Individual Details

William Bretton

(Bet 1600 and 1620 - Aft 10 Mar 1672/73)

William died sometime after witnessing this deed:
p. 30, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume II
Liber E, Page 112
10 Mar 1672; Indenture from John Hill, admn. of Thomas Wentworth, dec'd, to John Wright, merchant, for 2,000* tobacco; a parcel called Wentworth's Rest; on the east side of Piscataway River; bounded by land of Edward Price; containing 100 acres; /s/ John Hill; wit. George Godfrey, Wm. Britton

Notice Overseer:
Turner, Thomas, St Winifred's, St Mary's Co. 2nd Oct., 1662; 21st Jan., 1662.
To Roman Catholic Church, personalty.
" wife Emma, residue of estate, real and personal during life for maintenance of herself and "our" 3 child., viz., Thomas and Mary Turner, and Eliza Johnson.
To son Thomas, estate in Essex, Eng., due testator by his father's will.
" dau. Mary Turner, estate in Essex, Eng., should son Thomas afsd. die under age.
Child. to be of age at 16 yrs.
Overseers: Luke Gardner and kinsman Wm. Bretton.
Test: Wm. Rosewell, Chas. Alexander. 1. 169.

"William Bretton of Newtown Neck, St Mary's County", by Edwin W. Beitzell which is in the Georgetown University Archives, states that William Bretton married Mary Nabbs and came to Maryland with her and his son William, Mary's father, Thomas, and his wife (never named), and three servants.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 73, LAND-HOLDER'S ASSISTANT. Page 72
Memorandum. That I have assigned seven hundred and fiftie acres of land to Mr. Britton in a neck upon the main to the northward of Heron Island and to the eastward of St Clements Manor, Provided, that he enter his names for which the said land is due in the Surveyor's book, and procure the same to be surveyed within a twelve month from the date hereof and take a grant of it under the great seal. Signed, LEONARD CALVERT.
28th October, 1639. William Britton Gent. demandeth five hundred and fiftie acres of land in freehold due by Conditions of Plantation for transporting himself and wife and one child and three able men servants, and two hundred acres more due by Conditions of Plantation to Thomas Nabbs for transporting himself and his wife whose assigne the said William Britton is by intermarriage with Mary daughter and heir of the said Thomas, the said persons transported into the Province of Maryland in the year 1637 to plant and inhabit there, and was allowed. Names of the three servants, John M, Richard H, James J.
June 29th, 1640. Laid out for William Britton Gent. one neck of land lyeing in Potomack river, near over against Heron Island, and bounding on the south with the said Potomack river on the west with St Clements Bay on the east with a great bay called Brittaine Bay, and on the north with a line drawn across the woods from St Clements Bay unto the head of a little creek in Brittain Bay called St Nicholas Creek, where now goeth the hedge of the said William Britton, the said neck containing in the whole seven hundred and fifty acres or thereabouts. JOHN LEWGER.
Cecicilius &c. Know ye that We for and in consideracon that William Britton, Gent. hath transported himself in person, his wife, one child, and three able men servants into our said province of Maryland in the year 1637, and that the said William Brittton is the lawfull heir of Thomas Nabbs who transported himselfe and his wife into our said Province in the year aforesaid to plant and inhabit there, and to the end the said William Britton and his heirs may be enabled &c. Have by and with the advice of our Dear Brother &c. and according to the tenor of our Letters, under our hand and seal bearing date at Portsmouth in the realm of England 8th August 1636 and enrolled by our Secretary of our said Province granted enfeoffed &c. unto the said William Britton, all that neck of land lyeing in Potomack river &c. (ut supra in survey) To Have and To Hold &c. to the said William Britton and his heirs &c. to be holden of our Mannor of Little Britain Yielding therefore at our usual receipt at St Maries fifteen shillings in money sterling or one barrell and a half of good corn, &c. Given &c. this tenth of July 1640" LIBER No. 1, folio 68.
Source: John Kilty. Land Holder's Assistant and Land Office Guide. Baltimore: G. Dobbin & Murphy, 1808. MSA L 25529.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 65, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1671, Appendix. Page 684;
These ptnts wittnes yt I Willtm Bretton of Little Brittaine in ye Province of Maryland gentn for & in consideraƶn of a marriage to bee prformed & celebrated betweene Mrs Temperance Jay on ye one part & my selfe on ye other. ... To all which wittnes my hand & Seale this 10th day of July 1651 Willtm Bretton. Sea X le. Sealed & Delivered in prence of Giles Brent Margarett Brent John Rookewood The mark of Clovis X maze.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 41, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1661. Page 531;
Liber P.C.R., p. 1026; Aprill the 12th 1662; Bretton's deed to Roman Catholic Church:
This day came Mr William Bretton and desired the ensueing to be recorded (vizt)
Ad perpetuam rei memoriam: Forasmuch as divers good and Zealous Roman Catholick Inhabitants of New Towne and St Clements Bay have unanimously agreed amongst themselves to erect and build a Church or Chappell whether they may repayre on Sundays and other Holy dayes appoynted and Comanded by holy Church to serve Almighty God and heare divine Service, And the most Convenient place for that purpose desired and pitcht upon by them all, is on a certaine parcell of the Land belonging to William Bretton Gent Now Knowe yee that I William Bretton of Little Bretton in the County of St Marys in the Province of Maryland gent, with the hearty good likeing of my dearely beloved wffe Temperance Bretton, To the greater honor and Glory of Almighty God the ever immaculat Virgin Mary and all Saints have given and doe hereby freely & for ever give to the behoofe of the said Roman Catholick Inhabitants and their Posterity or Successors Roman Catholicks soe much land as they shall build the said Church or Chappell on which for their better Convenience they may frequent to serve Almighty God and heare divine Service as aforesaid with such other land adjoyning to the said Church or Chappel convenient Likewise for a Church yard wherein to bury their dead Conteyning abt one acre and halfe of Ground Scituate and lying on a devident of land called Brettons Out Lett, and on the Easte side of the said devident neere to the head of a Creeke called St Williams Creeke which falleth into St Nicholas Creeke and neare unto the narrowest place of the freehould of Little Brittaine. Tenth day of November Anno domini 1661 Wm Bretton, Ternperance Bretton. Delivered and Signed and Sealed in the prsence of Wm Evans, James Thompson, Luke Gardnor, Robert Cole.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 57, Provincial Court Proceedings, 1668.Page 384; (Henry Warren was a Jesuit Priest) This Indenture made the Second Day of December in the Seaven & thirtyth yeare of the Dominion of the Rt honoble Caecilius Absolute lord and Proprietary of the Province of Maryland lord Baron of Baltemore &c & in the yeare of our lord God one thousand Six hundred Sixty eight Betweene William Bretton of Brettons bay in the County of St Mary's in the said Province gent and Temperance his wife of the one part and Henry Waren of St Innagoes in the County and Province gent of the other part wittnesseth that whereas the said lord Baltemore by his Deed of grant under his greate Seale used in the said Province for granting of lands there bearing date att St Maries the Tenth day of July in the yeare of our lord one thousand six hundred & Forty Did for the Consideracons therein menconed grant unto the said William by the name of William Bretton gent All that Necke of land lying in Potomeck rivr neere ou agt Herons Island & bounding on the South wth the said Potomecke riv on the west with St Clements Bay on the East wth a greate bay called Bretton bay & on the North with a line drawne Crosse the Woods from St Clements bay unto the head of a little Creeke in Brittaine bay called St Nicholas Creeke where now goeth the hedge of the sd William Bretton the said Necke Conteyning in the whole Seaven hundred & Fifty acres or thereabouts be itt more or lesse Alsoe whereas the lord Baltemore by his deed of grant undr his greate Seale used in the sd Province for granting of lands there bearing date at St Maries the twelfth day of January in the Seaven & twentyth yeare of his lops Dominion ovr the sd Province annop domini One thousand six hundred fifty eight Did for the Consideracons therein menconed likewise grant unto the sd William Bretton All tht parcelh of land called Brettons Outlett lying in Brettons bay & bounding on the East with the sd bay on the west wth St Clements bay on the North with a line Drawne from the Creeke in Brettons bay called St Williams creeke west into St Clemts bay on the South with the Free hold of the said William Bretton Conteyning & now laid out for one hundred acres more or lesse To have & to hold the sd two parcells of land unto him the sd William Bretton his heires and assignes for evr under such rents Covenants limitacons & excepcons as in & by the sd deeds of grant relacon being thereunto had more att large itt doth & may appƫ Now this Indenture wittnesseth tht the sd William Bretton & Temperance his wife for & in consideracon of Forty thousand pounds of tobacco to them in hand paid by the sd Henry Warren before the Ensealeing & deliuy hereof whereof & wherewith the said William Bretton & Temperance his wife doth acknowledge themselves to be fully & wholy satisfyed & paid and doth of and for eUy pte & pcell thereof accquitt & Discharge the sd Henry Warren his heires Exrs Admrs & assignes by theis presents Hath granted bargained Sold Allened enfeoffed & Confirmed & by theis pnts Doth fully cleerly & absolutely grt bargaine Sell Allen Enfeoffe & confirme unto the sd Henry Warren his heires and assignes as well the sd Seaven hundred & fifty acres as alsoe the sd one hundred acres of land & premises above menconed Together with the Edifices & buildings wthsoeu to the same belonging or in any wise apperteyning & now in the tenure or Occupacon of the sd William Bretton & Temperance his wife their Assignee or Assignes and the reflson & reucons remaynder and remaynders of all & singuler the sd before granted aliened enfeoffed & confirmed premises or hereby ment menconed or intended to be hereby granted Allened enfeoffed & confirmed & alsoe all the Estate Right title infest Claime & Demand whatsoever of them the sd William Bretton & Temperance his wife of in & to the same & of in & to efly pte & pcell thereof & alsoe all Woods under Woods and trees now growing standing or being upon the same premises or any part or parcell thereof together with the sd before recited deeds of grant To have and to hold as well the said Seaven hundred & fifty acres as alsoe the sd One hundd acres of land & premisses above menconed and all & singuler the premises before by theis pnts menconed or intended to be granted with all & singuler the Appurtennances to the sd Henry Warren his heires & assignes for evr To the only use and behoofe of the sd Henry Warren his heires and assignes for eU And the sd William Bretton and Temperance his wife Doth for them their heirs executors & Administrators & euy of them hereby Covenant & grant to & with the sd Henry Warren his heires and assignes & efly of them by theis pnts in mann & forme following That is to say that they the said William Bretton & Temperance his wife for & notwithstanding any act or thing by them or by their meanes Consent privity or pcuremt had made Committed or done or Wittingly or Willfully suffered to the Contrary & att the time of the Ensealeing & delivred hereof standeth & are solely onely & rightfully Seized & untill the Estate hereby to be granted shalbe sufficiently past & vested & Settled in the sd Henry Warren his heires and assignes for evr shall soe remayne Seized of all the premises of a good abslote estate in Fee Simple to him & his heires for ever in his owne right & to his owne use without any mann of Condicon or Proviso right title or limitacon of use which may hereafter destroy or Evict the same other then such Condicon or Provisoe as is menconed in the sd Recited Deeds of grant And that the sd William Bretton & Temperance his wife notwithstanding any such act or thing as aforesaid hath good right full power & lawfull authority in their owne right to grant Convey & assure the said premisses & euy pte & pcell thereof unto the sd Henry Warren his heires & assignes in manner aforesaid according to the true meaneing hereof & alsoe tht the sd Henry Warren his heires & assignes & evry of them shall & may att all tymes & from tyme to tyme Dureing the Estate hereby made & granted peaceably & quietly have hold use & Enjoy all & singuler the said granted premises with the appurtennces according to the true meaneing hereof wthout any lett Sute trouble or Charge whatsoevr of or by the sd William Bretton & Temperance his wife their or either of their heires or assignes or any of them or any other person or persons whatsoevr lawfully haveing or clayming to have any estate interest or thing of in to or out of the sd granted premises or any part thereof by from or under the William Bretton & Temperance his wife their heires or assignes or either of them or by their or either of their meanes privity Consent or pcuremt And tht the sd granted premises & evry part thereof now are & be soc dureing the Estate hereby made & passd shall & may according to the true intent & meaneing hereof remayne continue and be to the sd Henry Warren his heires and assignes Fully freely & cleerly accquitted Freed & discharged or upon request to the sd William Bretton & Temperance his wife their heires & assignes in that behalfe well & sufficiently & att his & their owne Costs & Charges shalbe saved & Kept harmlesse by them the William Bretton & Temperance his wife their heires and assignes of & from all former & other Bargaines Sales leases guifts grants Estates rents & of & from all joyntures Dowers Statutes Recognizances Judgmts excucons Forfeitures Seizures issues extents & all other charges titles troubles incumbrances & demands whatsoevr had made comitted acknowledged or done to be had mad comitted acknowledged or done by the said William Bretton & Temperance his wife their heires or assignes or any other person or psons lawfully clayming from by or under them or any of them or by their or any of their meanes title or pcuremts the rents & services from henceforth to grow due & payable to the Cheife lord or lords of the Fee or Fees thereof onely excepted & foreprized And the sd William Bretton & Temperance his wife Doth further Covenant & grant for thm their heires Executors Administrators & assignes to & with the sd Henry warren his heires and assignes & efly of them by theis pnts that they the said William Bretton & Temperance his wife their heires & all & evry other person or persons any Estate right Title or Demand haveing or lawfully clayming or wch any thing shall have or lawfully may claime into or out of the sd premises before menconed to be granted or any part or parcell thereof by from or under them the said William Bretton and Temperance his wife shall & will from time to tyme & att all tymes hereafter Dureing the space of Seaven yeares next following after the Date hereof att the reasonable request Costs & Charges in the law of the said Henry Warren his heires and assignes Doe make acknowledge execute & suffer and cause and procure to be made acknowledged executed and suffered all and every such further and other lawfull and reasonable Act & Acts Assureance and assureances in the law whatsoever for the further and better assureance & sure makeing and Conveying of all the sayd granted premises with Thappurtennce or any part thereof unto him the sayd Henry Warren his heires and assignes according to the true intent and meaning hereof be itt by Fine Feoffment Recovry or other waies as by the Henry Warren his heires or assignes or his or their Councell learned in the law in that behalfe shall be reasonably Devised or Advised And itt is mutually agreed and Concluded by and betweene the partyes to theis presents that all and every such further assureance to be made as aforesaid of the said granted premisses or any part thereof is menconed to be and shall be to the only use and behoofe of the said Henry Warren his heires and assignes for evr and to noe other use intent or purpose whatsoevr And the said William Bretton & Temperance his wife Doth hereby grant for them their heires that they the said William and Temperance and their heires as well the said Seaven hundred and fifty acres of land as the said Hundred acres together with all and Singuler other the premisses hereby granted or menconed to be granted bargained and Sold and every part and parcell thereof with all and singuler their and every of their Rights members and appurtennces unto the said Henry Warren his heires assignes against them the said William and Temperance and their heires and against all and every other person and psons whatsoever shall and will warrant and for ever Defend by theis presents In wittnes whereof the said William Bretton and Temperance his wife have sett their hands and Seales the yeare and Day first above menconed Willm Bretton (Seale) Temperance Bretton (Seale) Sealed and Delifled in the pnce of Wm Evans Walter Hall John Heard William Gwither
Memorandum that Full and peaceable possession & Seizin of all & Singuler the lands Tenemts & other the premises withing granted was delivred by the within named William Bretton & Temperance his wife to the within named Henry Warren according to the forme and Effect of the said Deed within written the second Day of December Annoq domini one thousand six hundred sixty eight Wm Evans Walter Hall John Heard William Gwither
The within written Deed was on the Ninth Day of December in the Seaven and Thirtyeth yeare of the Dominion of Caecilius &c annoq domini One thousand six hundred Sixty eight att a Provinciall Court then held at St Mary's by the wthin named William Bretton acknowledged to be the Right of the within named Henry Warren and his heires forever Daniel Jenifer


BirthBet 1600 and 1620
MarriageAbt 1635Mary Nabbs
Immigration1637St Mary's County, Md
Event10 Jul 1640
MarriageAft 10 Jul 1651St Mary's County, Md - Temperence
DeathAft 10 Mar 1672/73


SpouseTemperence ( - )
SpouseMary Nabbs (1620 - )
ChildWilliam Bretton ( - )
ChildMary Bretton (1637 - 1661)
ChildGeorge Bretton ( - )
