Individual Details

Anthony Klincken

(26 Apr 1688 - Abt 1770)

There was a curious character among them named Anthony Klincken who might very well have been mentioned in Whittier's Pennsylvania Pilgrim. He seems to have been well-to-do, like many of the others, and devoted himself almost entirely to hunting, for which the surrounding wilderness afforded abundant opportunity. But the best place for duck shooting, he always said, was the little spatterdock pond close to Philadelphia, where Fourth and Market Streets now intersect. He usually took his gun with him when he went to Philadelphia in autumn and winter, and seldom failed to be rewarded at the pond. He imported a German yager to assist him in his expeditions, and his home was always full of game carefully labelled with the date when it was killed.

Landholders of Philadelphia County, 1734 A List of the Names of the Inhabitants of the County of Philadelphia, with the quantity of Land they respectively hold therein, according to the uncirtaine Returns of the Constables. Anno Dom: 1734

The Foregoeing is a List of the Names of the Freeholders with the Number of Acres of Land they many of them are said to possess; Many more there are insirted of whose Lands there has not yet been any account given, the reasons are Entered against the respective Lists of Names; Herein I have only entered (as I was ordered) the Names &c. of the ffreeholders in your County of Philada. which makes the Number of Inhabitants appear so few, But when the Single Men, Journeymen, & Housekeepers that are not ffreeholders be added to that Number, it then appears that there is a taxable People in the County of Philadelphia 2333 And in the City 1355 _____ in all 3688 All whyich is Humbly presented to Yor honour by Sr Your most humble and Obedt Servant Jno. Hyatt To the Honoble Thomas Penn Esqr. Proprietor of the Province of Pennsilvania

GERMANTOWN Anna Magdilin Grees........22 Griffith Jones.............50 Ann Coffman................50 Christopher Meng...........15 George Warmer.............100 Peter Shoemaker............50 Godfroy Leaman.......1/2 acre Alixander Mack.......1/2 acre Henry Holtstaple...........70 Mathias Adams..............70 Samuel Kersonor............50 John Lukin...........1.5 acre Andrew Keysar..............50 Dirick Johnsen............100 John George Knor...........50 Jacob Miller............... Christian Warmer...........75 Casper Steinebraner........50 Paul Engle.................50 Anthony Klinkin...........100 Jacob Keyser................4 John Frederick Ox..........25 Dirick Keyser...............3 George Trout...............28 George Haase...............20 John Jacob Pallard.........31 John Mock...................2 John Pettincoffer....1/2 acre Henry Frederick.............1 John Gorgus................30 Godfroy Libgibb............13 Peter Baker................23 Lawrance Blitz.............15 John Channel...............50 Thomas Atkins..............50 Baltzer Trout..............25 Bernard Reeser.............80 John Frederick Fende........7 William Biddis..............4 Joseph Shippin.............. John Eckstein..............25 Elizabeth Nice..............5 Whinehard Nice..............2 Isaac Vansentirne..........18 John Adam Grubber..........14 John Theobalt Ent...........5 John Peehtell..............20 Jacob Bauman................8 Christopher Sawer...........6 John Bartol................20 John Henry Kalkglasier....4.5 Herman Teen................50 Benjamen Shoemaker.........20 Christopher Funk...........50 Henry Pastorius..........26.5 George Bringhurst........26.5 John Ashmead...............41 Nicholas DeLaplaine........30 James DeLaplaine............7 George Pencill.............15 Blausius Daniel M'Kennet....6


Birth26 Apr 1688Germantown, Philadelphia County, Pennsylvania
DeathAbt 1770


FatherAret Klincken (1645 - 1708)
MotherNiske Agnes Jensen (1645 - 1707)
SiblingAnne Klincken (1683 - 1712)
SiblingEleanor Klincken (1670 - 1736)