Individual Details

Samuel Abell

(Abt 1650 - 8 Jan 1698)

Not all information verified and/or documented. Not all are my direct line (only those denoted by *). Please use this as a guide and contact the source for more information. I am actively making updates and corrections and reposting the information. With

See his will. There were 4 other children. One may have been named Richard.

BIRTH-MARRIADE-DEATH: From notes from Bob Haydon, 7023 Hudson Place, Kent
Ohio, 44240, Phone: (330) 678-1094

"The maiden name of Anne (Gardinier) is not revealed on any records. Some
writers have suggested that it was Gardinier, one going so far as to say that
she was the daughter of Capt. Luke Gardinier son of Richard Gardinier, a
conspicious member of the group that accompanied Calvert on the Ark and The
Dove. Unfortunately, those who speculate that she was a Gardinier, provide no
clues as to how they reached that conclusion"

Luke Gardinier was a witness to the will in 1697 of this Samuel Abell, so
there was some connection between Samuel and Luke. Take notice of your dates
of Luke Gardiniers marriage. Anne being a Gardinier is therefore somewhat
questionable, or (wild speculation, she could be a second wife and not the
mother of Samuel's children).

See his will. There were four other children. One may have been named
Richard. See the administrator's account of the estate of Ann Abell.

Will of Samuel Abell
Signed: January 8, 1697
Proved: April 11, 1697

The Will of
Samuel Abell In the Name of god Amen. The eight day of January 1697. I Samuel
Abell of St. Marys County in ye province of Maryland (Carpd?), being in good &
perfect memory, thanks be to God, & Calling to remembrance, the uncertaine,
estate of this transitory life & yt all flesh, must go to unto death, when it
shall please God to Call, do make constitute ordaine & declare, this my last
Will & testament, in manner & form following, Revoaking & annulling, by these
presents , all & Every testament, and testaments, Will & Wills, heretofore by me
made & declared either by word, or writing, & this is to be taken, only for my
last will & testament & none other and first being penitent & sorry from ye
bottom of my heart, for my sins past most humbly desiring forgiveness for ye
same, I give & commit, my soul to almighty God my Saviour & Redeemer & my body
to be buried, in such place, where it shall please my Executor hereafter named
to apoint and now for ye Settling of my temporal, estate & such goods Chattles
and debts as it hath pleased God far above my deserts to bestow, upon me. I do
ordain give & dispose. Ye Same in manner & form following, that is to Say, first
I will that all those debts & duties as I owe in Right or Conscience, to any
manner of person or persons whatsoever shall be well and truly contacted & paid
or ordained to be paid, within convenient time after my decease, by my Executor
hereafter named ~~ Item the tract of land of mine where on I now live being on
my lords mannor, being one hundred & twenty acres, all ye land belonging to ye
Sd tract on ye other Side of Napkin branch, I give & bequeath unto my son John
Abell during his life, & my will & desire is yt my Sd Son Jno Abell, shall be at
age at ye year of eighteen ~~ Item the Remaining part of my Said Estate, being
on this side Napkin whereon my plantation is seated I give & bequeath unto my
son Samuel Abell during his life & my will and desire is yt my Sd Son Samuel
Abell, shall be at age at ye years of eighteen Item my Will & desire is yt my
loving wife Anne Abell Shall live on ye plantation on my lords mannor. During
her life, if in case my said Sons John & Samll Abell doe live as long as she
does ~~ Item that heifer called by ye name of Johns heifer & her increase I give
& bequeath, unto my son Jno Abell & also ye heifer, called by ye name of Sams
heifer & her increase, I give & bequeath, unto my son Samll Abell ~~ Item all ye
Remaining part of my estate both Reall & personall, I give & bequeath, unto my
loving wife Anne Abell & her heirs for ever. Lastly I doe hereby nomina
constitute and appoint, my loving wife, Anne Abell Executrix of this my last
will & testament In witness whereof I have, hereunto sett my hand, & seal ye day
& yeare first above so written.

Samuel (S) Abell (((Seal)))

Signed sealed & delivered
In ye presence of
Edward Cole
Luke Gardiner Juner
Charles Carler

Mr. Edward Cole Mr. Luke Gardiner and Charles Carler deposed upon their oaths,
that they sa within testator within mentioned, sign seal, and deliver, the
within wrighting as his last will, and testament and that at the time thereof,
he was to the best of their skill, and Judgement, of sound and disposing Mind,
and memory, Sworn before me, the 11th day of April 97 ~~ James Hoock

Transcribed by Judith A. Burger, March 5, 2001 from a photocopy of the original
court record, P.C. 1 100-101, obtained from Norma I. Dawson, Register of Wills,
St. Mary's County, Maryland. The photocopy was good the writing legible with the
exception of the word in parenthesis and the surname of the witness Charles
Carler. I made no corrections of any kind.

Samuel Abell I; it is certain that Samuel Abell I, who died
testate in St. Mary's County in 1698, was an anceste
there is no sign of his coming into the Colony, he must ha
been born there, or brought in as a child, by his father, a
probably Captain Robert Abell's son. He leaves to "my s
John my Lord's Manor and 120 acres all on other side of
Napkin's Run; to my son Samuel my dwelling plantation on
this side of Napkin Run, and the remainder of my estate,
real and personal to my wife Ann, and appoint her my
executrix." Witnesses: Edward Cole and Luke Gardiner.
The maiden name of Ann cannot be discovered but suspe
it was Gardiner.


BirthAbt 1650St Mary's Co, MD
Death8 Jan 1698St Marys, St Mary's, Maryland
MarriageSusannah Ann Gardiner


SpouseSusannah Ann Gardiner (1650 - 1697)
ChildFrancis Abell (1667 - 1697)
ChildWilliam Abell (1667 - 1697)
ChildJohn Abell (1680 - 1746)
ChildSamuel Abell II (1677 - 1763)
FatherRobert Abell Capt. (1628 - )
MotherJoanna Hyde ( - 1682)
SiblingCuthbert Abell ( - )
SiblingMary Abell (1642 - 1718)
SiblingRichard Abell (1645 - )
SiblingJohn Abell (1647 - 1669)
FatherRobert Abell , Capt (1610 - 1658)
MotherUnknown ( - )
SiblingRichard Abell (1645 - )
SiblingJohn Abell (1647 - 1669)
