Individual Details
(1 Mar 1752 - 15 Dec 1827)
He inherited the original Furrer homestead on Dutch Buffalo Creek in 1769 when he was only 17. He continued working it and expanded the plantation. He was a religious man of the Lutheran faith. His first wife died after her second son was born. His first two sons and his first daughter intermarried with the Stallings family. On April 18, 1769, he paid 7 pounds and 2 shillings for lot number two in the southwest square of Concord, North Carolina. He owned 314 acres in Cabarrus County and 826 acres in Stanley County. He was a very good planter. When he was 75 years old, he was poisoned by a servant. Since he left no will, his land was divided among his children by court ruling. He was buried in what was to become the Furrer graveyard, near the John Teeter farm, outside Georgeville, NC. A slate rock stone with no inscription marks his grave. According to Mrs. John F. Malinda Sides Herrin, her Sides relatives said John Furr had a nice tombstone but someone vandalized it. The family decided not to buy Catherine one for fear it would be vandalized.
He was assessor in Mecklenburg County in 1778.
The descendants of John I were mostly farmers by trade and Baptists by faith. They practically settled Stanly County all by themselves. Many of them had large families and as a rule lived to be over 70 years of age. The descendants of John I intermarried with the Stallings family. The earlier descendants are buried in the Furrer graveyard on Dutch Buffalo Creek near the Teeter Farm. Many later descendants were buried in Bear Creek Baptist Church Cemetery in Stanly County.
My best guess as to who is who in the 1790 and 1800 censuses:
1790 census shows:
2 males 16 & up (John Sr. & ?)
6 males under 16 (Henry, John Jr., George, Tobias, Jacob, ?)
2 females (Catherine, Sarah/Sally)
Note: there may be a young family is living with them: a husband, wife and child, or a servant family?
1800 census shows:
1 male 10-15 (Jacob or Tobias)
2 males 16-25 (George & Henry) -- John Jr. has his own household listing in this census
1 male 45 & over (John, Sr.)
3 females under 10 (Sarah/Sally, Rachel, Polly)
1 female 16-25 (Rhonda Satllings, wife of Henry)
1 female 26-44 (Catherine)
Census Birth 1790 1800
John Furr 1752 38 48
Catherine Furr 1753 37 47
Henry Furr 1777 13 23
John Furr 1779 11 21
George Furr 1784 6 16
Tobias Furr 1786 4 14
Sarah (Sally) Furr 1788 2 12
Jacob Furr 1790 0 10
Rachel Furr 1793 -3 7
Polly Furr 1799 -9 1
Court of Equity, September Term, 1830
Petition for Sale of Real Estate
The Petition of Henry Furr, John Furr, William Stallions and Rachael his wife, and Tobias Furr, and Sally Furr, infants under the age of twenty-one years, by their Guardian Daniel Lenker and Polly Furr, against Jacob Furr and George Furr.
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Jacob Furr and George Furr, the Defendants, are not inhabitants of this State, it is therefore; Ordered by the Court, That publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Observer printed in Fayetteville, that the said Jacob Furr and George Furr appear at the next term of said Court to be at the Court House in Lawrenceville, on the first Monday in March next, and then and there to plead, answer or demur, or said Petition will heard exparte, and judgment pro confesso entered against them.
From the Minutes,
Lawrenceville, Nov. 9, 1830 13.6w
Deed Book 14, Probate Record of John Furr: Cabarrus County Section Page 51-52
State of North Carolina, Montgomery County, February the 22nd day 1834
We the commissioners appointed agreeable to the Writ of Partition from the Superior Court of Law of Cabarrus County have met and after being duly qualified have proceeded and divided the land belonging to the Estate of John Furr, dec'd in the manner and form as is represented by the above plat. Fig. No. 1 to SALLY FURR, one hundred and three acres estimated to be worth one hundred and three dollars courses and distances are, Beginning on a Sweet Gum on the bank of Rocky River and runs thence N. 30 W. 21 chains and fifty links to a stake by some Dogwood pointers, thence with George Tucker's line N 88 degrees W. 21 chains and 50 links to a P. O. thence N. 40 degrees E. 28 chains and 50 links to a R. O. on Lick Branch, Leonard Hartsel's corner, thence with said Hartsel's line S. 25 degrees E. to a stake on the bank of Rock River thence up the various sources of said River to the beginning.
No. 2 Beginning on a stake by 3 R. O. & runs thence N. 23 chains and 40 links to a P. O. by 3 R. O., thence due W. 36 chains to a pine & P. O. thence due S. 30 chains and 50 links to a stake by pointers, Geo. Tucker's line, thence with said Tucker's line N. 82 degrees E. 32 chains and 50 links to a P. O. thence S. 65 degrees E. to the beginning, estimated at forty three dollars and seventy six cents allotted to GEORGE FURR.
No. 3. Beginning on a P. O. by # R. O. second corner of the 2nd division and runs due N. to (?) with No. 6, 28 chains and 50 links to a pine by 2 P. O. thence due W. 36 cchains to a stake by four P. O. thence due S. 28 chains and 50 links to a pine and P. O. third corner of No. 2, thence with a line of said N. E. 36 chains to the beginning containing 103 acres estimated at forty three dollars and twenty six cents allotted to WILLIAM TALLIONS.
No. 4. Beginning on a R. O. on Lick Branch Leonard Hartsel's corner and runs thence N. 64 E. 21 chains and fifty links to a stake by pointers his corner thence S. 78 to the intersection of said Hartsel's and Furr's line, thence with Furr's line due N. 35 degrees chains to a P. O. on Honeycutt's line thence with said line N. 63 W. 28 chains and 50 links to a pine thence ___ Coane, thence his line S. 56 degrees E. 21 chains and 50 links to a P.O. the beginning corner of said Penegers Trail, thence with the first line to said trail S. 20 degrees W. 25 chains and 50 links to a P. O. thence N. 33 degrees W. 17 chains to another P. O. thence N. 75 degrees W. 17 chains to a fallen pine a corner of No. 8 thence with a line of No. S. 45 degrees 30 W. 41 chains and 50 links to a stake by 3 P. O. thence S. 65 E 4 chains to a stake by pointer a corner of No. 1, thence with a line of said W. 67 degrees E. 28 chains and 50 links to the beginning containing one hundred and three acres estimated at twenty seven dollars and twenty five cents allotted to JACOB FURR.
No. 5. Beginning on a stake by a P. O. and pine and runs thence N. 60 degrees W. 8 chains and 50 links to a pine on the side of the road, thence N. 15 degrees E. 30 chains and 50 links to a stake N. 35 degrees E. 20 chains to a stake and pointers thence due W. 17 chains to a P. O. John Little's corner. thence his line S. 31 degrees N. 17 chains thence S. 77 W. 4 chains to said Little's corner, thence his line S. 11 degrees W. 17 chains and 50 links to the intersection of said Little's and John Furr dec'd line thence due S. 29 chains to a stake by four P. O. a corner of No. 3 and No. 6 thence with a line of No. 6 N. 64 degrees E. 30 chains to the beginning containing one hundred and six acres estimated at fifty three dollars allotted to POLLY FURR.
No. 6, Beginning at a stake by 4 R. O. last corner of No. 5 and runs thence with the last line of said division N. 64 degrees 30 chains to the beginning corner of said division, thence N. 47 degrees E. 35 chains to a Hickory, George Tucker's corner, thence his line S. 3 W. 26 chains to a dead pine by pointers a corner of No. 7 thence due S. 32 chains to a stake by 3 P. O. thence due W. 15 chains to a stake by 3 R. O. a line of No. 3 thence with said line due N. 21 chains and 50 links to the corner of said No. due N. 36 chains to the beginning containing one hundred and three acres valued at fifty one dollars and fifty cents allotted to JOHN FURR.
No. 7 Beginning on a dead pine by pointers, George Tucker's corner and runs thence his line S. 80 degrees E. 46 chains to a pine his corner thence with Eli Honeycutt's thence S. 13 E. 6 chains to his corner pine thence with his other line S. 69 degrees E. 45 links to Thomas Pinigans corner thence with his line S. 60 degrees W. 21 chains to a Hickory on the W. side Lick Branch thence S. 23 degrees W. of chains to a stake by 2 R. O. and Hickory thence due W. 27 chains to a stake by 3 P. O. a corner of No. 8 thence with a line of said No. due N. 32 chains to the beginning estimated to be worth seventy two dollars and eighty cents, allotted to HENRY FURR.
No. 8 Beginning a stake by 3 P. O. on a line of No. 3 and a corner of No. 6 and runs thence due E. 42 chains to a stake by 2 R. O. and hickory a corner of the 7th division on Pinigan's line thence his line S. 23 degrees W. 11 chains and 20 links to a fallen pine thence S. 45 degrees 30 W. 41 chains and 50 links to a stake by a pine and small Hiclory and corner of No. 4 thence N. 65 degrees W. 8 chains and 50 links to a stake by 3 R. O. a corner of No. 2 thence due N. with a line of said No. 8 passing the corner 36 chains to the beginning containing 101 acres estimated at seventy two dollars and eighty cents allotted to TOBIAS FURR.
Signed by Joseph Cauble, Surveyor
We the undersigned commissioners find the proportionable part of each legatee to be sixty four dollars and sixty cents --- $ 64.60 Amount of all the division are $516.87. Given under our hands this 22nd day of Feb. 1834
James Little
John Little
Bill of Costs
We the commissioners appointed by the Superior Court of Law held for Cabarrus County the 8th Monday after the Fourth Monday of September A. D. 1833 to divide the lands of John Furr, dec'd charge the legatees as follows.
Signed Drewry Morgan, Jacob Hartsel, Leonard Hartsel
John Little $2.00 per day for 5 days ..... $10.00
James Little $2.00 per day for 5 days .....$10.00
Drewry Morgan $2.00 per day for 5 days .. $10.00
Jacob Hartsel $2.00 per day for 5 days .....$10.00
Leonard Hartsel $2.00 per day for 5 days .. $10.00
Joseph Cauble, surveyor, charges for 6 days at $2.00 per day .. $12.00
Total Acres Listed - 826 acres in Cabarrus
Total Amt. Listed - $467.31
Sally Furr, 103 acres estimated at $103.00
George Furr, 103 acres estimated at $43.76
William Tallions, 103 acres estimated at $43.20
Jacob Furr, 103 acres estimated at $27.25
Polly Furr, 106 acres estimated at $53.00
John Furr 103 acres estimated at $51.50
Henry Furr 104 acres estimated at $72.80
Tobias Furr 101 acres estimated at $72.80
George Thomas' web site:
Account Book for Melchior's Store ( Oct 1792- )
John Melchior Papers
Private Collection 1531, Cabarrus County NC
North Carolina State Archives
Born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, John Melchoir/Melcher operated a Gristmill on the Rocky River in northern Cabarrus County, North Carolina. In 1800, neighbors petitioned the General Assembly of North Carolina in relation to John Melchers mill. He also ran a store in the late 1700's that was located near present day Mt. Pleasant, North Carolina. John sold course German fabrics called "Tecklenburg" and "Osnaburg" cloths. He also sold "Naels, Iron, Brimstone, Buttons, Pins, Shue Buckles, Copperas, Thread" and many more every day supplies. John Melcher left a large account book that included names of people who lived in now Anson, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Stanly, Rowan, and Union Counties. Dating back to 1792, the accounts ledger covers years through 1798 and then skips to 1818. Earlier entries indicate the existence of yet an earlier book. John Melcher indexed his ledger. The index for names beginning with F, G, and H is missing. To the best of my ability, the following is a corrected index. (*)entries refer to names or significant information that is not listed in the original index. The (*) entries represent information found in the account for the person whose name is situated above the (*). I learned of this account ledger from a fellow searcher named John Hagler. He lives in Raleigh NC. This ledger has provided me with the only "unofficial" record I have been able to find for my early ancester. I hope that you too will take the opportunity to learn more about the lives or your early ancesters. This ledger is held in private collections at the North Carolina Archives in Raleigh, North Carolina.
John Furr did not marry Elizabeth Woodside, rather she married John Farr. Recently I was able to find early marriage records from Buffalo Creek, North Carolina area in Salt Lake City Family History Library. The records show that there were two designated areas in Buffalo Creek: Dutch Buffalo (to the east of Cold Water Creek which were German speaking settlers), and Irish Buffalo (to the west of Cold Water Creek which were English speaking settlers). In Irish Buffalo, there lived a man named John FARR. In Dutch Buffalo, there lived John FURR. They both lived in these areas about the same time period. Marriage records show that John FARR (not John FURR) who lived in the Irish Buffalo area married Elizabeth Woodside. The mother of John Dolan and Henry (who lived in the Dutch Buffalo area) is still unknown, and she appears to have died after the birth of John Dolan. Research shows that it is possible her name was Catherine Mitchell, but this is not documented.
Nancy D. Hendrickson
He was assessor in Mecklenburg County in 1778.
The descendants of John I were mostly farmers by trade and Baptists by faith. They practically settled Stanly County all by themselves. Many of them had large families and as a rule lived to be over 70 years of age. The descendants of John I intermarried with the Stallings family. The earlier descendants are buried in the Furrer graveyard on Dutch Buffalo Creek near the Teeter Farm. Many later descendants were buried in Bear Creek Baptist Church Cemetery in Stanly County.
My best guess as to who is who in the 1790 and 1800 censuses:
1790 census shows:
2 males 16 & up (John Sr. & ?)
6 males under 16 (Henry, John Jr., George, Tobias, Jacob, ?)
2 females (Catherine, Sarah/Sally)
Note: there may be a young family is living with them: a husband, wife and child, or a servant family?
1800 census shows:
1 male 10-15 (Jacob or Tobias)
2 males 16-25 (George & Henry) -- John Jr. has his own household listing in this census
1 male 45 & over (John, Sr.)
3 females under 10 (Sarah/Sally, Rachel, Polly)
1 female 16-25 (Rhonda Satllings, wife of Henry)
1 female 26-44 (Catherine)
Census Birth 1790 1800
John Furr 1752 38 48
Catherine Furr 1753 37 47
Henry Furr 1777 13 23
John Furr 1779 11 21
George Furr 1784 6 16
Tobias Furr 1786 4 14
Sarah (Sally) Furr 1788 2 12
Jacob Furr 1790 0 10
Rachel Furr 1793 -3 7
Polly Furr 1799 -9 1
Court of Equity, September Term, 1830
Petition for Sale of Real Estate
The Petition of Henry Furr, John Furr, William Stallions and Rachael his wife, and Tobias Furr, and Sally Furr, infants under the age of twenty-one years, by their Guardian Daniel Lenker and Polly Furr, against Jacob Furr and George Furr.
It appearing to the satisfaction of the Court, that Jacob Furr and George Furr, the Defendants, are not inhabitants of this State, it is therefore; Ordered by the Court, That publication be made for six weeks in the Carolina Observer printed in Fayetteville, that the said Jacob Furr and George Furr appear at the next term of said Court to be at the Court House in Lawrenceville, on the first Monday in March next, and then and there to plead, answer or demur, or said Petition will heard exparte, and judgment pro confesso entered against them.
From the Minutes,
Lawrenceville, Nov. 9, 1830 13.6w
Deed Book 14, Probate Record of John Furr: Cabarrus County Section Page 51-52
State of North Carolina, Montgomery County, February the 22nd day 1834
We the commissioners appointed agreeable to the Writ of Partition from the Superior Court of Law of Cabarrus County have met and after being duly qualified have proceeded and divided the land belonging to the Estate of John Furr, dec'd in the manner and form as is represented by the above plat. Fig. No. 1 to SALLY FURR, one hundred and three acres estimated to be worth one hundred and three dollars courses and distances are, Beginning on a Sweet Gum on the bank of Rocky River and runs thence N. 30 W. 21 chains and fifty links to a stake by some Dogwood pointers, thence with George Tucker's line N 88 degrees W. 21 chains and 50 links to a P. O. thence N. 40 degrees E. 28 chains and 50 links to a R. O. on Lick Branch, Leonard Hartsel's corner, thence with said Hartsel's line S. 25 degrees E. to a stake on the bank of Rock River thence up the various sources of said River to the beginning.
No. 2 Beginning on a stake by 3 R. O. & runs thence N. 23 chains and 40 links to a P. O. by 3 R. O., thence due W. 36 chains to a pine & P. O. thence due S. 30 chains and 50 links to a stake by pointers, Geo. Tucker's line, thence with said Tucker's line N. 82 degrees E. 32 chains and 50 links to a P. O. thence S. 65 degrees E. to the beginning, estimated at forty three dollars and seventy six cents allotted to GEORGE FURR.
No. 3. Beginning on a P. O. by # R. O. second corner of the 2nd division and runs due N. to (?) with No. 6, 28 chains and 50 links to a pine by 2 P. O. thence due W. 36 cchains to a stake by four P. O. thence due S. 28 chains and 50 links to a pine and P. O. third corner of No. 2, thence with a line of said N. E. 36 chains to the beginning containing 103 acres estimated at forty three dollars and twenty six cents allotted to WILLIAM TALLIONS.
No. 4. Beginning on a R. O. on Lick Branch Leonard Hartsel's corner and runs thence N. 64 E. 21 chains and fifty links to a stake by pointers his corner thence S. 78 to the intersection of said Hartsel's and Furr's line, thence with Furr's line due N. 35 degrees chains to a P. O. on Honeycutt's line thence with said line N. 63 W. 28 chains and 50 links to a pine thence ___ Coane, thence his line S. 56 degrees E. 21 chains and 50 links to a P.O. the beginning corner of said Penegers Trail, thence with the first line to said trail S. 20 degrees W. 25 chains and 50 links to a P. O. thence N. 33 degrees W. 17 chains to another P. O. thence N. 75 degrees W. 17 chains to a fallen pine a corner of No. 8 thence with a line of No. S. 45 degrees 30 W. 41 chains and 50 links to a stake by 3 P. O. thence S. 65 E 4 chains to a stake by pointer a corner of No. 1, thence with a line of said W. 67 degrees E. 28 chains and 50 links to the beginning containing one hundred and three acres estimated at twenty seven dollars and twenty five cents allotted to JACOB FURR.
No. 5. Beginning on a stake by a P. O. and pine and runs thence N. 60 degrees W. 8 chains and 50 links to a pine on the side of the road, thence N. 15 degrees E. 30 chains and 50 links to a stake N. 35 degrees E. 20 chains to a stake and pointers thence due W. 17 chains to a P. O. John Little's corner. thence his line S. 31 degrees N. 17 chains thence S. 77 W. 4 chains to said Little's corner, thence his line S. 11 degrees W. 17 chains and 50 links to the intersection of said Little's and John Furr dec'd line thence due S. 29 chains to a stake by four P. O. a corner of No. 3 and No. 6 thence with a line of No. 6 N. 64 degrees E. 30 chains to the beginning containing one hundred and six acres estimated at fifty three dollars allotted to POLLY FURR.
No. 6, Beginning at a stake by 4 R. O. last corner of No. 5 and runs thence with the last line of said division N. 64 degrees 30 chains to the beginning corner of said division, thence N. 47 degrees E. 35 chains to a Hickory, George Tucker's corner, thence his line S. 3 W. 26 chains to a dead pine by pointers a corner of No. 7 thence due S. 32 chains to a stake by 3 P. O. thence due W. 15 chains to a stake by 3 R. O. a line of No. 3 thence with said line due N. 21 chains and 50 links to the corner of said No. due N. 36 chains to the beginning containing one hundred and three acres valued at fifty one dollars and fifty cents allotted to JOHN FURR.
No. 7 Beginning on a dead pine by pointers, George Tucker's corner and runs thence his line S. 80 degrees E. 46 chains to a pine his corner thence with Eli Honeycutt's thence S. 13 E. 6 chains to his corner pine thence with his other line S. 69 degrees E. 45 links to Thomas Pinigans corner thence with his line S. 60 degrees W. 21 chains to a Hickory on the W. side Lick Branch thence S. 23 degrees W. of chains to a stake by 2 R. O. and Hickory thence due W. 27 chains to a stake by 3 P. O. a corner of No. 8 thence with a line of said No. due N. 32 chains to the beginning estimated to be worth seventy two dollars and eighty cents, allotted to HENRY FURR.
No. 8 Beginning a stake by 3 P. O. on a line of No. 3 and a corner of No. 6 and runs thence due E. 42 chains to a stake by 2 R. O. and hickory a corner of the 7th division on Pinigan's line thence his line S. 23 degrees W. 11 chains and 20 links to a fallen pine thence S. 45 degrees 30 W. 41 chains and 50 links to a stake by a pine and small Hiclory and corner of No. 4 thence N. 65 degrees W. 8 chains and 50 links to a stake by 3 R. O. a corner of No. 2 thence due N. with a line of said No. 8 passing the corner 36 chains to the beginning containing 101 acres estimated at seventy two dollars and eighty cents allotted to TOBIAS FURR.
Signed by Joseph Cauble, Surveyor
We the undersigned commissioners find the proportionable part of each legatee to be sixty four dollars and sixty cents --- $ 64.60 Amount of all the division are $516.87. Given under our hands this 22nd day of Feb. 1834
James Little
John Little
Bill of Costs
We the commissioners appointed by the Superior Court of Law held for Cabarrus County the 8th Monday after the Fourth Monday of September A. D. 1833 to divide the lands of John Furr, dec'd charge the legatees as follows.
Signed Drewry Morgan, Jacob Hartsel, Leonard Hartsel
John Little $2.00 per day for 5 days ..... $10.00
James Little $2.00 per day for 5 days .....$10.00
Drewry Morgan $2.00 per day for 5 days .. $10.00
Jacob Hartsel $2.00 per day for 5 days .....$10.00
Leonard Hartsel $2.00 per day for 5 days .. $10.00
Joseph Cauble, surveyor, charges for 6 days at $2.00 per day .. $12.00
Total Acres Listed - 826 acres in Cabarrus
Total Amt. Listed - $467.31
Sally Furr, 103 acres estimated at $103.00
George Furr, 103 acres estimated at $43.76
William Tallions, 103 acres estimated at $43.20
Jacob Furr, 103 acres estimated at $27.25
Polly Furr, 106 acres estimated at $53.00
John Furr 103 acres estimated at $51.50
Henry Furr 104 acres estimated at $72.80
Tobias Furr 101 acres estimated at $72.80
George Thomas' web site:
Account Book for Melchior's Store ( Oct 1792- )
John Melchior Papers
Private Collection 1531, Cabarrus County NC
North Carolina State Archives
Born in Chester County, Pennsylvania, John Melchoir/Melcher operated a Gristmill on the Rocky River in northern Cabarrus County, North Carolina. In 1800, neighbors petitioned the General Assembly of North Carolina in relation to John Melchers mill. He also ran a store in the late 1700's that was located near present day Mt. Pleasant, North Carolina. John sold course German fabrics called "Tecklenburg" and "Osnaburg" cloths. He also sold "Naels, Iron, Brimstone, Buttons, Pins, Shue Buckles, Copperas, Thread" and many more every day supplies. John Melcher left a large account book that included names of people who lived in now Anson, Cabarrus, Mecklenburg, Stanly, Rowan, and Union Counties. Dating back to 1792, the accounts ledger covers years through 1798 and then skips to 1818. Earlier entries indicate the existence of yet an earlier book. John Melcher indexed his ledger. The index for names beginning with F, G, and H is missing. To the best of my ability, the following is a corrected index. (*)entries refer to names or significant information that is not listed in the original index. The (*) entries represent information found in the account for the person whose name is situated above the (*). I learned of this account ledger from a fellow searcher named John Hagler. He lives in Raleigh NC. This ledger has provided me with the only "unofficial" record I have been able to find for my early ancester. I hope that you too will take the opportunity to learn more about the lives or your early ancesters. This ledger is held in private collections at the North Carolina Archives in Raleigh, North Carolina.
John Furr did not marry Elizabeth Woodside, rather she married John Farr. Recently I was able to find early marriage records from Buffalo Creek, North Carolina area in Salt Lake City Family History Library. The records show that there were two designated areas in Buffalo Creek: Dutch Buffalo (to the east of Cold Water Creek which were German speaking settlers), and Irish Buffalo (to the west of Cold Water Creek which were English speaking settlers). In Irish Buffalo, there lived a man named John FARR. In Dutch Buffalo, there lived John FURR. They both lived in these areas about the same time period. Marriage records show that John FARR (not John FURR) who lived in the Irish Buffalo area married Elizabeth Woodside. The mother of John Dolan and Henry (who lived in the Dutch Buffalo area) is still unknown, and she appears to have died after the birth of John Dolan. Research shows that it is possible her name was Catherine Mitchell, but this is not documented.
Nancy D. Hendrickson
Spouse | Catherine LIVELY (1753 - ) |
Child | George FURR (1784 - ) |
Child | Tobias FURR (1786 - 1864) |
Child | Sarah FURR (1788 - ) |
Child | Jacob FURR (1790 - ) |
Child | Rachel FURR (1793 - 1862) |
Child | Polly FURR (1799 - 1874) |
Spouse | Catherine MICHELL (1757 - 1779) |
Child | Henry FURR (1777 - 1846) |
Child | John Dolan FURR (1779 - 1847) |
Father | Heinrich FURRER (1727 - 1769) |
Mother | Rosina (1720 - 1774) |
Sibling | Paul FURR (1754 - 1837) |
Sibling | Jacob FURR (1757 - 1785) |
Sibling | Henry FURR (1762 - 1851) |
Sibling | Mary Magdalena FURR (1764 - 1837) |
Sibling | Catherine FURR (1765 - 1798) |
Sibling | Tobias FURR (1766 - 1797) |
Sibling | Adam FURR (1767 - 1798) |
Father | Hans Heinrich FURRER (1691 - 1769) |
Mother | Rosina (1720 - 1774) |
Sibling | Paul FURR (1754 - 1837) |
Sibling | Henry FURR (1762 - 1851) |
Sibling | Jacob FURR (1757 - 1785) |
Sibling | Mary Magdalena FURR (1764 - 1837) |
Sibling | Catherine FURR (1765 - 1798) |
Sibling | Tobias FURR (1766 - 1797) |
Sibling | Adam FURR (1767 - 1798) |
Marriage record shows her name as "Catherine Liviley."Endnotes
1. North Carolina Marriage Collection, 1741-2004 [database on-line]. Provo, UT, USA: The Generations Network, Inc., 2007..