robert Kingsley were brought to town Monday morning and the funeral took place that afternoon. Deceased met his death by being injured by a viscious horse one day last week, the animal having fallen backwards on him. He was working on the roundup on Foster creek, a tributray of Tonque river, and the fall rendered him unconscious. Dr. Andrus was summoned and found that the skull was fractured, holding out practically no hope for his recovery. He died Sunday afternoon."
To obtain mail in early days, people had to ride to Miles City, Beebe, Stacey. The first post office in the area was established at the Bob Kingsley place on S.L. creek, but was abandoned a few years later [ca 1902-1907].
Spouse | Annie Olsen (1873 - ) |
Father | Amos L. Kingsley (1822 - 1892) |
Mother | Amelia Foster (1830 - ) |
Sibling | Charlotte Kingsley (1853 - ) |
Sibling | James Kingsley (1856 - ) |
Sibling | William John Kingsley (1858 - ) |
Sibling | Franklin L. Kingsley (1860 - ) |
Sibling | Henrietta Kingsley (1865 - ) |
Sibling | Mary Elizabeth Kingsley (1868 - 1951) |
Sibling | Joan Maria Kingsley (1870 - ) |
Sibling | Alfred A. Kingsley (1874 - 1946) |
1. Canadian Census, 1871, Province of Ontario, Dist. 4, South Simcoe, Sub-district F, Div. 3, Essa Twp., p32.
2. Marriage Records: Montana, Custer County.
3. 1900 U.S. Federal Census; Enumeration began 1 Jun 1900, Robertson Kingsley, Custer Co., Montana.
4. 1900 U.S. Federal Census; Enumeration began 1 Jun 1900, Robertson Kingsley, Custer Co., Montana.
5. Marriage Records: Montana, Custer County.
6. Newspaper, The Independent, Miles City, MT.
7. Miles City Genealogical Society, Custer County Cemetery Index, page 111.