Individual Details

Thomas Stamps

( - )

Thomas Stamp lived in Prince George County Parish, Prince George Co., MD. His wife's first name was Elizabeth. The Stamp's lived on a tract of land that was known as STAMPES VALLIE, lying on the freshes of the Pottemake, approximately 200 acres.

On Dec. 26, 1711, Thomas witnessed the will of William Hatten.1 On May 07, 1709, he witnessed the will of Thomas Frederick.2 On Jan. 02,1717 he witnessed the will of John Burke. At his death, he had not completed the Estate of William Glover.

The will of Thomas Stamp was dated April 29, 1723. It was probated on May 10, 1723 in Prince George Co., MD.3 His three sons were not yet age 21.
Elizabeth Stamp executed a deed, which is actually a will, on April 30, 1730; at which time the Stamp children were not yet 21.4


Last Will and Testament of Thomas Stamp

Will written April 29, 1723
Recorded in Liber No. 1, Folio 136
Orphans Court, Prince George Co., MD.

In the name of God, Amen, the ninth and twentieth day of April in the ninth yere of the reign of our Sovereign Lord King George and in the year of our Lord one thousand seven hundred and twenty-three.

I, Thomas Stamp, of Prince George County, Maryland, being sick and weak in body but in sound and perfect memory, praised be given to Almighty for the same, and calling to remembrance the uncertain estate of this transitory life and being desirous to settle things in order, do make this my last will and testament in manner and form following, that is to say:

First and principally I commend my Soul to Almighty God my Creator and Redeemer, assuredly believing that I shall receive full pardon and free remission of my sins and to be served by the precious Death and Merits of my Blessed Saviour and Redeemer Jesus Christ, and my body to the earth from whence it was taken, to be buried in such decent manner as to my executrix hereafter named shall be thought meet and convenient and as touching my worldly estate as the Lord in his mercy hath lent me, my will and meaning is the same shall be imployed and bestowed as hereinafter by this my will is expressed, and first, I revoke, renounce,frustrate and make void all wills by me formerly made and declare and appoint this only to be my last will and testament.

Item, first, to Elizabeth Stamps my dear and beloved wife, I have made, ordained, constitute and appoint my whole and sole executrix of all my worldly estate as goods, chattels, xc. only one tract of land excepted which is as followeth:

Item second, I give and bequeath to my three sons, Thomas, John and William Stamp one tract of land called Stampes Vallie lying on the freshes of the Pottomake beginning at a bounded hickrey tree to the riverside, containing two hundred acres of land, to be equally divided betwixt them three as is thought most convenient by the aforesaid executrix each of them to have his true complement, that is sixty six and one hundred and six perches.

In witness whereof I have set my hand and seal to one sheet of paper written on one side this year and day above written.

Thomas Stamps [seal]

Signed, sealed, published and pronounced and declared by the said Thomas Stamp as his last will and testament in the presence of us:
John Flint
Ninian Tennehill
Robert (X) Payne
* * * * *
May 10, 1723

Then came Ninian Tannehill one of the witnesses to the within will and made oath that upon the Holy Evangly of the Almighty God that he saw the within mentioned Thos Stamp sign and seal and heard him publish and declare the within written instrument as his last will and testament and at the time of his doing thereof he was to the best of his apprehension of perfect sence and memory and that Robert Payne one of the within witnesses and believe that he saw and heard the same. Came John Flint and Robert Payne before me and made oath to the within will, that it was signed, sealed and declared by Thomas Stamp, he being in perfect memory to the best of our knowledge. Sworn before me
Thos Brooks, Jr., Dept. Comr. P.G. Co.

Thereafter, since Thomas Middleton of Prince George County was bounded with Thomas Stamp, late husband of Elizabeth Stamp, for the administration or executrixship of William Glover's estate, and that this estate was not fully administered, so that the daughter of said Glover has not yet received her part of said estate, though much in debt, Elizabeth Stamp assigned unto Mr. Thomas Middleton all her rite to the administration or executorship of said estate of Thomas Stamp. Signed by Elizabeth E. Stamp, by her mark, on May 6, 1723 and recorded in Liber No.1 Folio 136, Orphans Court of Prince George County, Maryland.

Land records of Thomas Stamp date 1650 to 1723 and are found in the Maryland Land office.

1 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 3, page 228
2 Maryland Calendar of Wills, Vol. 3, page 145
3 Maryland Calendar of Wills. Typescript copy follows on next page.
3 The will of Elizabeth Stamp follows on the page following Thomas Stamp's will


FatherThomas Stampe (1603 - )
SiblingWilliam Stamps (1660 - )
SiblingArthur Stamps ( - )
SiblingRalph Stamps ( - )
SiblingJohn Stamps ( - )