Individual Details

William Patterson

(28 Sep 1743 - 17 Jun 1801)

According to Edith Little's DAR application:

"He went as a delegate to Savannah to oppose the petition drawn up by citizens of Saint George's Parish and presented to the Congress which met to consider Georgia's part in the Revolution, in which the parish set forth its reasons for remaining loyal to the King.

"He at first served only in the parish and neighboring territory suppressing Tory raids; but later enlisted regular
army, and served to the end of the War"

As reference, Edith notes:

* Listed as a soldier of the line in "Georgia and the Georgia People" - Smith, page 621
* Of record as a soldier in the Sect. of State's office, Atlanta, Georgia.
* In published statement of State of Georgia as receiving land on account of service.

According to Annie Patterson's DAR application:

"William Patterson and his son Robert Patterson both listed in Knights Roster of Revolutionary Soldiers. William Patterson enlisted from St. George's Parish and served seven years. (Ref. Geo. Smith's List of Soldiers of the Line.) as a private. William and Robert Patterson's names as Rev. soldiers receiving grants of land in office of Sec. of State Atlanta, GA"

As reference, Annie notes:

* Roger's History of Chattahoochee County GA pp 367, 368

As references on her DAR application, Helene Ramsey notes:

* Personal Hand-Book Record, Copy enclosed, original Atlanta Historical Society Library, Atlanta, Georgia (Family Bible) [unknown which Bible]
* Memoirs of Georgia, Vol II, 1895, Atlanta, Georgia, p. 438, copy


Birth28 Sep 1743Jefferson Co., GA
MarriageJan 1765Bethel Church, Burke Co., GA - Nancy Mossman
Death17 Jun 1801Jefferson Co., GA
MilitaryPrivate, GA Militia


SpouseNancy Mossman ( - 1808)
ChildRobert Patterson Sr. (1759 - 1824)
ChildJohn Patterson ( - )
ChildNancy Patterson ( - )
ChildMollie Patterson ( - )
