Individual Details

Robert Ford

(1664 - Bef 15 Sep 1740)

Robert Ford Jr. gave a deposition in 1715 stating he was 51 years old.

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited By Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1738 To 1743 Volume VIII. Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland 1988; p. 100
Ford, Robert of Strand, planter, St Mary's Co. 27th Dec., 1735; 15th Sept., 1740.
To wife Margaret, 1/3 personal estate and interest in 100 A. "Strand" during widowhood.
" sons John and Robert and hrs., "Strand" willed to them by testator's father Robert.
" sons John and Peter and hrs., 82 A. land.
" son Peter, "May Pole Purchase" willed to him by testator's father.
To sons afsd. 1 A. left by testator's father for a warehouse.
" child. viz., John, Robert, Peter, Monica Sherlly, Teresa Winstead and Annastasia Mattingly, personal estate.
Ex.: Son Peter.
Test: William Howard, John Daly, Luke Cusacke. 22. 239.
NJL note: the boys are given as oldest, second and youngest in the full text of his will and in the order given in the list of his children above.

Mr. Robert Ford, Sr. 25.433 SM £188.6.7 Nov 28 1740 Mar 4 1741
Appraisers: William Williams, Enoch Coombs (also Enoch Combs).
Creditors: John Cartwright, Robert Ford.
Next of kin: Robert Ford, John Ford.
Administrator/Executor: Peter Ford.

Robert Ford 18.375 A SM £188.6.7 £27.2.7 Jul 13 1741
Received from: Henry Bryon.
Payments to: Mr. John Cartwright, Cornelius Manbly, Mr. Edward Diggs due to Lord Baltimore.
Executor: Peter Ford.

VOLUME 22, PAGES 239-240,
MdHR 1132 1-11-5-14
Maryland SS
Robert Ford, 27 December 1735
In the name of God, Amen The Twenty Seventh Day of December in the Year of our Lord One thousand Seven hundred thirty and five. I Robert Ford of Strand Senr in St Mary's County Planter being Sick and Weak in body but of perfect mind and memory thanks be given unto God therefore Calling unto mind the Mortality of my Body and knowing that it is appointed for all men once to die, do make and ordain this my Last Will and Testament: that is to Say Principally and first I give and Recommend my Soul into the hands of God that gave it, and for my Body, I recommend it to the Earth to be buried in a Christian like and Decent Manner at the Discretion of my Executor Nothing Doubting but at the General Resurrection I Shall receive the Same again by the Mighty Power of God; and as Touching Such Worldly Estate wherewith it hath pleased God to Bless me in this Life I Give Devise, and Dispose of the Same in the following Manner and form Viz
Imprimis I Give and bequeath to Margaret my Dearly beloved Wife the third part of my Personal Estate after my Just Debts being paid and two working Horses with a Priviledge upon the said Tract of Land Called the Strand, during her Widowhood.
Item I Give and bequeath unto my Eldest Son John Ford, and my second Son Robert Ford the said Tract of Land Called the Strand to them Willed by my Father Robert and their Heirs for Ever as p the first patent obtained by him Containing One hundred Acres Lying and being in the Main fresh of Bretons Bay.
Item I give and bequeath unto my said Eldest Son John and my third Son Peter Ford Eighty Two Acres of Surplus land contained within the Bounds of the said Tract Called the Strand more than the Original Quantity mentioned in Said Fathers Patent which I Value bona fide at Six thousand Pounds of Tobacco Purchase made by me: and which said Eighty two acres, I give and bequeath unto the said John & Peter Ford; and their Heirs for Ever provided they pay or cause to be paid my second Son Robert Ford and his Heirs or Assigns the Just Sum of and full Quantity of Thousand pounds of Tobacco for his third part of the said Eighty Two Acres aforesaid.
Item I give and bequeath unto my Youngest Son Peter Ford the Tract of Land Called May Pole Pursuant to my Fathers Will after by Decease, to him and his heirs for Ever.
Item I will and bequeath unto my three said Sons Viz John Robert and Peter Ford their heirs and assigns for Ever One Acre of Land left to me by my Father in his Will, runing in the Tract of Land Called Downham lying and being in the fresh of Bretons bay, it being Intended by father for a Conviewney(?) of a Warehouse for the Strand and May Pole family.
Item I give and bequeath my Personal Estate to be Equaly Divided between my Six Children Viz John Robert and Peter Ford Monica Sherekly Teresa Winstead and Annastasia Mattingly to them and their heirs for Ever.
Lastly I do make Constitute Ordain and appoint Peter Ford my third Son my Only and Sole Executor of this my Last Will and Testament and I do hereby utterly Disallow, Revoke and Disanul all and every other former Testaments and Wills and Legacies Requests and Executors by me in any Ways before this time named Willed and bequeathed Ratifying and Confirming this and no other to be my Last Will and Testament in Witness whereof I have hereunto Set my hand and Seal the Day aforesaid.
Robert Ford (Seal)
Signed Sealed Published pronounced and Declared by the said Ford as his Last Will and Testament in the presence of us the Subscribers Viz and when the words (after my Just Debts being paid) was interlined between the 14th and 15th Line of the first Paragraph.
William (his mark) Howard, John (his mark) Daly, Luke (mark) Cusaake
On the back of the foregoing Will is thus Written Viz
September ye 15th 1740 William Howard & John Daly two of the Subscribing Witnesses to the fforegoing Will being duly and Solemnly Sworn on the Holy Evangels of Almighty God depose and Say that they Saw the Testator Robert Ford Sign the foregoing Will and heard him Publish and Declare the Same to be his Last Will & Testament that at the time of his so doing he was to the Best of their Apprehension of Sound and Disposeing mind and memory and that they Subscribed their Respective Names as Witnesses in the Presence of the said Testator and at his Request.
Sworn to before me Tho. Aisquith Depty Comry of St Marys County
On the Same day above the Deceaseds Widow made her Election and Accepts of the Devise in the Will Certified by me Tho. Aisquith Depty Comry of St Marys County

01. Robert Ford II, (inherited tracts of land "The Strand," "Maypole," and one acre of "Downham" from his father) born around 1664 St Mary's County, Maryland, according to a deposition in 1715 stating he was 51 years of age; married 1) name unknown; probably married 2) Mary Heard, widow of James Tant, between 5 June 1718 and 11 May 1719; married 3) Margaret, surname unknown; Will dated 27 December 1735, probated 15 September 1740 in St Mary's County, Maryland.

For a little background on Mary Heard. She married James Tant around 1705. At the time of their marriage, James Tant had two children, Ann Tant and John Tant, by his first wife, Mary Tattershall. Mary and James Tant then had three children-Mathew Tant, born around 1705; Elizabeth Tant, and Mary Tant. They lived on plantation "Revell." James Tant died in 1717 and Mary administered his estate. On 5 June 1718 Accounts showed her as Mary Tant but Accounts filed 11 May 1719 showed her as Mary Ford, wife of Robert Ford. So she certainly married a Robert Ford but the question is which one. It could have been Robert II or possibly, his son, Robert III. It is difficult to come up with a good estimate for her birth date; I would guess around 1685 which would make her 20 years younger than Robert II but older than Robert III. I am guessing she married Robert II and it is just a guess, but if so, she was not the mother of all of his children. We know daughter of Robert II, Teresa, was born in 1705, a good 14 years before Mary could possibly be married to Robert II. Again, just a guess but I doubt if she was the mother of any of the children of Robert II.
Robert II had six children per his Will:
01.01. John Ford, (inherited from his father a portion of tract of land called "Strand" plus portion of small tract called 'Downham').
01.02. Robert Ford, III, (Inherited from his father half of a 100 acre tract of land called "Strand" and portion of small tract called "Downham"); married 1) name unknown; married 2) Teresa Van Sweringen Parke, daughter of Gerret Van Sweringen and Mary SMITH, and widow of John Parke; Will dated 12 November 1753, probated 31 January 1754 in St Mary's County, Maryland. Per Will he had daughter, Monica Ford who married John Fenwick
01.03. Peter Ford, (inherited from his father land called "May Pole" and portion of small tract called "Downham"); married possibly as his 2nd wife, Mary, surname unknown, widow of Joshua Millard per Margaret Fresco in "Marriages and Deaths St Mary's County, Maryland"; Will dated 10 February 1763, probated 4 June 1766 in St Mary's County, Maryland. According to his will, he had children: Richard Ford, Bennett Ford (who was deceased by 10 Feb 1763 but had two sons, Peter and John Jarrat Ford), Peter Ford, John Ford, and Persilla Ford
01.04. Monica Ford, married 1) Thomas Shircliffe prior to 1735; married 2) Henry BRYAN; died after 17 July 1761 when her husband made his Will.
01.05. Teresa Ford, born around 1705 per deposition dated 3 August 1730 stating she was "Twenty five years or thereabouts"; married 1) Thomas Cooper; married 2) Richard Wimsett by 1730; died after 10 February 1763 when she witnessed the Will of her brother, Peter Ford.
Archives of Maryland, Chancery Court, Vol 4, p. 311; (MSA S517-6)
Deposition of Teresia Wimsett, 3 August 1730: Teresia Winsett wife of Richard Winsett late widow of Thomas Cooper late of St Marys County Innholder Deced aged Twenty five years or thereabouts on the Holy Evangelists of Almighty God Declares that during the life time of her sd late Husband & in his House in Seymour Towne she this Depont. heard Richard Llewellirn late of the County afd Deced ask William Brewer to go off from some Plantation (but what Plantation he meant is unknown to this Depont) which the sd Brewer refused to do whereupon the sd Llewellirn offered the sd Brewer a Plantation during his the sd Brewer's life time in Case he the sd Brewer would go off But the said Brewer Still refusing to go off the sd Llewellirn told the sd Brewer that in Case he the Sd Brewer would not go off by fair meanes he the sd Llewellirn believed he should force him off and further Sayeth not.
01.06. Anastasia Ford, married a Mattingly
Elizabeth Randolph


Birth1664'Strand', St. Mary's County, Maryland
MarriageAbt 1680St. Mary's County, Maryland - unknown
MarriageBef 11 May 1719St Mary's County, Md - Mary Heard
MarriageBef 11 May 1719Mary Heard
DeathBef 15 Sep 1740St Mary's County, Md
Death15 Sep 1740St. Mary's County, Maryland
MarriageMary Heard
Alt nameRobert Ford , Jr.


SpouseMary Heard (1685 - 1726)
ChildMonica Ford ( - )
Spouseunknown ( - )
ChildRobert Ford (1683 - 1754)
ChildTheresa Ford (1705 - 1763)
FatherRobert Ford (1614 - 1690)
MotherLydia ( - 1710)
SiblingHonora Ford (1666 - 1696)
SiblingMargaret Ford (1660 - )
SiblingMary Ford (1665 - )
SiblingJohn Ford (1662 - )
SiblingMargaret Ford ( - 1700)