Individual Details

Elizabeth Palmer

( - By Oct 1839)

Montgomery Co, Kentucky Will Book E. p.48
I Elizabeth Hodge of the county of Montgomery and state of Kentucky being of advanced age and infirm in body, but of sound mind and desposing memory, Do make ordain and establish this writing as my last Will Nad Testament.
First, I give to my daughter Zilpha Haggard one note which I hold on Noland Tracy for One hundred and thirty three dollars, also a note which I hold on William Renwick for One hundred dollars to be given up to her at my death.
Second. I give to my daughter Jane one note which I hold upon my son John Hodge for One hundred and twenty-eight dollars 89 1/2 cents to be given up to her at my death.
Third. It is my desire and of cause my will that all my carpets and carpeting be divided between my two daughters, Jane Hodge and Zilpha Haggard, Jane having the right to take such as she may want first and Zilpha to have the rest.
4th. It is my desire that my son William Hodge keep my horse and purchase or trade for for one of about the same value for a riding horse for my daughter Jane, which hose when it's procured I give to my said duaghter Jane.
5th. It is my desire and Will that all my bed, bed clothes and clothing of every description be equally divided between my three daughters (to wit) Jane Hodge, Sarah Ringo and Zilpha Haggard.
6th. My two large hogsheads with my two iron pitch forks I give to my son William Hodge.
7th. All the residue of my Estate of every description, I will to be sold and the money arising therefrom as well as from all other sources, to be equally divided amongst all my children (The heirs of my son Samuel Hodge dec'd excepted). He having received from me previous to his death which I conceive to have been his full share.
And lastly I appoint my son William Hodge Executor to this my last Will and Testament.
In testimony whereof I have hereunto set my hand and caused my seal to be affixed this 10th day of August 1839. Singed: Elizabeth (X) Hodge
Presence of Josiah Davis, Thomas Slater
State of Kentucky
Montgomery County. October Court 1839
A writing purporting to be the last Will and Testament of Elisabeth Hodge dec'd was this day produced in open court and proven by the Oath of Josiah Davis a subscribing witness thereto and also proved the signature of Thomas Slater another subscribing witness thereto to be her act and deed, Examined by the court and ordered to be recorded, which is accordingly done.
James Howard, Clk.


Marriage4 Mar 1793Augusta County, Virginia - John Hamilton Hodge
DeathBy Oct 1839Montgomery County, Kentucky


SpouseJohn Hamilton Hodge (1770 - )
ChildWilliam Hamilton Hodge (1797 - 1884)
ChildSarah Hodge (1798 - 1885)
ChildJohn Hodge (1800 - 1869)
ChildSamuel J. Hodge (1802 - 1837)
ChildZilpah Hodge (1809 - 1892)
ChildJane Hodge ( - )