Individual Details

Godshall Barnes

(20 Dec 1692 - Bef 9 Apr 1768)

Barnes Godshall s/o Matthew and Elizabeth of Portobacco b 20 Dec 1692

p. 54, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1752-1756 Liber A#3 (AKA A#11/2)
Page (275). Jan 18, 1755 from Godshall Barnes of CC, planter, to Marthew Barnes Jr of CC, for the natural love that he has for his son, the afd Marthew Barnes Jr, and for 20 £ sterling, and for divers other good causes, part of a tract of land in CC called Barnes purchase, containing and laid out for about 50 acres. Signed-Godshall Barnes. Wit -Thos Stone, Walter Hanson. Anne, the wife of the sd Godshall Barnes, relinquished her right of dower to the lands within mentioned. Recorded Feb 4, 1755.

Early Births Deaths and Marriages, Charles County, MD
Charles County Maryland Records Of Births, Deaths & Marriages, 1654-1696
As Found In Charles County Chancery Records, Liber P, No. 1, 1688-1689, and 1687-1759.
Record of Births, Deaths & Marriages, 1654-1695 (Continued from August-Vol. 8, No. 3)
Godshall Barnes, s/o Matthew and Elizabeth, of Portobacco, b. 20 Dec 1692

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1992 Vol 33 No 4; CHARLES COUNTY DEPOSITIONS, A-G; by Robert W. Barnes.
BARNES, GodshalL age 64, 31 Jan. 1756; CHLR 49: E#3, 1755-1756:391. Age 68, 1 Aug. 1760; CHLR 54: K#3, 1760-1762:7. Age 68, 20 Feb. 1761; CHLR 54: K#3, 1760-1762:154. Age 69, 6 Dec. 1762, deposed that near 40 years ago Capt. Theobald was THIRDING [?(NJL note: setting out her dower.)] his mother and this deponent being present he saw small bounded tree which he understood was the dividing tree between Betty's Delight and Planter's Delight; mentioned William Barnes, and the deponent's father Capt. William Barnes; CHLR 56: M#3, 1762-1764:219. Age 74, 11 June 1766, deposed that Clements Butts, who was present was always reputed to be the son of Jno. Butts, late of said county, dec., that the deponent knew Jno. Butts, who had always acknowledged Clement as his son, and that Clement was born in wedlock, that John before the birth of said Clement was married to one Christian Goodrick, and that John Butts had a brother Richard; CHLR 64: V#3, 1775-1782:453.

BARNES, GOODSHALL, Charles Co. 27 Dec 1766; 9 Apr 1768
To grandson not christianed, the son of Mathew Barnes, part of tract in aforesaid co. called "Barnes Purchase ' but if he dies before coming to age or without heirs then to Elizabeth Barnes dau. of Mathew Barnes.
To son William Barnes tract in Charles Co. called Kemanderry.
To daus. Ann Barnes and Sarah Barnes, part of tract called "Barnes Purchase" and part of a tract called 'St Thomas", together containing 170 acres. After death of daus, then to sons Samuel, Mathew and William.
To grandson Goodshall Barnes son of William, part of tract called 'Barnes Purchase, and 50 acres adjoining part already conveyd to son Mathew Barnes.
To dau. Frances Douglass, Negro man called Pompey and at the receipt of said said Negro that John Douglass shall pay to my two grandsons Goodshall Douglass and Goodshell Howard 5 pounds each.
To dau. Jane Howard 1 sh.
To daus. Ann Barnes and Sarah Barnes, Negroes Joe and Mulatto Peter; also have a seat in my pew that I have in Port Tobacco Church.
To son William Barnes, Negro man called Peter and enjoy my pew in Port Tobacco Church.
To my two grand children, Elizabeth Barnes dau. of Mathew Barnes and one other grandchild not christened son of aforesaid Mathew, cows and other.
To grandchildren Cloe McPherson and Ann McPherson, each 12 sh and 6 p.
To Mary Stone, Ann Hanson Barnes, Aurealea Hanson, each 12 sh.
To granddau. Franceus Barnes and Catherine Barnes, daus. of son Samuel Barnes, Negro called Ann.
Exs.: son William Barnes and Ann Barnes and Sarah, my daus.
Wit: Henry Smith Hawkins, Benja. Reeder, Saml. Stone.
Codicil regarding beqeathal of Negro Peter to William Barnes because since will "I became bound in a bond to Messrs. Barnes and Ridgate as security for said Williams Barnes for payment of 68 pounds. and to secure myself took a bill of sale for the said William Barnes of two Negroes named Kiah and Cela."
Wit: Benjan. Reeder, Jesse Douglass 36. 370

Godshall Barnes 97.248 CH £351.14.4 May 31 1768 Jul 18 1768
Appraisers: Richard Robert Reeder; Joseph Manning (dec'd by 18 July 1768).
Appraisers (second set): Benjamin Reeder, Richard Robert Reeder.
Creditors: John Craig for John Jamieson and James Jamieson, Thomas Smoot.
Next of kin: Ann Barnes, Sarah Barnes.
Executor: William Barnes.

p. 35, TLC Genealogy, Charles Co Land Records 1786-1790; Book D#4
Page 141. Sep 22, 1787 from William Barnes, Ann Barnes, Sarah Barnes, Samuel Askom and Ann, his wife, William Howard and Mary, his wife, Godshall Barnes and Elizabeth, his wife, Catherine Barnes, and Violetta Barnes of CC, to Ignatius Adams of CC. Whereas Godshall Barnes, late of CC, decd, by his will, bequeathed the remaining parts of 2 tracts of land in CC called Saint Thomas' and Barnes Purchase, to his daughters, Ann Barnes and Sarah Barnes, during their natural lives, and after their decease, to his 3 sons, Samuel, Matthew, and William Barnes, and whereas Matthew Barnes, one of the devisees in reversion afd, by deed, has conveyed all his right to the afd land to the abovesd William Howard, and that Samuel Barnes, another of the devisees in reversion, is decd, leaving 7 daughters, to wit, Ann, wife to Samuel Askom, Mary, wife to William Howard, Sarah, wife to Cornelius King, Elizabeth, wife to Godshall Barnes, and Catherine, Jane, and Violetta still unmarried, all parties above mentioned, who are equally entitled to one third part of the land afd in virtue of the will afd, after the decease of the sd Ann and Sarah Barnes. Now this deed further witnesses that the sd William Barnes, Ann Barnes, Sarah Barnes, Samuel Askom and Ann, his wife, William Howard and Mary, his wife, Godshall Barnes and Elizabeth, his wife, Catherine Barnes, and Violetta Barnes, for 212 £ 5 shillings, grant to sd Ignatius Adams, all the remaining part of the afd tracts of land, lying in CC, called Saint Thomas' and Barnes' Purchase, containing about 170 acres. Signed - William Barnes, Ann (- her mark) Barnes, Sarah (X her mark) Barnes, Samuel Askom, Ann Askom, William Howard, Mary Howard, Godshall Barnes, Elizabeth Barnes, Catharine Barnes, Violetta (u her mark) Barnes. Wit - Richard Barnes*, Henry Barnes*. Sd Ann Askom, Mary Howard, and Elizabeth Barnes, out of the hearing of their husbands, declared that they voluntarily ack. this deed. Recorded Sep 22, 1787.


Birth20 Dec 1692Port Tobacco, Charles, Md
Birth20 Dec 1692Charles County, Maryland
MarriageAbt 1715Charles County, Maryland - Anne
DeathBef 9 Apr 1768Charles County, MD
Death9 Apr 1768Charles County, Maryland
Ancestral File NumberB5RZ-MB


SpouseAnne (1700 - 1755)
ChildChloe Barnes (1715 - 1768)
ChildSamuel Barnes (1725 - )
FatherMatthew Barnes (1670 - 1745)
MotherElizabeth Jones (1666 - )
SiblingPhillip Barnes (1693 - 1752)
SiblingElizabeth Barnes (1694 - )
SiblingJane Barnes (1694 - 1754)
SiblingAnne Barnes (1696 - )
SiblingHenry Barnes (1698 - 1749)
SiblingMatthew Barnes , Jr. (1701 - 1760)
SiblingHenry Barnes (1702 - 1728)