Individual Details

Nancy Mossman

( - 1808)

in notes of Lylla Bussey (filed under William Patterson file), she postulates that Nancy may have been the daughter of Samuel Mossman and references "Hamilton Manuscripts pp 108-111 and 125-131. This reference places Samuel near the towns of Bangor and Killyleagh in North Ireland. Need to research Patterson and Mossman on Hamilton estates in 1681 and 1688.


MarriageJan 1765Bethel Church, Burke Co., GA - William Patterson
Death1808Jefferson Co., GA
Alt nameNancy Mosman


SpouseWilliam Patterson (1743 - 1801)
ChildRobert Patterson Sr. (1759 - 1824)
ChildJohn Patterson ( - )
ChildNancy Patterson ( - )
ChildMollie Patterson ( - )
