Individual Details

Matthew Barnes

(1670 - 10 Feb 1745/46)

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1992 Vol 33 No 4; CHARLES COUNTY DEPOSITIONS, A-G; by Robert W. Barnes.
BARNES, Matthew, age 49, 5 Aug.1721; CHLR M#2:145. As Capt. Matthew Barnes, age 72, 8 March 1741; CHLR 1741-1743 39:321; age 73, 6 July 1742; CHLR 1748-1750 42:3

James Boules 17.4 I CH £13.18.2 Aug 9 1698
Appraisers: Joshua Doyne, Math. Barnes.
List of debts: George Godfrey.

Abstracts of Maryland Wills by Carson Gibb
Liber 24, folio 308
-- June 1745
BARNES, MATTHEW, Sr., Charles Co., planter.
To wife, Mary Barnes, negro man Daniel & negro wench Jenny, Daniel wife, & for life, the use of negro girl Lucy, & on her d., to grndson Ruland Barnes, s. o. Matthew & Katherine Barnes; also 1000 lb. tob. toward a house to be built on her 1/3 of a tract left by her former husb. John Theobald.
To son Godshall Barnes, a hand mill & my cail.
To son Matthew Barnes, my wearing appl. & 1 of my best steers.
To son Philip Barnes, negro man Sambo & negro boy Osbourne.
To son Henry Barnes, negro man Walley & negro wench Goonal, wife of Walley.
To each of my 4 daus. - Jane Heneford, Elizabeth Courts, Ann Harrison, & Frances Harrison - a gold ring of 10 sh. sterl. value.
Extrs: wife, Mary Barnes & son Henry Barnes.
Witn: George Godfrey, George Harris.
10 Feb. 1745, sworn to by both witn., & the widow said she would not abide by the legacies but would take what the law allows.

BARNES, MATHEW, Charles Co.; -- Jun, 1745 10 Feb, 1745
Mentions 1/3 of tract left to his wife by her former husband. John Theobald.
MARY wife; Henry son, exs.
Wit: Geo. Godfrey, Geo. Harris. 24. 308

Abstracts Of The Administration Accounts Of The Prerogative Court Libers 21 Through 28 1744-1750 V. L. Skinner, Jr. Brookeville, Maryland 20833 February 1997, p. 67
Matthew Barnes 23.113 A CH £482.9.5 £36.14.5 Jan 13 1746
Sureties: Godshall Barnes, Matthew Barnes.
Received from: Mr. William Eilbeck, Alexander Maclaran.
Payments to: Samuel Hanson, Dr. Gust. Brown, Lewis Williams, Dr. Mungo Muschel, executor of Mrs. Ogden, Daniel Dulany, Esq, Walter Hanson.
Executor (acting): Henry Barnes.

Charles County Depositions
COFFER Henry, age 40, 23 Feb. 1774, stated he was a son of Henry Coffer; CHLR, W#3, 6.82.
COFFER, Henry, age 37, son of John Coffer, 15 Oct. 1741; CHLR 1741-1743 39:283. Age 61 1 Nov. 1762; CHLR 56:62. Age 62, 3 Sept. 1762, stated he was the son of John Coffer, the brother of Matthew Coffer, and the nephew of Matthew Barnes; CHLR 57:165.
COFFER, Matthew, age 60, 1 Nov. 1762; CHLR M#3, 56:62

394: Pryor Smallwood decd 7 Aug 1734-Ledstone Smallwood & Matthew Barnes Sr two the nearest a kind-Bayne Smallwood Exec.

MATTHEW BARNES died in 1745 leaving a will in Charles County, Maryland. He owned some 1,707 acres of land in Charles, Calvert and Prince George's Counties.

MARYLAND WILLS, Book 24 p. 308 et seq:
Charles County. IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Matthew Barnes Sen. of Charles County, Planter, being weak of Body but of sound and Perfect mind and memory thanks be to God therefore and calling to mind the uncertainty of this Life do make and ordain this to be my last Will and Testament.
First I Recommend my Soul into the hands of Almighty God and my Body to the Earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my Executors hereafter named and as for what worldly goods it hath Pleased God to bless me with I do dispose of in manner and form following.
Item I give unto my loving Wife Mary Barns my Negro man called David and my Negro wench called Jenny Wife to the said Negro Daniel. I also give my Said Wife the use of a Negro Girl called Lucy during her natural life and at her decease I give the said Girl and all her Increase to my Grandson Richard Barnes Son of Matthew and Katherine Barnes. I also give and bequeath to my Said Wife One Thousand Pounds of Tobacco to be apply'd towards the Building her a dwelling house upon her third of a tract of Land left by her former husband John Theobald which said Tobacco I desire may be Paid out of my Estate by my Executor henry Barnes after the said house be finished and my said Wife hath lived therein for the space of three months.
Item I give and bequeath to my Son Godshall Barnes my hand Mill and my Cail in full of his Part of my Estate.
Item I give and Bequeath to my Son Matthew Barnes all and every Part of my wearing apparall. I also give the said Matthew Barnes one of the best Steers I am Posusset of at the time of my death which legacys are in full of his Part of my Personal estate.
Item I give and bequeath to my Son Philip Barnes my Negro Man called Sambo and my Negro Boy called Osbourne to him and his heirs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my Son Henry Barnes one Negro Man called Walley and my Negro wench called Goonal, Wife of the same Negro Walley to him and his heairs forever.
Item I give and bequeath to my Four daughters Jane Hereford, Elizabeth Courts, Ann harrison and Francis Harrison a gold Ring of ten shillings Sterling vale each of them in full of their Part of my Personal Estate.
Item I give and bequeath all the remaining Part of my Personal Estate after my Just debts are Paid and the Several Legacys aforementioned are taken out to be equally divided among my Wife Mary Barnes and my two Sons Philip [sic] and henry Barnes.
Lastly I do hereby nominate constitute and appoint my said loving Wife Mary Barnes and my Son Henry Barnes to be my whole Executors of this my last Will and Testament hereby revoking and making Null and Void all former and other Will or Wills heretofore by me made Ratifying and confirming this and this only to be my last Will and Testament. IN WITNESS whereof I have hereunto Set my had and affixed my Seale this day [sic] of Jan [June?] Anno Dom 1745.
Mathew his I B mark Barnes Sr [Seal]
Declared in Presence of us
George Godfrey
George his I mark Harris
At the foot of the foregoing Will was thus written Vizt:
Charles County SS On the 10th February 1745 Came George Godfrey and George Harris [--?--] witnesses to the above Will and made Oath on the holy Evangelists that they saw Matthew Barnes Sen. the testator Sign and Seal the Same Will and heard him Publish and declare the Same to be his last Will and Testament and that at the time of his so doing he was (to the best of their Judgments) of Sound and disposing mind and memory; which said Probate was taken in the Presence of the widow of the deceased, Godshall Barnes, Matthew Barnes and Philip Barnes Children of the deceased who did not object thereto. Sworn before Walter Harrison DComr.
On the Same day and Year the widow of the deceased gave Notice to me that she would not abide by the Legacys in the Said Will but would take what the Law allows. Walter Harrison D Comr.


Birth1670Port Tobacco, Charles, Md
MarriageBef 1692Md - Elizabeth Jones
MarriageAbt 1699Md - Frances Osborn
MarriageBef 23 Jul 1716Charles County, MD - Sarah Douglas
MarriageBef 8 Jul 1718Mary Fendall
Death10 Feb 1745/46Port Tobacco, Charles, Md
Ancestral File NumberB5RZ-JS


SpouseSarah Douglas (1672 - 1718)
SpouseElizabeth Jones (1666 - )
ChildGodshall Barnes (1692 - 1768)
ChildPhillip Barnes (1693 - 1752)
ChildElizabeth Barnes (1694 - )
ChildJane Barnes (1694 - 1754)
ChildAnne Barnes (1696 - )
ChildHenry Barnes (1698 - 1749)
ChildMatthew Barnes , Jr. (1701 - 1760)
ChildHenry Barnes (1702 - 1728)
SpouseMary Fendall (1670 - 1751)
SpouseFrances Osborn (1675 - )
ChildFrances Barnes (1708 - 1754)
ChildMary Anne Barnes ( - )
FatherHenry Barnes (1653 - 1676)
MotherSarah (1640 - )
SiblingChristian Barnes (1674 - )
SiblingHenry Barnes (1676 - 1739)