Individual Details

David Comstock

(30 Jan 1761 - Apr 1844)

Moved from Norwalk to New York.
David Comstock moved to Paris, Oneida Co. NY in 1792; on 31 Oct. 1798 he executed an Indenture with Rev. Samuel Kirkland for the sale of land upon which Hamilton College was built. The sale was approximately 100 acres for $100. Hamilton College has the original deed in their digital archives.

David Comstock of Kirkland, Oneida Co. NY - Will 1841
Oneida County, NY Will Books Vol. 7 page 379
The Last Will & Testament of David Comstock of the town of Kirkland,
County of Oneida and State of New York.
I, David Comstock considering the uncertainty of this mortal life and
being of sound mind &, memory, blessed be Almighty God for the same
do make & publish this my said Will & testament in manner & form
following that is to say.
First, I commit my soul into the hands of God who gave it hoping
through the mediation & death of the savior of the world a
resurrection with the just, and as touching the worldly Estate
wherewith God has blessed me (after the payment of my funeral
charges & all my just debts by my Executors hereinafter mentioned) I
give and devise to my son William Comstock one equal undivided fifth
part of all my messuages lands & tenements situated in the said town
of Kirkland in the County & State aforesaid being two pieces parcels
or tracts of land the whole into five equal part to be divided.
The first being my homestead on which I reside in lot number seven
in the sixth grand division of the township formerly called Corolana
containing by estimation one hundred & fifty three acres be the same
more or less.
The second piece being the westerly part of two hundred & forty five
acres conveyed by John S. Kirkland to Jacob Hungerford, Isaac Williams,
Warren Sherwood, Joel Bristol Potts, Wylly & David Comstock the
testator situated on the Hill west of Hamilton College containing
eighty one acres be the same more or less to hold to him the said
William Comstock his heir and assigns forever.
Likewise I give and devise to my son Samuel Comstock his heirs and
assigns one other equal undivided fifth part of all my said
messuages, lands & tenements, before mentioned & described to hold to
him the said Samuel Comstock his heirs and assigns forever having
before this time conveyed to him & his heirs by gift a piece of
woodland lying East of the highway running through my said farm
containing seven or eight acres or the same more or less. He & his
family having also enjoyed the privilege of living with me &
deserving their support from my said farm all which I consider would
compensate him for his labor and services in my behalf.
Likewise I give & devise to my son Clark M. Comstock his heirs and
assigns one other equal undivided fifth part of all my said lands
messuages & tenements before mentioned & described to hold to him
the said Clark M. Comstock his heirs and assigns forever.
Likewise I give & devise to my son Charles Comstock his heirs and
assigns one other equal undivided fifth part of all my said lands &
tenements before mentioned & described to hold to him the said Charles
Comstock his heirs and assigns forever.
Likewise I hereby give & devise to my grandchildren Charles & Mary
Irene, children of my son Philander Comstock
deceased the other
remaining equal individed firth part, of all my said messuages lands
and tenements, before mentionted & described to hold to them the said
Charles & Mary Irene my grandchildren aforesaid the heirs and assigns
Further in case my personal estate shall be insufficient, to pay all
my debts then I hereby order & direct my Executors hereinafter named
to sell so much of my Real Estate aforesaid as may be sufficient to
pay the deficiency.
Lastly, I hereby constitute & appoint my said son Samuel Comstock,
Gould Benedict and Jesse Curtis of the town of Kirkland aforesaid
Executors of this my Last Will & Testament hereby Revoking all former
will by me made.
In witness whereof I have hereunto set my hand and seal the Eighteenth
day of June in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and
forty one.
David Comstock (seal)
Signed sealed published & declared by the above named David Comstock
to be his last Will & Testament in the presence of us who have
hereunto subscribed our names as witnesses in the presence of the
Testator and at his request.
John Fort
Clark Wood
Charles Avery
of the town of Kirkland and County of Oneida.
State of New York
Oneida County ss:
I, John Stryker, Surrogate of the County of Oneida do hereby
certify the foregoing to be the record of the Last Will & Testament
of David Comstock deceased and the proofs and examinations taken
John Stryker, Surrogate.


Birth30 Jan 1761Norwalk, Fairfield County, Connecticut
MarriageCa 1783Hannah Marvin
DeathApr 1844Kirkland, Oneida County, New York


SpouseHannah Marvin (1764 - 1844)
ChildWilliam Comstock ( - )
ChildSamuel Comstock ( - 1877)
ChildAndrew Comstock (1790 - 1832)
ChildPhilander Comstock (1797 - 1829)
ChildCharles Comstock ( - 1859)
ChildClark Marvin Comstock (1802 - 1861)
ChildHenrietta Comstock ( - )
FatherDavid Comstock (1720 - 1783)
MotherRebekah Grumman (1727 - 1812)
SiblingHannah Comstock (1747 - 1759)
SiblingWilliam Comstock (1749 - 1776)
SiblingRebekah Comstock (1750 - 1829)
SiblingAndrew Comstock (1752 - 1789)
SiblingMary Comstock (1753 - 1776)
SiblingSarah Comstock (1755 - 1835)
SiblingLydia Comstock (1757 - 1757)
SiblingLydia Comstock (1758 - 1759)
SiblingDavid Comstock (1760 - 1760)
SiblingHannah Comstock (1763 - )
SiblingLydia Comstock (1765 - )
SiblingDaniel Comstock (1767 - 1848)
SiblingSamuel Comstock (1769 - 1775)
SiblingSeth Comstock (1772 - 1853)
