Individual Details

Robert Doyne

(Abt 1647 - 23 Jul 1689)

p. 2, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Q, Page 11 Charles County Court of 10 Jun 1690
Petition of Anne Doyne, relict of Robert Doyne, dec'd; requests her husband's will be sent to probate

I think this is an error and shuld say "Robert Doyne":
p. 2, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Charles County COURT OF 12 AUG 1690
Liber Q, Page 13
Order regarding estate of Joshua Doyne, dec'd

p. 3, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Q, Page 15 Charles County Court of 9 Sep 1690
Memo of the will of Robert Doyne taken by Richard Boughton and intended to be drawn into a will; 20 Jul 1689;
To wife Anne Doyne, extx, lifetime interest in plantation where I now live;
To son Wharton Doyne the land at Goose Creek when he comes of age; wife to have timber from gate to Craxston's Quarter;
To dau. Sarah Doyne, Saturday's Works of 600 acres at Piscataway;
To daus. Verlinda and Elinor, 600 acres apiece of land last surveyed by Mr. Hutchinson;
To son William Doyne, 1,000 acres of land in Baltimore Co. called Constant Friendship and 14,000 (or 16,000) acres of land in Somerset Co.;
To dau. Mary Doyne land at Zachia, two tracts called Lyons Denn and Fendall's Delight;
If there be unborn child, to have Cany [or Carrick] Fergus at head of Broad Creeke joining Sarah;
Estate to be in custody of extx. until children come of age;
24 Jul (1690) the following made oath regarding above: Richard Boughton; Honoria Boughton; Joshua Doyne, Gent.; brother of dec'd; Madam Anne Burford; Samuell Haworth, Jane Burford

Abstracts of the Inventories And Accounts Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland 1697-1700 (Libers 16,17,18,19,19 1/2a,19 1/2b) Compiled By V, L. Skinner, Jr. Brookville, Maryland 20833 September, 1992, p. 15
Robert Doyne 16.243 I #22546 1695
List of debts: Thomas Whichaley, Mrs. Delaroach, Capt. Rando. Brandt, Richard Wae, Madam Neale, John Harrlson, Francis Lurting, Joseph Cooper, Jo. Gooch, Richard Ashman, B. Burroughs, William Timothy, George Newman, Jos. Russell, Jo. Duglass (cooper), Thomas Taylor, William Bournam, Robert Wider, William Marshall, Nicho. Bellamie, William Thompson, William Hungerfoot, Fra. Mason, Domingo Agambre, Michell Minooke, Henry Hawkins, John Butcher, Edward Guile, John Wood, John Wilkinson, Edward Saunders, John Godshall, John Clarke, John Clements, Mark Lampton, Robert Robins, Richard Garworth, John Hamond, Thomas Lewis, Thomas Lewis per Richard Hubbard, James Baker, Thomas Rigg, Mr. John Wheeler, Philip Hoskins, John Maning, Henry Hexon, John Gray, Ja. Hemsley, Richard Price, Ja. Marting, Edward Maingt (?), John Wright, Abra. Sapsole, William Thomas, Edward Rookewood, Cuth. Musgrave, Charles Hanson, George Miller, Math. Sannds, William Boyden, Fra. Chumble, John BearCroft, Law Ratchford, William Holland, George Parke, Capt. William Barton, George Langham, Charles Ashton in Virginia.

Abstracts of Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1688-1698 Libers 12,13A, 13B, 14, 15. Volume 4 compiled by V.L. Skinner Jr., p. 56
Robert Doyne 15.31 A May 20 1697
Payments to: James Weeks (bricklayer), George Layfeild, Elisabeth Baker, John Rodgers, Edward Till, John Wincall, Joshua Doyne, Garret Vanswaringen, Mrs. Ester Cordea, William Newman, Ann Fowke, Thomas Chapman, Philip Mason, John Bayne, John Booth, Michaell Martin, Mr. Robert Carvill, Hon. Sir Thomas Lawrence, Mr. Robert Yates, Mr. John Addison, William Morse, Philip Hoskins (administrator of Dr. John Lemarr), Thomas Dickason, Col. John Courts, Mr. Henry Lowe, Col. Humphry Warren, Col. Henry Darnall, Philip Mason, Dr. John Cornish, Mr. Cleborne Lomax, Maj. Nicholas Sewall, Mr. Garret Vanswaringen, Mr. Joshua Doyne, Ignatius Wheeler, Lawrance Rotchford, Mr. John Bayne, Mr. William Thompson, Mr. James Smallwood note drawn on Daniell Henley, Mr. William Taylard, John Brassheer, Mr. Robert Barrot, Mr. Charles Carroll due to estate of Anthony Underwood, Dr. James Kingsberry, John Godshall, Mr. Charles Carroll, Mr. John Wilder, Mr. George Ellowaye (administrator of Thomas Ellowaie), Mary Macock, Thomas Witchally, Mr. Thomas Burford, Mr. William Stone for judgment recovered from Edward Minge & John Fauker, Mr. George Brent, Mr. Thomas Jenkins, Mr. John Barecroft, Mr. James Neale, Erazmus Green, Mr. James Cullen, Emanuell Radcliff, William Newman per Mr. Plater, Mr. Thompson for note by John Grey, Robert Thompson, Edward Potter, Joshua Graves, John Stone for Bennony Thomas, Col. John Addisone, Thomas Hussey, James Smallwood, William Stone, William Newman, Theobalds judgment against Stone, Maj. Wheeler, Henry Hawkins, Robert Thompson, John Bracher.
Executrix: Ann Plater, wife of George Plater, Esq.

Abstracts of Inventories and Accounts of the Prerogative Court of Maryland 1688-1698 Libers 12,13A, 13B, 14, 15. Volume 4 compiled by V.L. Skinner Jr., p. 62
Robert Doyne (gentleman) 15.134 A Aug 13 1697
Received from: Col. Edward Pye, Cleborne Lomax, Mr. Philip Hoskins, John Allen, Thomas Williams, Ralph Smith, Michaell Ashford, Nicholas Wife, Henry Robins, Thomas Jones, George Delahay, John Schaller, Matthew Saunders, Richard Way, Lance Wilkinson, Richard Nellson, Giles Collier, Matthew Dyke, Paul Burrowes, William Jenkins, Joseph Cornall, George Scroggin, ---- Cherrybub, William Burnham, John Smith, John Diegoe, Daniel Jenckins, John Duggkes, Henry Hawkins (administrator of Saunder Smith), John Hawkins, Nicholas Skidmore, Gilbert Marsh, Humphrey Jones, Robert Benson, William West, Robert Midleton, Thomas Smoote, Dorothy Charleson, Thomas chapman, John Parker, John Hamond, John Compton, George Richards (merchant) in London, Edward Lashwell (merchant) in London, Ralph Shaw, Maj. William Dent, Col. John Courts, Mary Robinsone, Moses Jones, John Godshall, James Finley, George Plater. Mentions: John Theobalds and his wife Mary.
Executrix: Ann Plater, wife of George Plater.

Abstracts of the Inventories And Accounts Of The Prerogative Court Of Maryland 1697-1700 (Libers 16,17,18,19,19 1/2a,19 1/2b) Compiled By V, L. Skinner, Jr. Brookville, Maryland 20833 September, 1992, p. 5
Robert Doyne 16.74 A (between entries for Jan 22 and Mar 10 1697/98)
Received from: Mr. Cleborne Lomax, Cornelius Butwell.
Payments to: Mr. William Hutchins, Mr. William Stone.
Executrix: Ann Plater, wife of George Plater.

p. 36, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber Z, Page 8
Recorded at request of William Hutchinson:
9 Jan 1702; Indenture from Samuell Taylor of Prince George's Co. and Verlinda his wife, one of the daus. of Robert Doyne, Gent., to William Hutchinson of Prince George's Co., merchant; at the time of his death Robert owned diverse tracts and parcels of land, in particular 2 tracts; one containing 550 acres granted him by patent 9 Jun 1676 called Rotterdam; the other adjoining same on the lower side called The Indian Toume of 600 acres conveyed to him on 11 Mar 1685 by William Whittington, Gent., of Accomack, Virginia, now of Somerset Co.; Robert Doyne d. intestate and his children were Wharton, William, Sarah, Virlinda, Ellinor and Mary; estate descended to Wharton as eldest son; William inherited this land at the death of Wharton; William d. intestate and Virlinda who m. Samuel Taylor inherited of 1/3 of the land and sold to William Hutchinson for £70; /s/ Samuell Taylor, Virlinda Taylor; wit. Fra. Wheeler, George Busse, Henry Pickett; ack. 9 Jan 1702/3 by Samuel and Verlinda Taylor

p. 131, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber F#2, Page 59
22 Aug 1715; Recorded at request of James Stoddert of Prince George's Co.:
8 Mar 1714; Indenture from Nicholas Dorson [Dawson] of Prince George's Co., planter, and Mary his wife, one of the daughters of Robert Doyne, Gent., dec'd, to James Stoddert of Prince George's Co.; Robert Doyne, at the time of his decease, was seized of diverse tracts of land particularly a parcel on Nanjemy Creek called Rotterdam of 550 acres patented 9 Jun 1676; adjoining tract called Indian Town conveyed by William Whittington then of Accomack Co., Virginia, now of Somerset Co., Maryland, dated 11 Mar 1685; Robert Doyne died intestate and his 6 children were Wharton Doyne, William Doyne, Sarah, Virlinda, Elinor and Mary Doyne; from Wharton Doyne eldest son and heir, who died in infancy (that is to say not yet 21), to his brother William Doyne, who also died in infancy; Elinor d. 1705; Mary, wife of Nicholas Dawson, inherited 1/3 of the lands; this indenture for 2,500* tobacco; Rotterdam of 550 acres and Nanjemy Indian Town of 600 acres; /s/ Nicho. Dawson, Mary Dawson; wit. Tho. Addison, F. Wheeler; ack. by Nicholas and Mary Dawson

p. 133, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber F#2, Page 76
20 Xber 1715; Recorded at request of James Stoddert of Prince George's Co.:
21 Oct 1715; Indenture from John Brown, joiner, and Virlinda, his wife, dau. of Robert Doyne, Gent., dec'd, to James Stoddart of Prince George's Co.; parcels called Rotterdam of 550 acres patented by Robert Doyne 9 Jun 1676 and The Indian Town of. 600 acres by assignment 11 Mar 1685 from William Whittington then of Accomack, Virginia, now of Somerset Co., Maryland [repeat of information in F#2.59]j /s/ Jno. Browne, Virlinder Browne; wit. Richd. Edgar, Will Marshall; ack. _ Oct 1715 by Jno. Brown and Virlinda his wife

p. 188, Charles County Land Records, Volume III
Liber H#2, Page 415
28 Mar 1721; Recorded at request of John Hutchinson: 25 Nov 1720; Indenture from John Brown of Prince George's Co. and Verlinda his wife, one of the daus. of Robert Doyne, to John Hutchinson, eldest son and heir of William Hutchinson of Prince George's Co., dec'd; at the time of his death Robert Doyne was seized of several parcels of land; one called Lyons Denn and another called Fendalh Delight; together containing 450 acres; Doyne died intestate; his 6 children were Wharton, William, Sarah, Virlinda, Elinor and Mary Doyne; two tracts eventually descended to Virlinda and her husband John Brown; for £21.6.6 and 3,000# tobacco Hutchinson purchased the above tracts; /s/ Virlinda Brown; wit. Geo. Beale, James Stoddert, Jr.; 25 Nov 1720 Hutchinson paid above; 25 Nov 1720 Virlinda Brown ack. deed

(1) "A Biographical Dictionary of the Maryland Legislature, 1635-1789, " Vol. 1 (Johns Hopkins Univ. Press, Baltimore) p.181.
(2) "Some Early Colonial Marylanders," by McHenry Howard, "Maryland Historical Magazine, Vol. 15 (1920) p.173. "Three George Platers." Cites: (a) MD Archives, Vol. 23, p.443.
(3) Dr. Oren Swearingen, College Station, TX 77840. Cites: (a) Leanardo Andrea collection, microfilm 1-16488 954553.

Birth: (3) Brother of Joshua Doyne and Rebecca Doyne Dawson.
Death: (1) 1689. (3) 23 Jul 1689.

(3) 1675: Gentleman justice of the commission of the peace, Charles Co, MD.
(2) Sheriff of Charles Co, MD.
(3) 1689: His will mentions his wife Anne. Witnessed by Jane Burford, Madame Anne Burford, Joshua Doyne, Mr. Richard Boughton, scribe, and Samuel Haworth. Names children Wharton, Sarah, Vorlinda, Elinor, William, and Mary.
(2) 1696, 13 Oct: George Plater, who married Ann the relict and Administratrix of Robert Doyne, late of Charles Co, deceased, exhibited his Account of Administration of the deceased's estate.
(2a) 1698, 1 Jul: Gov. Francis Nicholson laid before the Council a letter to him from Capt. William Phippard begging his favor in some concerns he had in MD with George Plater and Ann his Wife, executors of Mr. Robert Doyne, deceased, for that Mr. Gilbert Clark, his Attorney, had written to him that Mr. Plater was so "Boy'd up with Favour & so Great in this Government that altho he had Obtain'd a Judgement, he could have no benefit thereof." On investigation it was determined that the estate had been properly administered and that such reflections were of great scandal to the government and His Majesty's lawyers were ordered to prosecute Mr. Clark for slandering the government.

Robert and his brother Joshua were transported to MD from Ireland abt 1670. They were an Anglican family from County Wexford. Robert returned to Ireland and then came back to MD in 1680.

Jeanne Barton,
I was confused when I saw the Tucker/Daynes post on St Marys page. So I went back and checked my reasoning for believing Mary Stone was the wife of Robert Doyne of Charles Co. William Stone married Verlinda Graves (she may not have been his first wife.) In her will of 1676, which was presented by Sheriff Benjamin Rozer. She leaves property to Benony Thomas called St Verlindas and some silver spoons, to daughter Doyen her silver salt cellers. Son John is the executor and to have possession of the property until Benony comes of age. So Benony was a minor. The property was to revert to John upon the death of Benony. I need to do the land records on this. Mary Stone was first married to a John Thomas of Stafford co VA and when Benony died in 1711, he left land in Stafford co VA to his wife Catherine. Mary married Robert Doyne of Charles co and predeseased her husband, as at his death he was married to Ann Burford.
I have found no will for Robert, but his Administration and Inventories are in the MD Archives (need to send for these) and he names Benoni Thomas as his stepson (where?), and also William Stone.
Mary and Robert had 6 children, who are named in an Indenture Nov 20 1705
folio 172 PG co, Wharton, William, Sarah,Verlinda, Eleanor and Mary.
Apparently only three daughters survived to inherit his landed holdings.
Sarah married Wm Hutchinson and is mentioned in the will of her Aunt Anne Doughty (Prer Ct Wills 4 pp210-211,15 July 1683) Anne was a sister to Verlinda Stone.
Verlinda married Samuel Taylor
Mary married Nicholas Dawson, in her will 14 Dec 1734 (L21/313 PG co) she left land inherited fom her father to her sons: John who married Martha Marbury, Thomas married Elizabeth Lowe, William no further knowledge, George married Eleanor Lowe and Nicholas married Sarah Edelen.
William Calvert refers to Robert Doyne as brother, saying he might have what lands he wanted and William was married to Mary's sister Elizabeth Stone.
And although this isn't exactly proof my ancestor Thomas Dawson named his first son Benoni, and a daughter Verlinda, there was also a Mary and a Robert Doyne. These names were used through the generations.
Nicholas Dawson asked permission to patent land that was given to Robert Doyne and he did so in what is now Montgomery Co MD, it was called Mothers Delight, it is still farmed by one of his descendents, whose name is Benoni.
I would like to send for the record that named Marie Stone as being married to Tucker and Dayen, I am not familiar with VA records, would this be in the archives or in Norfolk? I like to look at the actual records ever since some transcribed the wrong first name for an ancestor and I searched for the wrong person for years.
Anyone else have anything on this who is the real Mary Stone question?


BirthAbt 1647Wexford, Ireland
MarriageAbt 1674Mary Thomas Stone
Death23 Jul 1689Carrick Fergus, Charles, MD


SpouseMary Thomas Stone (1656 - )
ChildSarah Doyne ( - )
ChildMary Doyne (1683 - 1734)
FatherWilliam Doyne (1610 - 1664)
MotherSarah Wharton (1612 - )
SiblingRebecca Doyne (1648 - )
SiblingJoshua Doyne , Capt. (1634 - 1698)
SiblingJohn Doyne (1650 - )