Individual Details

Joshua Doyne , Capt.

(1634 - 4 Mar 1698)

I think this is an error and should say "Robert Doyne":
p. 2, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Charles County COURT OF 12 AUG 1690
Liber Q, Page 13
Order regarding estate of Joshua Doyne, dec'd

Archives of Maryland, Volume 0037, Page 0577 - Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly, May, 1730-August, 1732.
An Act for Cutting of the Entail and Investing an Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple of a Tract of Land Called Exeter in Henry Wharton of St. Mary's County Gent, and his wife and to Entail Other Lands Lying in St Marys County in Leiu thereof.
Whereas a Certain Joshua Doyne Late of St Mary's County Gent Deceased on the fourth day of March in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Six hundred & ninety Seven made his Last will and Testament in writeing and among other things therein Contained made the following Devise, Item I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Jane Doyne to her and to her heirs of her Bodv Lawfully Begotten for Ever three hundred and Sixteen acres of Land being above the Head of Piscadaway Creek in the woods in Prince Georges County which I purchased of Major John Wheeler as bv the said will proved and remaining in the Prerogitive Office may appear which said Tract of Land is Called Exeeter and in a short time thereafter Departed this Life after whose death the said Henry Wharton, Intermarried the said Jane by whom the said Henry has Issue. Two sons and Six Daughters

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1685 To 1702 Volume II, p. 159
Doyne, Joshua, St Mary's Co., 10th March 1697: 16th Aug., 1698.
To wife Jane, extx., "Bachelor's Hope" and "Derby's Plantation" during life; also 400 A., "Notley's Addition," during minority of son Ethelbert.
" son Jesse and hrs., 500 A., part of "Timna Sarah" in Dorchester Co., and 200 A. at Nanjemy, Chas. Co., being part of tract bought of Madam Eliza: Calvert and her son Charles Calvert.
" son William and hrs., 200 A. and plantation at Nanjemy, purchased as above.
" son William and hrs., 550 A., "Range," at hd. of Ingrams Ck., Dorchester Co.
" son Ethelbert and hrs., 400 A., "Notley's Addition" afsd., in Chaptico, purchased from Lord Baltimore; also 500 A., residue of "Timna Sarah" afsd.
" son Joshua and hrs., 200 A., "St Bernard's," nr. Portobacco, and 300 A., "Batchelor's Hope"; also 3 lots in Indian Town.
" son Ignatius, personalty.
" " Edward Aloysius and hrs., 380 A., "Beverly's Week," purchased of Jno. Suttle.
" dau. Jane and hrs., 316 A. nr. hd. of Piscataway Ck., Prince George's Co., purchased from Jno. Wheeler.
Sons to be of age at 18 yrs. Dau. Jane to be of age at 16 yrs. and to be in the charge of her mother.
To granddau. Jane Mathews and hrs., 400 A. at Maryland Point, Chas. Co., purchased from Gilbert Clarke.
" dau. Mary Mathews, wife of Ignatius Mathews, personalty.
" grandson Thomas Mathews, to poor Catholics, William Hunter, Richard Hubbard, Francis Pennington, and Nicholas Geulick, personalty.
In event of death of any of testator's child. by his first wife Barbara, survivors by that marriage to inherit deceased's portion, and in event of death of any child. by second wife Jane, survivors of that marriage to inherit deceased's portion.
Wife Jane, extx. and residuary legatee.
Trustees: Clement Hill, Luke Gardner, Clement Hill, Jr.
Test: Jno. Clarke, Cornelius Branham, Peter Johnson, Thos. Melton, Jr.
By codicil of same date testator annuls all deeds of gift he may have made. 6.169.

Abstracts of the Inventories And Accounts Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland 1697-1700 (Libers 16,17,18,19,19 1/2a,19 1/2b) Compiled By V, L. Skinner, Jr. Brookville, Maryland 20833 September, 1992, p. 18
Capt. Joshua Doyne 17.97 I SM Aug 16 1698 Nov 12 1698
Also cites items in Charles County.
Appraisers: Joshua Guibert, Nicholas Power.
Approvers: John Hillen (neighbor), Peter Johnson (neighbor).

Children assigned to what wife is a guess based on wording of wills. He and brother Robert are listed in Early Settlers of Maryland, Skordas, says they were transorted c 1670, 'Anglican family from County Wexford, Ireland' who returned to Ireland and then came back to MD in 1680. Another source state that Robert came from Barbados in the party of Dr. Jesse Wharton. Colonial Families of the U.S. of A., Vol. 1

I don't believe it was standard practice to revoke a deed in a Will. Except for Joshua Doyne, I have not ran across it.
Apparently Joshua Doyne made a Deed of Gift of 200 acres of land to his son Dennis (son by his first wife Barbara.) Dennis died (Will Charles Co. 23 Feb 1697 Vol 6, p 81) and within 4 months, Dennis' wife Jane also died. Per Inventory for Dennis, she died in childbirth (6/4/1697 Accts 18.163 Charles Co.)
Since Dennis apparently left no heirs, Joshua must have thought it over and decided to revoke the Deed of Gift in case parents or siblings of Jane might have a claim to the land. How this would wash legally, I don't know.
Anyway, Joshua had not originally mentioned this 200 acres in his will so made a Codicill (10 Mar 1697/8) revoking the Deed of Gift and left any unmentioned land to his second wife, Jane Matthew. Apparently no one contested this and 40 years later when Joshua's widow, Jane, made her will, she mentioned this 200 acres as follows:
" IMPRES Whereas My late husband Mr. Joshua Doyne late of St Mary's County Gent Deceased, Did by one Paragraph of his last Will & Testament Invest me with the remaining part of his Estate, he said Husband, Did not mention in his said Will, A certain Parcell of Land Containing two hundred Acres, which he formerly design'd to Give his Son Denis Doyne (in marriage) And that Justice may take place, & the Land Descend as by my Husband was designed, Then I Give & Bequeath unto Joseph Doyne, the Second Son of Mr. Jesse Doyne Deceased (who was Heir at Law to Denis Doyne afsd)."
Elizabeth Randolph

Archives of Maryland, Volume 37, Proceedings and Acts of the General Assembly of Maryland May 21, 1730 - August 8, 1732; Appendix, Page 577;
An Act for Cutting of the Entail and Investing an Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple of a Tract of Land Called Exeter in Henry Wharton of St Mary's County Gent, and his wife and to Entail Other Lands Lying in St Marys County in Leiu thereof.
Whereas a Certain Joshua Doyne Late of St Mary's County Gent Deceased on the fourth day of March in the year of Our Lord One Thousand Six hundred & ninety Seven made his Last will and Testament in writemg and among other things therein Contained the following Devise, Item I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Jane Doyne to her and to her heirs of her Body Lawfully Begotten for Ever three hundred and Sixteen acres of Land being above the Head of Piscadaway Creek in the woods in Prince Georges County which I purchased of Major John Wheeler as by the said will proved and remaining in the Prerogitive Office may appear which said Tract of Land is Called Exeeter and in a short time thereafter Departed this Life after whose dath the said Henry Wharton, Intermarried the said Jane by whom the said Henry has Issue, Two sons and Six Daughters & whereas the said Land Devised as aforesaid is Intituled on the heirs of the Body of the said Jane and that the said Henry and his wife Cannott Sell and Dispose of the Same and that the said Land is reniote froni their habitation which render it Inconvenient and of Little or no Service to them and Whereas the said Henry Wharton by his Petition to this Generall Assembly has set forth that he is possest of a Tract of Rich fine Land in St Marys County his now Dwelling Plantation Called Notly Hall Alias Mannahoick Neck Containing Six hundred Acres and that for the payment of his Creditors will be obliged to sell part of his said Dwelling Plantation which will be a greater prejudice to the heirs of the Body of the said Jane than if the aforesaid Entailed Land Were to be sold and that lie is willing to Entaile an Equall Quantity of the aforesaid Tract of Land Called Notley Hall Alias Mannahoick Neck on the Heirs of the said Jane in the Same Mannor as Devised by the said Will and whereas the truth of the Premisses is Sufficiently made appear to this Present Generall Assembly it is therefore prayed that it may be Enacted And be it Enacted by the Right Honourable the Lord Propry by and with the Advice and Consent of his Lordships Governour & the Upper and Lower Houses of Assembly & the Authority of the Same that the said Henry Wharton and his wife Jane be hereby Invested with an Absolute Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple to them & their heirs for ever in the said Tract of Land Called Exeter and be thereby Enabled to Convey an absolute Estate of Inheritance in Fee Simple thereof to any purchaser or purchasers their heirs and Assigns & that the same by virtue hereof be and remain in absolute Estate of Inheritance to the purchaser or purchasers their heirs and Assigns in as full & ample manner as if the said Lands had been Devised to the said Jane & her heirs for Ever by the will of the said Joshua Doyne the Devisor without any Limitation of Estate therein, Provided that the said Henry Wharton and Jane his wife do and shall within three months after the End of this present session of Assembly make and Execute sufficient Deeds & Conveyances in Law with Generall Warranty for the Conveying and Settling three hundred Sixteen Acres of the said Land Called Notley Hall Alias Mannahoick Neckbegining at the mouth of Bromley Creek and running up Wicocomoco River for Breadth thence for Length Eastwardly the whole Laws Length of the Tract then as the Eastermost Lyne of the said Tract runs Southwardly to the Land Called Bromly thence with the Lyne or Lynes of the said Bromley to Bromley Creek thence down the said Creek to the begining to Contain three hundred and Sixteen Acres to & in Justinian Jordan Senr aiid Edward Doyne as Trustees to Enure & be to the use & uses of such person or persons for such Estate and Estates as the afd Tract of Land Called Exeter is Divided to be by the will of the said Joshua Doyne Saving to his most Sacred Majesty his heirs and Successors the Right Honourable the Lord Proprietary his heirs and Successors & all Bodies Politick or Corporate and all others not mencönd in this Act their severall and Respective Rights.

Archives of Maryland; Volume 5, Proceedings of the Council of Maryland, 1684-89. Page 469; Liber B.P.R.O. p. 14
Maryland Sc. Garrt V. Sweeringen petition Sheweth: To the honble the Deputy Governours and Councill of this Province The humble petition of Garratt Van-Sweeringen, Unto your Honrs that in the time Majr Boareman was Sheriff of the County of St Marys your Petr. obteined a grant by promise from his Lsp the Rt honble the Lord ProprtY that now is that upon the relinquishing or dismission of the said Boareman from the place of Sheriff your Petr should be admitted to succeed in that office, but it soe happened that before that time Coll. Wharton (of happy memory) when he was Governor of this Province, had made a promise to Mr Joshua Doyne to be Sheriff of said County upon the first vacancy thereof, for which promise sake his Lordship out of the greate esteeme and respect he bore to the said Collonel Wharton did grant to the said Mr Doyne a Cofflission for the said place but at the same time his Ldp: out of his naturall and accustomed goodness, and particular favour to your Petr renewed his former promise and was pleased to give your Pet' an assurance that upon the first occasion that should remoove the said Mr Doyne from the said office, your Petr and none before him should be made sheriff of the County aforesaid as your Petr humbly presumes is not unknowne to. some of this honble Councill. For what reason the said Mr Doyne resigned the said office, and the present Sheriff was admitted, your Petr humbly refers to your Honrs And in all humble manner supplicates your Honrs that as his Lordsp has graciously promised and (as your Petr has sett forth) did intend the place of Sheriff of St Mary's County to your Petr your Honrs in cornplyance therewith will be pleased to grant and order a Comissn for the same to your Petr Accordingly. And your Petr as in duty bound shall ever pray &c. Order for Sheriff's place of St Mary's Co: The petition was granted and ordered the Commission issue accordingly to the said Garratt Vansweeringen for the office of Sheriff of St Mary's County.

Will Dated 16 August 1698, St Mary's County, Maryland, Volume 6, Pages 169 Thru 173, Filed In The Hall Of Records, Department Of General Services, Annapolis, Maryland
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN The fowerth Day of March in ye Yeare of our Lord God One Thousand Six hundrd & Ninety Seaven Eight I Joshua Doyne of St Maries County in the Province of Maryland Gent being Sick in body but in Good and Pfect memory my humble thanks be to allmighty God for ye same, I bequeath my Soule to God my body to ye Earth to be buried in such decent manner as to my Executrix hereafter named shall seem meet and Convenient & revokeing and annulling all my Former Wills & Testaments doe make ordeyne and Declare This only to be taken for my last Will & Testament & hereby of such temporall Estate as it hath pleas'd God beyond my Desert to bestow upon me, I give & Dispose of ye Same in manner & forms following (That is to Say)
IMPRESS The land & plantacon I now live on Called Batchelours hope as alsoe ye Land and Plantacon Called Derbys plantacon I Leave unto my Deare & Loveing wife Jane Doyne for and During her Naturall Life.
ITEM I give and bequeath unto my Said Deare Wife the use and Benefitt of ye Land called Notley's Addition containing Fower hundd acres of Land till my Son Ethelbert Doyne arrive at ye Age of Eighteen Yeares.
ITEM I give and Bequeath unto my Sonn Jesse Doyne to him and to ye heires of his boddy lawfully begotten for Ever five Hundd acres of Land being in Dorchester County being the halfe of One Thousand acres of Land lyeing there Called by the name of Jimna Sara survey'd by Mr. Thomas Smithson.
ITEM I Give and Bequeath unto my Sonn Jesse Doyne to him and to ye heires of his body Lawfully begotten For ever Two Hundd acres of Land, That lyes at Nangemy in Charles County whereof I have allready deposit him it being part of a Tract of Land I purchased of Madam Elizabeth Calvert & of her Sonn Charles Calvert.
ITEM I give and Bequeath unto my sonn William Doyne & to ye heires of his body Lawfully Begotten for Ever Two hundred acres of Land being the Plantacon allready Seated by me Lyeing at Nangemy in Charles County & purchased as above reserving hereof for the use and benefitt of my Deare wife Jane Doyne one Third of ye Plantacon & Dividend of ye Said Two hundred acres Dureing her widdowhood.
ITEM I Give & Bequeath unto my Said Sonn William Doyne to him & to ye heires of his body Lawfully Begotten for Ever Five hundd and Fifty acres of Land Called Rang being at ye head of Ingrams Creeke in Dorchester County.
ITEM I give and Bequeath unto my Sonn Ethelbert Doyne to him & to ye Heires of his body Lawfully Begotten for Ever the Land Called Notley's Addition being in Chaptico which I purchased of ye Rt Hono'ble Lord Baltimore containing Fower Hundd acres of Lande.
ITEM I give & bequeath unto my Sonn Ethelbert Doyne to him and the heires of his body Lawfully begotten for ever Five hundred acres of Land being in Dorchester County being the other halfe of ye Land Called Jimnco Sarah.
ITEM I give & bequeath unto my Sonn Joshua Doyne to him & to ye heires of his body Lawfully begotten for Ever Two hundd acres of Land Lieing near port Tobbaccoe in Charles County called St Bernards.
ITEM I Give and Bequeath unto my Said Sonn to him and to ye heires of his body Lawfully begotten for Ever after ye decease of my said Deare wife Jane Doyne my Plantacon Called Batchellors hope Containing three hundd acres of Land as alsoe my Three Lotts in Indian Towne called Chaptico.
ITEM I Give & Bequeath unto my sonn Ignatius Doyne Fifty Pound Sterling to be Laid out in Land with all expedicon & Convenience according to ye best Judgmt and Discretion of my Executrix & Trustees hereafter named & that ye said purchase be to my Sonn Ignatius Doyne & ye heires of his body Lawfully begotten for ever.
ITEM I give & bequeath to my Sonn Edward Aloysius Doyne to him & to ye heires of his body lawfully begotten for ever a tract of Land being near Chaptico in St Mary's County Containing Three hundred & Eighty Acres Called Beverley's Week I purchased of John Suttle.
ITEM I Give & bequeath unto my Daughter Jane Doyne to her & to ye heires of her boddy Lawfully begotten for Ever Three Hund'd and sixteen acres of Land being above ye head of Piscataway Creek in the Woods in Prince Georges County w'ch I purchased of Maj. John Wheeler.
ITEM I Give & bequeath unto my Grand Daughter Jane Mathews to her & to ye heires of her body Lawfully begotten for ever Fower hundd acres of Land lyeing at Maryland point in Charles County w'ch I purchased of Mr. Gilbert Clarke.
ITEM I Give & bequeath unto my Son Jesse Doyne a negroe man named Tully and his son William both negroes.
ITEM I Give & bequeath unto my Son William Doyne one Negroe man named Robbin alias Cuta & a negroe named Little Nanny the Daughter of Black Robbin & Nanny.
ITEM I Give & bequeath unto my Son Ethelbert Doyne a negroe man named Angelo & his wife Nanny.
ITEM I Give & bequeath unto my Son Joshua Doyne a negroe boy named Peter a negroe girle Named Tonny daughter to ye Negroe Woman Betty.
ITEM I Give & Bequeath unto my daughter & ye heires of her body Lawfully begotten a Mallatoe boy named Charles.
ITEM I Give & Bequeath unto my Daughter Jane Doyne one Mallattoe boy called Lewis and a Negroe called Mary provided she marieth a Roman Catholick if she betake herselfe to ye State of Mattrimony.
ITEM I give & bequeath unto my Daughter Mary Mathews all accompts chargd & in my Books to her or her Deceased husband Mr. Ignatius Mathews all ye Year
ITEM I give & bequeath unto my sons Joshua & Ignatius Doyne & to my daughter Jane Doyne to Every one of them a Feather bedd & Furniture.
ITEM After ye decease of my Deare & Loveing wife I leave my suite of Church Stuff to my Son Jesse Doyne provided he be dutifull & Respectfull to her my said wife and after her Decease to ye next Eldest Survivor.
ITEM I give & Bequeath of my sonn William Doyne fifteen hundd pounds of Tobbaccoe a Cow and Calfe & Two sows.To my son Ethelbert Two thousand pounds of Tobbaccoe a Cow a Calfe and Two sowes.
ITEM I give and Bequeath to my son Ignatius Doyne a Negroe boy named Edward the Younger Son of Gibinda & a negroe Girle named Ellinor.
ITEM I Give & Bequeath to my sonn Edward Alloysius Doyne a Negroe boy Called Edward the son of Black Robbin & Nanny & Victoria ye Daughter of the said Nanny.
ITEM I Give & bequeath unto my Grand Son Thomas Mathews & in Case of his Death to his mo'r & her heires a Negroe Girl called Judith.
ITEM My Debts being paid I Give & Bequeath unto ye poor Catholiques One Thousand pounds of Tobbaccoe to be distributed at ye discretion of my executor.
ITEM I Give and Bequeath to Mr. William hunter five pound Sterling and to Mr. Richard Hubbard Five hund'd pounds of Tobbaccoe.
ITEM I give & discharge Mr. Francis Pennington & Mr. Nicho Genlicke from fower hundd pounds of Tobbaccoe a price wch they Stand indebted unto me.
ITEM All the remaining part of my Estate of wh nature or kind soever whether lands & tenemts slaves or servants goods & chattells I give bequeath to my Deare & Loveing Wife Jane Doyne.
ITEM My Will is that the Lands & one halfe of ye personall Estate hereby given & bequeathed to my Sons aforenamed be deliverd unto them as they Each doe arrive at ye age of Eighteen Yeares & ye other halfe provided their Good Behaviour towards their Mother-in-Law to ye sattisfaccon of my Trustees hereafter named at ye Lawfull age of Twenty one Yeares.
ITEM My Will is that my Daughter Jane Doyne have her Lands & personall Estate Delivered to her at ye age of Sixteen Yeares or Day of Marriage which shall first happen Provided she doe not dispose of her selfe to ye State of marriage without ye consent & approbation of her mother & to a Roman Catholique otherwise that my whole Gift of guifts herein Given or Bequeathed to be at the Discretion of my Executrix.
ITEM My Will is and I doe hereby declare it to be my intent & meaning that my aforesaid Children & every one of them shalbe mainteyned with good Sufficient Meale Drinke Washing & lodgeing Requisite & necessary according to their Severall Degrees & quallity's and that they be kept and taught instructed in such Learning as shalbe necessary and Requisite for them according to their Degrees and Quallity's as to the discretion of my Executrix & Trustees hereafter Named shall seem meet and convenient.
ITEM My will is and I doe hereby order and Desier That my said Children be Educated and Instructed In the Roman Catholique Faith wch I profess and dye in and That they be Taught educated & nurtured therein and furnished with all necessary's & conveniences to Frequent Going to Chappells and Places of Divine Service.
ITEM It is my will and desiere and I doe hereby Require of my Executrix and Trustees hereafter mentond That if any of my children shalbe Inclineable or Desireous to attaine or Learne any Trade or Calling that may be fitt or becomeing their Degree that my said Executrix and Trustees hereafter named will aid & assist them therein for their best good benefitt as to my Executrix and Trustees shall seem meet.
ITEM It is my will and meaning That if it please God any of my Children That I had by my first wife Barbara Doyne shall depart this life before they arrive to their Severall ages of Receiving their Guifts Bequeaths Legacy's hereby given and bequeathed to them or without issue of their body's Lawfully Begotten That the land hereby given & bequeathed shall Decend unto the next surviving heire of my said Children and ye personall Estate belonging to such Deceased Child shalbe equally Divided amongst the Survivors of the said Children that I had by my first wife aforesaid.
ITEM It is my Will and meaning That if it shall please God any of my children That I had by my second wife Jane Doyne shall Depart this life before they arrive to Their severall ages of receiving their guifts Bequests and Legacy's hereby given & bequeated unto them or Without issue of their bodys Lawfully begotten that then the Land hereby given and bequeathed shall descend unto ye next surviving heire of my said children had by my second wife Jane Doyne and the personall estate belonging to such Deceased Child shalbe Equally divided amongst the survivors of my Children aforesaid had by my second wife aforesaid.
ITEM It is my will and Desire and I doe hereby order That all and every one of my Children Aforesaid be well & Sufficiently mainteyned and Kept at schoole and found with all Necessary's befitting & becomeing their Degrees by my Executrix hereafter named out of my Whole Estate untill they come to their Severall ages herein Expressed to Receive their Lands & ye One Moyely of their Severall Personall Estates by me bequeathed with ye Condicons above mencon'd.
And Lastly I doe hereby Constitute & Ordeyne & appoint my Deare and Loveing wife Jane Doyne my Whole and Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testament.
AND I doe hereby nominate Constitute and appoint my Esteemed & Trusty Friends Clemt hill Esqr and Luke Gardiner & Mr. Clement Hill Junior my overseers and Especiall Friends in Trust Desireing them to See this my last Will and Testament Duely and Truly Executed & performed according to ye true Intent and meaning hereof and hereby order my Said Executrix to give every one of them a Mourning Ring of Sixteen Shillings price Each Ring to be bought with all convenient Speed after my Decease.In Witness of this my last Will & Testament conteynd in Three Sheets of paper Written on one side Each sheet I have hereunto Sett my hand & affixed my Seale the day & Yeare first written. JOSH DOYNE (Seal)
SIGNED SEALED PUBLISHED and DECLARED in the p'sence of John Clarke Cornelius (his mark) Branham Peter (his mark) Johnson Thos (his mark) Melton Jun
At ye bottom of ye aforesaid Will was annexed this Endorsmt following
BE IT KNOWNE unto all men by these p'sents that Whereas I Joshua Doyne of St Marys County in the Province of Maryland Gent have made & Declared my last Will & Testament in Writeing bearing Date ye Fowerth day of March anno & domi 1697/8
I the said Joshua Doyne by this p'sent Codicill doe confirme & Certify my last Will & Testamt I have not sufficiently and by Express Terms secured my Executrix mencond in the Will & Testament from some Claimes that may be made by vertue of any Deed of Guift or Guifts heretofore passed by me Therefore I the said Joshua Doyne doe by this P'sent Codicill make voyd Revoke & annull all and every Deed of Guift or Guifts whatsoever hereby Willing & desireing That this p'sent Codicill & my last Will & Testament Dated as above shall Stand in full effect as to Every Particular Bequest Legacy Therein nominated And my will is that this Codicill or Schedule be and be adjudged to be part and parcell of my Said last Will and Testament that this Codicill be of as full & ample Effect as to my intent herein exp'sed as If the same were so declared & sett downe in my last will and Testament In Witness whereof I the said Joshua Doyne have hereunto sett my hand & affixed my Seale the Tenth day of March Anno Domi 1697/8.
Sealed Published & declared in the P'sence of us. Frank Gallampion Willm hunter
On the back of ye aforesd Deed was thus Endorsed viz St Marys County.
By vertue of a Com'wme Directed out of ye Office of Ye Luke Gardner Honor Commiss Gent of ye P'vince to prove the within Will I have this day proved the same by ye Wittnesses thereunto Subscribed according to Law as Wittness my hand & Seale this Sixteenth day of Aug 1698. RICHD CLOUDS (Seal)

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Children assigned to what wife is a guess based on wording of will
He and brother Robert listed in Early Settlers of Maryland, Skordas, says they were transorted to mc c 1670, 'Anglican family from County Wexford, Ireland' who returned to Ireland and then came back to MD in 1680. Another source state that Robert came from Barbados in the part of Dr. Jesse Wharton. Colonial Families of the U.S. of A., v1, FTM CD 184 Family History

Not all information verified and/or documented. Not all are my direct line (only those denoted by *). Please use this as a guide and contact the source for more information. I am actively making updates and corrections and reposting the information. With


Birth1634Wexford, Ireland
MarriageAbt 1672Barbara Dennis
MarriageAbt 1680Jane Matthews
Death4 Mar 1698St Mary's County, Md


SpouseJane Matthews (1664 - 1719)
ChildJoshua Doyne (1686 - 1743)
ChildIgnatius Doyne (1698 - 1763)
ChildJane Doyne (1688 - 1738)
ChildEdward Aloysius Doyne ( - 1748)
ChildJoshua Doyne ( - 1727)
SpouseBarbara Dennis (1640 - )
ChildDennis Doyne (1676 - 1698)
ChildJesse Doyne (1677 - 1727)
ChildEthelbert Doyne (1676 - 1725)
ChildWilliam Doyne (1678 - 1726)
ChildMary Doyne (1662 - 1755)
FatherWilliam Doyne (1610 - 1664)
MotherSarah Wharton (1612 - )
SiblingRobert Doyne (1647 - 1689)
SiblingRebecca Doyne (1648 - )
SiblingJohn Doyne (1650 - )
