Individual Details

Susannah Swan

( - Abt 1724)

Susannah is said to be the second wife of Cornelius. It's impossible to know which children belonged to which wife - they are given here as some Dabney researchers have place them. In the early land records, the devisees of Cornelius are listed as James, George, Dorothy, and Sarah. Would appear that perhaps Cornelius left a will which did not name all his children. There is no mention of dower for a wife.

Susanna married 2nd an Anderson.
Court of monthly Session for Hanover Co at the Courthouse, Tuesday, 22 Dec 1868
[after the Yankess had burned Richmond - produced to be entered in the record]
William Winston Dabney produced a copy of the last will and testament of Susanna Anderson, deceased. Ordered recorded.


DeathAbt 1724Hanover County, Virginia
MarriageCornelius Dabney


SpouseCornelius Dabney (1630 - 1694)
ChildJohn Dabney ( - 1688)
ChildElizabeth Dabney ( - 1688)
ChildCornelius Dabney (1690 - 1765)
