David and Jenni Little

I am researching several family lines including the Little and Patterson lines from Middle Georgia in Burke and Jefferson counties, the Roberts and Moran lines from Hancock County, Georgia, Christopher of Lumpkin and White counties in north Georgia, the Fielis and Lee families of New York as well as my wife’s lines of Stybr, McKillip, Bauld and Julien of Illinois.



David Little
1231 Settlers Ridge Rd
Athens, GA 30606

Email: xCHag6ly_ebNQDnVQmEehk37avruTliwK4onkrmgg37QyTvWQ@J94zmgxd9aMGyjcuhMUg2fnfrthJCutp-FfKDWPfWe-huWBqJsbTcg.47rvcTgBjo5fCem
last updated 2023-08-16