Individual Details

John Abell

(1680 - 9 Nov 1746)

Will of John Abell

John Abell. Senior

Signed: September 25, 1746
Proved: November 8, 1746

The Last Will of
John Abell ~~~ In the name of God, Amen. I John Abell Senior of St. Marys County
in the province of Maryland, yeoman being in a very weak and Languishin
Condition of body but of sound, and perfect memory, Thanks be to God for it, and
calling to mind the uncertainty of Life, and how, Sertain it is I must die, for
the setling my worldly, Estate, do make Constitute apoynt, and ordain, this to
be, my Last Will and Testament in manner and form following. Viz ~~ 1st I give
my soul to God that gave it, and my body to the Earth, from whence it was taken,
there to rest in hopes of the Resuretion, to be buried, at the chapple by my
former wife without either pomp or Seremony ~~ 2nd ly I give and bequeath unto
my loving wife, the bed whereon we now lay with the furniture commonly used
about it, with bedstids, & Cords. I likewise give to my said wife, all her
working tools which she uses abote either, woole Cotton or flax. I likewise give
her all the wool, and flax, which is already gathered with all the yaarn Spun.
3rd ly, I give to my wifes, Son John Howell twenty shillings to be paid him in
what his mother pleases. 4th ly I give to my son Enoch Abell, that tract or
parcell of Land, whereon he now lives, containing fifty three Acres, more or
less. Called Southern Conclusion with all the profits there unto
belonging to him and his heirs forever ~~ and as for all my other Land I ordain
it shall be as it is, divided all ready, I give to Cuthbert my son, a great
pott, and a hovell. ye remainder part of my Estate & Lease to be Equally Divided
between, my wife, and Children, according to Law. Also, my Daughter in Law
Catrane Hutchings, to have a Equall part with them I order my beloved wife,
shall keep ye hole Estate in hir hands, three years in Cares, shee Continues in
her widowhood, I appoint my beloved Wife to be ye hole and sole Executrix and
Wnd. Of this, My, Last will, and Testament, As witness whereof I have unto set
my hand. And seal ~~

Jn. Abell, sen (((seal)))

Signed and D Dto
be his Last Will
and Testament
Nath Huckman
John Walker
John Swails
St. Marys County Ss November ye 8th 1746 ~~~~~~~~~
Then came Nathaniel Hickman, John Walker & John Swails the subscribing Witnesses
to the foregoing will being duly, and solomnly sworn on the holy Evangels of
Almighty God depose, and say that they saw the Testator, John Abell sign the
foregoing will, and heard him publish, and declare, the same to be his Last Will
and Testament, that at the time of his sodoing he was to the best of their
apprehension of sound, and disposing mind, and memory, and that they subscribed
their Respective names, as witnesses to the Said Will in the presence of the,
Said Testator and at his Request ~~~~

Sworn to before me ~ Tho. Aisquith Depty Comiss ry
of St. Marys County
The day above ye deceased Widow made her Election, and stands to the Will ~~~~

Certified by me ~~ Tho. Aisquith, Depty Comiss ry of St. Marys County ~

Calling to mind something that I would have done after my death and to prevent
mistakes, caused me to make this Codecill ~~~
My desire is that my wife Shall, have what, I have given her in my Will more
than her thirds, and I also give to my wife four hoggs, for her own use namely
three sows, and one, barrow. ~~ I allso, desire that my Corn in the wheat patch,
and two my best Barrows, and two quertes of my barren Cowe, Shall be sold, to
pay part of my debts, and that my brother Samuel, may see to the seling of them,
and the Remaining part of the Sd Cow, and the Rest of my crop of Corn be for the
family use. In Witness my hand, and seal, this 25th Day of September, Anno Domi
1746 ~~~ Jn Abell sen (((Seal)))

This signed seal & published and Tested
By Robert X Hutchings

St. Marys County Ss November ye 8th 1746
Then Came Robert Hutchings the subscribing witness to ye foregoing Codicil,
being duly & solomly Sworn on the holy Evangels of almighty God depose & say
that he saw the Testator Jn. Abell sign the foregoing Codicil, & heard him
publish and declare the same to be his Codicill yt at ye he was to the best of
his apprehension of sound and disposing mind & memory.
Sworn to before me ~~ Tho Aisquith Depty Comiss ry of St. Marys County ~~~

Transcribed by Judith A. Burger March 8, 2001 from a photocopy of the original
court record, TA 1, 203-204, obtained from Norma I. Dawson, Register of Wills,
Saint Mary's County Maryland. The photocopy was good, but the writing distorted
and illegible in part. The name of the land bequeathed to Enoch Abell w
illegible to me. I made no corrections of any kind.


Birth1680St. Mary's County, Maryland
Marriage10 Nov 1703St. Mary's Co., Maryland - Mary Usher
MarriageBet 1710 and 1714Mary Usher
Marriage16 Dec 1735St. Mary's County, Maryland - Frances Wilkinson
Death9 Nov 1746St. Mary's County, Maryland
MarriageHis 1st marriage - Unknown Fisher


SpouseUnknown Fisher ( - )
SpouseFrances Wilkinson (1690 - )
SpouseMary Usher (1695 - 1734)
ChildSamuel Abell (1710 - 1795)
ChildJohn Abell (1711 - 1794)
ChildEnoch Abell (1714 - 1784)
ChildEdward Abell Capt. (1715 - 1807)
ChildCuthbert Abell (1720 - 1786)
FatherSamuel Abell (1650 - 1698)
MotherSusannah Ann Gardiner (1650 - 1697)
SiblingFrancis Abell (1667 - 1697)
SiblingWilliam Abell (1667 - 1697)
SiblingSamuel Abell II (1677 - 1763)

