Individual Details

Algelena Rowland

(22 Dec 1808 - 30 Dec 1891)

On Family Tree Maker Marriage Index of IL and IN 1790-1850, Angelena's name is listed as Aljelenia.

On the 1880 U. S. Census of Precinct 2, Dawson Co. Nebraska, Algena is living with her son Bennett and his family.

Email of Oct. 19, 2008 from Ron viewed the tombstone of Algelena Campbell.



At the home of her daughter, on wednesday, December 30, 1891, Mrs. Algelena Campbell, aged 86 years and eight days. Algelena Rowland was born in Christian County, Kentucky, in 1808. There her early life was passed amid the hardshiops and privations of the piooneers of that early day. And there, when she was 19 years old, she was married to William M. N. Campbell, a soldier in the war of 1812. In 1837 they moved to Iowa, then an almost unbroken wilderness, and once more was she called upon to undergo the trials of pioneer life. There in Iowa her children grew to manhood and womanhood, and there during the days of the war of the rebellion, two of her sons enlisted in the Union Army. One of them Charles, gave his life for his country. The other, Bennett, was severly wounded. In 1873 death once more entered the family circle, this time it was the husband and father who was called away. In 1880 the deceased accompanied by two sons and two daughters moved to Nebraska and settled near Gothenburg, she living with her daughter Oney, and thus for the third time becoming a pioneer, each time in a different state.
Grandma Campbell as she was called by everyone was converted in her 13th year and joined the Old School Baptist Church, of which she was ever a consistent member, although very strict in heer religious belief, she gladly gave the same privileges to others, and ministers of all denominations were always welcome visitors. About four weeks ago she was taken sick and in spite of good nursing and care, gradually grew worse, realizing that she had not long to live, on being asked if she was prepared, replied that she was not only ready, bu willing to go, that the Saviour who had been her friend and comforter during each dark hour of trouble in life, was with here, and she had no fear of the future, all was bright. She also requested that her children sing at her funeral the beautiful hymn, "O Sing To Me Of Heaven When I Am Called to Die." The deceased leaves three sons and three daughters to mourn her loss, and she has three brothers and two sisters living.
The funeral services were held at Grand View Church where a large congregation attended the funeral, showing the respect and sympathy of all at the departure of one so noble and true in all relations of life. The funeral sermon was preached by Rev. Fleming from the very appropriate text, "I am the resurrection and the life, he that believeth in me though he were dead, yet shall he live."
Gothenburg Independent Wed. Jan. 6, 1892, Page 5 Col. 4


Birth22 Dec 1808Christian Co., Kentucky
Marriage9 Apr 1828Morgan Co., Illinois - William McNeil Campbell
Death30 Dec 1891Gothenburg, Dawson Co., Nebraska
BurialJan 1892Grand View Cemetery, Gothenburg, Dawson Co., Nebraska


SpouseWilliam McNeil Campbell (1791 - 1873)
ChildJohn F Campbell (1830 - 1850)
ChildLucy Ann Campbell (1834 - 1901)
ChildOney Jane Campbell (1835 - 1917)
ChildFranklin W. Campbell (1836 - 1917)
ChildCatherine B. Campbell (1838 - 1893)
ChildBennett R. Campbell (1840 - 1923)
ChildCharles H. Campbell (1842 - 1863)
ChildSidney F. Campbell (1847 - 1865)
ChildGeorge Benjamin Campbell (1849 - 1922)
FatherMicajah Bennett Rowland (1783 - 1861)
MotherLucy Bradley (1789 - 1860)
SiblingJohn Bradley Rowland (1807 - 1891)
SiblingElizabeth Duckett Rowland (1810 - 1883)
SiblingMary B. Rowland (1813 - 1902)
SiblingNancy W. Rowland (1815 - 1891)
SiblingWilliam B. Rowland (1817 - 1898)
SiblingAlsey B. Rowland (1819 - 1820)
SiblingMargaret Ann Rowland (1821 - 1889)
SiblingSusan J. Rowland (1823 - 1896)
SiblingJames J. Rowland (1826 - 1917)
SiblingRobert Bradley Rowland (1828 - 1913)
SiblingMatilda T. Rowland (1830 - 1831)
SiblingRichard D. Rowland (1832 - 1863)
