Individual Details

William Bretton

( - )

Is this concerning himself or his family?
Capt. Thomas Walker 7B.98 I SO #302376 Mar 10 1680
Servants mentioned: Thomas Horsman (taylor), Arthur Fuffee (carpenter), James Agns, John Butler, Thomas Sands, John Tully.
Mentions: ship Providence of Boston with Capt. Timothy Front consigned to Mr. John Eyers.
Appraisers: Capt. Henry Smith, *****William Brereton*****.
List of debts: (see page 79.)

Thomas Walker 8.417 A SO £1095.12.6 Oct 8 1685
List of debts: Thomas Jones. Legatees: John Huet.
Payments to: Samuell Groom, Col. William Stevens & Capt. John Winder & John White & Frances Jenkins, Dr. Edward Millins paid to Col. William Stevens, Mr. Stephen Luffe, John Egre of Boston, Sampson Watters, Col. William Stevens, Christopher Rousby paid to Col. William Stevens, James Round, Thomas Relph, John Lucom, Robert King & Robert Blake, William Radny, Benjamin Nesham on account of Robert Ridgle, Capt. Edward Walkinston, Garrat Sley, Christopher Snowsell, Cornelius Johnson, Nicholas Badcock, Stephen Luffe, Jeremiah Hooke, Thomas Pemberton, Robert Willson, G. Banke, John Evans, John Persons, Richard Stevens, Sampson Watters, John Malles, Andrew Whittington, Isaac Noble, Prances Robarts, William Piper, Thomas Relph, William Stevens, John Vigerous, James Sangstor, *****William Brereton*****, John Winder, Richard Britton, James Osborne for schooling for Thomas & Susanna Walker, Alexander King, Thomas Shankes, Mr. Underwood, George Goddard, Robert Carroll, Col. William Coulborne, John Heath, William Blanner, Levin Denard, Arnold Elzey for estate of Charles Ballard, Daniell Hast, George Dowete, Frances Jenkins, Robert Carville, Thomas Shelctor (?), Dr. William Stevens, for caire on Susannah Walker paid to Dr. Childson, William Hately, *****William Brereton attorney for Bidlestone & Co. of Bristoll*****, Isaac Boston, Edward Davis, Andrew Whittington, Nicholas Badcock, Lazarus Madox, Anthony Underwood, John Baker by Michaell Miller, Cornelius Comegys, William Hillman, Michaell Miller.
Mentions: widow (unnamed).
Executrix: Jane Walker, now wife of Edward Day.

Andrew Jones 9.11 A SO £164.7.9 May 8 1686
Payments to: Mr. Frances Jenkins, Mr. John Lewellin, Thomas Slantly, Edward Wattkins, Richard Chambers, John Bounds, Jeremiah Davls, Thomas Humphrys, Stephen Luffe, Col. William Stevens, Capt. David Browne, Mr. Edward Day, Mr. James Dashaild, Mr. Jacob Mogg, Samuel Flewellin, Capt. John Winder, Andrew Whittington, Mr. Thomas Clarke, Mr. Robert Carvill.
Administrator/Executor: *****Thomas Brereton by his attorney William Brereton (gentleman).*****

John Evans (planter) 9.93 I SO £220.0.2 Jul 12 1686
Appraisers: *****William Brereton*****, Richard Crocket.

Capt. Thomas Walker 9.279 I SO £9.7.5 Apr 16 1687
Appraisers: William Brereton, Mr. Stephen Luffe.

Mrs. Sarah Brereton 24.74 I SO £14.14.10 Oct 11 1703
Appraisers: Thomas Serman, Benjamin Cottam.

John Stevens 25.284 A SO £36.18.0 £12.0.6 Jun 11 1705
Payments to: William Brereton, James Hill, Col. Whittington, Amie Williams, Peter Dent, Andrew Caldwell.
Administratrix: Margrett Disharoone, wife of John Disharoone.

Mrs. Sarah Brereton 25.292 A SO #3532 Apr 12 1705
Administrator: William Brereton.

Persons, John, Wiccocomico, Somerset Co., 18th May, 1709; 1st Apr., 1712.
To Grace Brererton, young. dau. of Wm. and Sarah Brererton, to Thomas Brererton, and to John and Peter, eld. sons of nephew John Persons, personalty.
" nephew John afsd., ex., residue of. estate, real and personal, including plantation ---.
Test: John Waltham, Benja. Cottman, Wm. Alexander. 13.424.


FatherWilliam Bretton (1600 - 1672)
MotherMary Nabbs (1620 - )
SiblingMary Bretton (1637 - 1661)
SiblingGeorge Bretton ( - )