Individual Details

John Courts

(19 Feb 1654 or 19 Feb 1655 - Bef 3 Feb 1702)

Courts John s/o John and Margarett b 19 Feb 1655

Courts John, son of John & Margaret, borne 19, Feb. 1655.

The Maryland Calendar Of Wills Compiled And Edited by Jane Baldwin (Jane Baldwin Cotton) Wills From 1703 To 1713 Volume III, Family Line Publications Westminster, Maryland; 1988, p. 23
Courts, John, Chas. Co, -- --- ----; 15th Mar., 1702/03;
To son Henley and hrs, 500 A, "Croutches Gift," in Prince George's Co. at hd. of Mattawoman Ck, and personalty including a silver flagon marked "R. M"
" son John and hrs, 107 A, "Chance" on e. side Patuxent R, Calvert Co.
" son Charles and hrs, 300 A, "Rich Hill," 83 A. (unnamed), 60 A, "Courts' Discovery," 150 A, "Barn Hill," and 60 A. (unnamed) adjoining "Barn Hill," given testator by his father; also personalty including 1 silver tankard marked "I. C."
" son William and hrs, 200 A, "Wiccoeomieo Fields" on Wiccocomico R.
" dau. Ann and hrs, 700 A, "Clean Drinking" nr. the first falls of the Potomac on the Rock Ck. branches.
" dau. Charity and hrs, 2 tracts on Potomac R, 1 unnamed and the other "Martin's Freehold," 100 A.
" 2 daus, afsd, land bequeathed son John in event of his death without issue.
" wife Charity, personalty.
Ex. not given.
Test: Walter Storey, Eliza: Davis, Henry Dell. 11. 381.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Winter 1984 Vol 25 No 2; Charles County, MD: Probate Records and Inventories Part I 1673-1753; [The first number is the page or folio number for the beginning of the document (spelling is as read) (the date is that of the Inventory) Charles County Maryland Probate Records, Inventories, Book 1677-1717
143: Col. John Courts decd 3 Feb 1702/3

Col. John Courts 22.106 I £1459.13.9 Feb 3 1702
Servants mentioned: Henry Dell.
Appraisers: Anthony Neale, John Rowland.

John Courts, Esq. 33A.59 I CH £32.10.0 Jan 26 1711
Appraisers: Mr. Edward Chapman, John Speake.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1985 Vol 26 No 4; Extracted from microfilm by Carol Gehrs Mitchell. Charles County, Maryland Administration Accounts 1708-1738; The first number is the page or folio number on which the document begins.
47. Col. John Courts dec'd. acct. of Philip Hamesley & Mary Hamesley his wife admx of Col. John Courts; at the time of his death, admr was Col. John Contee now dec'd. Paid to Charity Contee wife of John Contee estate of Col. John Coode of St Mary's. Paid to Col. John Contee by Wm Dent esq. late dec'd. 8 Feb 1711 by Mr. Philimon Hamenly.

Col. John Courts 33A.60 A CH £1459.13.9 £160.14.3 Feb 8 1711
A second inventory was cited in the amount of £32.10.0.
Received from: Mr. William Hutchison, James Smith, Capt. Thomas Wharton (merchant in London), estate of Col. John Coode of St Mary's County. Mentions: Hannah Wilson, John Rowling, Charity Contee wife of Col. John Contee. Payments to: Jos. Venour, Col. John Addison, William Taylard, James Doughlas, Mr. Thomas Smoot, Col. John Contee per William Dent, Esq.
Administratrix: Mary Hemsley, wife of Mr. Phil. Hemsley. Unadministered by Col. John Contee.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1985 Vol 26 No 4; Extracted from microfilm by Carol Gehrs Mitchell. Charles County, Maryland Administration Accounts 1708-1738; The first number is the page or folio number on which the document begins.
51. Col. John Courts dec'd. Addl. acct. Philamon Henely & Mary Henely his wife admx. Previous Admr. Col. John Contee now dec'd. last acct 8 Feb 1711. Add negro Sarah. Widow's 1/3 part 9 negros. Funeral charges of Henry Courts who died since death of his father & before death of his mother Madam Charity Courts. Deduct 6 parts out of son for funeral of Wm Courts. 4 negros died since dec'd. death. Children of John Courts are Henry Courts, Charles Courts, John Courts, Mr John Rogers who inter-married with Miss Ann Courts dau. of the dec'd. To Mr. John Courts admr of will of his father Col. Courts dec'd. Daniel Dulaney two negros. 5 Feb 1712 Philemon Hennly.

Col. John Courts 34.75 A CH £1793.11.2 £1491.3.1 Sep 5 1712
Payments to: widow (unnamed, 1/3rd), Mr. John Rogers who married Anne Courts (daughter).
Legatees: widow (unnamed), Henly Courts (child), John Courts (child), Charles Courts (child).
Mentions: Hery Courts (also Henry Courts) (child. dead) and his mother Madam Charity Courts.
Administrators: Philemon Hemsley and his wife Mary Hemsley. Unadministered by Col. John Contee.

Maryland Genealogical Society Bulletin; Fall 1985 Vol 26 No 4; Extracted from microfilm by Carol Gehrs Mitchell. Charles County, Maryland Administration Accounts 1708-1738; The first number is the page or folio number on which the document begins.
72. Col. John Courts dec'd addl acct of Phelimon Hennly & Mary Hennly his wife. The first admr by Col. John Contee now dec'd. Paid to John Rogers who married Ann Courts the dau. of the dec'd, John Courts son of dec'd, Wm Courts son of dec'd, John Courts now admr of his father John Courts. 27 July 1713.

Col. John Courts 34.210 A CH £1817.11.2 £1764.11.0 Jul 27 1713
Mentions: John Rogers who married Anne Courts (daughter), John Courts (son), William Courts (son).
Administrators: Mr. Philemon Hemsley and his wife Mary Hemsley. Unadministered by Col. John Contee (dead).

Maryland Geneolical Society Bulletin, Spring 1979, Vol 20 No 2, Page 114
Courts Of Saint Mary's & Charles County Maryland By: Nettie Leitch Major, Genealogist
5101 River Road #613 Bethesda, Maryland 20016
John Court -II
2 John Courts, son of John & Margaret Robinson Courts, was born. Charles County, Feb. 19, 1655 married Charity Henley, dau. of Capt. Robert Henely, Justice of Charles County, 1659 [died testate MD. 1683.]
During the turbulent days of the Calverts, and their non-success in inducing settlers to come to Maryland, Lord Baltimore appointed William Stone, Governor of Maryland; he was of Hungar's Creek on the eastern shore of Virginia. Through him, and other inducements, the non-conformists in Virginia, 1648, began their mass movement into Maryland from Virginia.
2 Capt. John Courts was a member of the Upper House of the Assembly of Province of Maryland, 1692. In 1699 he patented 700 acres of land, later increased to 1400 by inheritance and further grants surveyed 1699 by Henry Rollings-worth, Provincial Surveyor, and given the name of "Clean Drinking," then lying in the far part of Prince George's County. John Courts was appointed Justice for tryables of causes in Charles County. For his service in the Protestant Rebellion, he was given rank of Captain and later the Colonel of Colonial forces, continuing one of the Council for years.
His children were:
Charity, born Oct. 4, 1680 married (wrong marriages-NJL) (1) Samuel Adams, and (2) Samuel Moore.
John Courts, born Mar 3, 1691 married Elizabeth (wrong surname-NJL) Yeates;
Ann born Aug. 29, 1693,
William Courts (no date of birth)
Henley Court (no date of birth),
Charles Courts, (no date).

John Courts died testate Charles County, pro. 1706, will names son John, son Henley, son Charles, son William; dau. Ann; and dau. Charity. Dau. Ann inherited "Clean Drinking." Wife Charity named in will. [MD. Archives Vol. 24, p. 116; Vol. 7, p. 266; Vol. 8, pp 315, 414; Vol. 13, p. 253; Vol 2, p. 553]

John Courts married Charity Henley and was referred to in the will of Robert Henley, dated February 15, 1683, in Charles County, Maryland as "my well-beloved son-in-law."
John Courts II of Charles County, Maryland in September, 1689, was named in an ordinance for regulating civil affairs and was appointed one of the Justices of the Quorum.
Sir Lionel Copley, the first Governor of Maryland, appointed by the Crown, arrived in St Mary's, Maryland in 1691. Instructions to Gov. Lionel Copley, August 26, 1691---"Where being arrived you are forthwith to call together the members of our Council for that our Province and Territory by name." Sir Thomas Lawrence, Kt. and Bart. Henry Jowles, John Addison, Nehemiah Blackiston, Nicholas Greenbury, Charles Hutchins, Charles Robotham, David Browne, Thomas Tench, John Coates. James Frisby, Thomas Brooks, Esq."
In September, 1691, John Courts II was named "in ye list of good, honest, substantial Protestants in Maryland" sent to London and was recommended as a suitable person to be a member of the Governor's Council. He was selected and served as a member of the Council from 1691 to 1702.
The Honorable Captain John Courts was appointed by the governor on November 15, 1692, as one of the Justices of a special court held at St Mary's City which was the capital of Maryland until it was moved to Annapolis in 1695.
William and Mary (Pickawaxon) Parish of the Church of England was established in 1692. In the court records of Charles County, Maryland, it is recorded: "Bounds of Pickawaxon Parish. Beginning at the plantation of John Courts, Senior, and running with a straight line to the plantation formerly Samuel Creesayes Landing, the said Courts on the north side of the said line and the said Creesayes on the south side of the said line and bounding with the Potomac River to the mouth of the Wiccocomico River and so up the Wiccocomico River to the head of said river and with the branch thereof to the said Courts Point."
Colonel John Courts II served from 1693 until 1697 as a Vestryman of William and Mary Parish, Christ Church, the Parish Church of William and Mary (Pickawaxon) Parish is located in Wayside, Maryland.
On March 17, 1702, Governor Nathaniel Blackiston sent a bill to the Lower House for establishing religious worship in Maryland according to the Church of England. The Council records show that on March 20, 1702, "Came Major Dent and Mr. Edward Lloyd from the House to desire a conference of some members of their house with some members of the Council upon the bill proposed for establishment of religious worship within this province, which conference was readily granted when they shall see fit. Col. Addison, Col. Courts, Mr. Brooks, and Col.Hammond appointed to confer with the members assigned by the House."
John Courts II served from 1689 until 1695 as a Captain in the Colonial forces and from 1695 to 1702 as a Colonel.
His will was dated March 14, 1702, in Charles County, Maryland. He owned some 2,260 acres of land.

Archives of Maryland; Assembly Proceedings, 1694-1728. Volume 38, Page 161;
Acts of Oct. 1712, ch. 21:
An Act to Confirme the last Will and Testamt of John Courts late of Charles County Esqr deced.
Whereas it is Represented to this prsent Generall Assembly That in the last Will and Testamt of John Courts late of Charles County Esqr deced Recorded in the prrogative Office of this province there are some Entire Clauses left out and the probate of the same Will Omitted to be Recorded and the Originall Will lost by means whereof the severall Bequests of the said John Courts to his Children are become Voyd And for that it appeares to this prsent Generall Assembly That the following is a true Coppy of the last Will and Testamt of the said John Courts (Viz)
In the Name of God Amen the Fifteenth day of March in the Yeare of our Lord Seventeen Hundred and Two I John Courts of Charles County being of perfect health of Body and of sound mind and Memory and Calling to mind the Uncertainty of this Life and that all mankind must die when it shall please God to Call doe make and Ordaine this my last Will and Testamt in manner following revokeing and hereby makeing void All former Wills and Testamts either by Word or Writeing
First I Give my soul unto the hands of Allmighty God That Gave it, Relying on the death and passion Meritts and Mediacon of my blessed Saviour Jesus Christ for pardon of all my Sins and Eternall Life
Secondly It is my will That all such debts As I owe to any person in right and Conscience be Justly Satisfied in Convenient Time after my decease
Item I Give and Bequeath unto my well beloved Wife Charity Courts Ten negroes namely Goose, George, Buckler, Mareeah, Jenny, Bess, Gundo, Cat, Sue, Duck to her and her Heires and Assignes forever
Item to my son John Courts I Give & Bequeath A Tract of Land lyeing on the East side of Puttuxon River Called Chance in Calvert County Containing One Hundred and Seven Acres or thereabouts to him the sd John Courts and the Heire of his body lawfully begotten And in want of such Heires to my son Henly Courts and the Heires of his body lawfully begotten for ever. And in want of such Heires to my sonn Charles Courts and the Heires of his body lawfully begotten forever, And in want of such Heires to my sonn William Courts & the Heires of his body lawfully begotten forever, And in Want of such Heires to my Two daughters Ann Courts and Charity Courts and their Heires forever Equally to be divided between them
Item To my sonn John Courts I Give and bequeath Five negroes namely Bob James Jack Mullatto Nan Hanno with their future Encrease to him the sd John Courts his Heires and Assignes forever As alsoe One Silver punch bowle Marked R S H and one dozen of silver spoons I. C. C and my silver hilted Rapier and best sadle with Pistolls and Holsterd thereunto belonging Six Cows & Calves Ten Ews and a Ram One good feather Bed & Furniture to him the said John Courts his Heires & Assignes forever Six Sows and a Boare to him the sd John Courts to him his Heires forever,
Item to my son Henly Courts I Give and Bequeath One Tract or parcell of Land lyeing in Prince Georges County Containing five Hundred Acres lyeing At the head of Mattawoman Creek Called Crouchs Gift to him the sd Henly Courts and the Heires of his body lawfully begotten forever. And on failure of such Heires to the right Heire of me the sd John Courts forever As alsoe to the sd Henly Courts I Give and Bequeath four Negroes namely Sambo, Tom, Alice, Moll with their future Encrease And alsoe five Cows and Calves with them Eight Ews and Lambs with them And Six Sows and a Boare. One Silver Flaggon marked R H One good feather Bed & Furniture to him the said Henly Courts his Heires and Assignes
Item to my Son Charles I Give and Bequeath a Tract of Land in Charles County called Rich hill Containing Three Hundred Acres together with One other parcell of Land Adjacent to the same Containing Eighty Three Acres together with One other parcell of Land Adjacent to the other Two Called Courts discovery Containing Sixtv Acres, As alsoe One other parcell of Land Adjacent to the others Called Barns hill Containing One Hundred and fifty Acres As alsoe One other parcell of Land Adjoyning to the sd Barn hill given me by my Father John Courts Containing Sixty Acres the Severall parcells of Land aforesaid to the sd Charles Courts and his Heires of his body lawfully begotten forever And on failure of such Heires to the right Heires ot me the sd John Courts forever,
Item I Give to my sonn Charles Courts and Bequeath Foure Negroes namely Agabath, Peter, Nell & Pegg with their future Encrease alsoe Five Cows and Calves Eight Ewes and Lambs with them One Silver Tankerd marked I C Six Sows and a Boare and One good feather Bed and Furniture to him the said Charles Courts his Heires and Assignes forever
Item to my son William Courts I Give & Bequeath A Tract of Land lyeing in Charles County on Wicocomico River Called Wicocomico Fields Containing by Estimacon Two Hundred Acres to the sd William Courts and his Heires lawfully of his body begotten forever, And on failure of such Heires to the right Heires of me John Courts forever, And alsoe Ten pounds sterling to buy him the sd William a Silver Tankard And alsoe four Negroes namely black Jack Georges son Swann Nanny and dido with their future Encrease and alsoe Five Cows & Calves Eight Ewes and Lambs with them Six Sows and a Boare and One good Feather Bedd and Furniture to him the sd William Courts his Heires and Assignes forever,
Item to my daughter Anne Courts I Give and Bequeath a parcell of Land lyeing in Prince Georges County near the first falls of Potomack River on Rock Creek Branches Containing Seven Hundred Acres Called Clean Drink to her the sd Anne Courts and the Heires of her body lawfully begotten forever, And on failure of such Heires to the right Heire of me the sd John Courts forever, Alsoe Two negroes namely Loney & Pegg with her future Encrease alsoe four Cowes and Calves six Ewes and Lambs with them Six Sowes and a Boare And Seven pounds Sterl to buy her the sd Anne Courts a Silver Tankerd And One good Feather Bed and Furniture to her the sd Anne Courts her Heires and Assignes forever,
Item to my Daughter Charity Courts I Give Two Tracts of Land or parcells One of them lyeing upon Potomack River Called Martins Freehold Containing One Hundred and Fifty acres, the other parcell lyeing Adjacent to Zachaia Mannor Called Hargages Hope Containing One Hundred Acres to her & her Heires of her body lawfully begotten forever, And on failure of such Heires to the right Heires of me John Courts forever, Alsoe One Negroe named Agoe & her Encrease and Thirty pounds sterling to buy her the sd Charity Courts a Negroe with, alsoe seven pounds sterf, to buy a Silver Tankerd for the sd Charity Courts alsoe four Cowes and Calves Six Ewes, and Lambs with them Six Sowes and a boare and One good feather Bed and furniture to her the sd Charity her Heires and Assignes forever,
Item my Will is that the remaining part of my Cleare Estate be disposed of As followeth That is to say One Third part thereof to my sd Wife Charity Courts the other Two Third parts to be equally divided among my six Children As aforesd
Item I doe further will and Ordain that the severall devises and Legacys above devised and Bequeathed to my sd Children shall be paid and delivered to them by my Executrix hereafter named At the respective Ages following (that is to say) my sons at their Arrivall At Twenty Yeares of Age and my daughters at the Ages of Sixteen yeares or their respective days of Marriage which shall first happen,
And to the End that mutuall Interchange of Paternall Care and dutifull Affeccon may be prserved between my Wife & Children I will & Ordaine that while my Wife remaines Sole and unmarryed she may retaine in her hands and to her Use the Educacon of my Children my whole personall Estate dureing her naturall Life although my said Children All or any of them arrive to their respective Ages for receiveing their porcons as aforesd Referring it to her discreccon Either to Retain their severall porcons in her hands dureing her naturall Life or to deliver them or either of them what part thereof as she shall think fitt accordingly As they shall respectively approve themselves to and deserve of her, To which purpose I Constitute my Wife Charity Courts whole and Sole Executrix of this my last Will and Testamt dureing her Widdowhood and noe longer and upon the Marriage or death of my sd Wife I will & Ordaine the Execucon of this my Will and Testamt As followeth (Viz)
If upon such death or Marriage any of my sons are Arrived to the AGe of Twenty Yeares the Eldest of them I then Constitute Executor of this my Will to take into his hands and possession his own his Brothers and Sisters Estates such Executor being Content with a reasonable Satisfaccon As the Judge in Testamentary Affaires shall Allow him without diminishing any part of my said Childrens porcons, But if shall so happen That none of my said Children shall be Arrived at that Age at the death or Marriage of my said Wife Then I Ordaine & deposite the same Charge Trust and Confidence in my Brother in Law Mr James Keech till some of my said Children shall Arrive to that Age; And if the said James Keech should be dead at the Time of such Things happening And none of my Children At the Age aforesd If his sonn James Keech Junior be then liveing, I deposite the same Trust and Confidence in him the sd James Keech Junior for my said Children untill some of them shall Arrive unto the Age aforesd under the same Condiccon and Termes aforesd Provided always and it is my Intent and Meaning whosoever shall have Execucon of this Will and Testamt As above Expressed doe give good Security to performe the same according to the true Intent and Meaning thereof,
In Witness whereof I have hereunto sett my hand and Seale this day and yeare first Written John Courts signed Sealed and delivered in the prsence of us Walter Story Elizabeth A Davis her mark Henry P Dell,
It is therefore prayed that an Act may pass for the Reliefe of the sd John Courts his Children in Confirming his last Will and Testamt which is thought reasonable to be Granted.
Be it therefore Enacted by the Queens most Excellent Majty by and with the Advice and Consent of her Majtys Presidt Councill and Assembly of this Province and the Authority of the same That the said Will in this Act Recyted shall be at all Times hereafter Reputed deemed and Taken for the true and reall last will and Testamt of the said John Courts Esqr And that the same and Every Clause and Article thereof be in full force strength and Effect to all Intents Construccons and purposes whatsoever And that the Severall Legatees and devisees therein menconed and their Heires Execrs and Admrs & every of them shall be fully Impowered by Vertue of this Act to Ask demand Recover and Receive All and every the Legacyes Bequests and devises therein Menconed and Expressed in such Manner and forme As is in the said recited Will menconed and prscribed any Law Statute Usage or Custome to the Contrary or defect of Recording the said Originall Will and the Probate thereof in the prrogative Office of this Province or any other defect whatsoever notwithstanding.


Birth19 Feb 1654 or 19 Feb 1655Pyckawaxon, Charles, Md
Birth19 Feb 1654/55Pyckawaxon, Charles, Md
MarriageAbt 1675
MarriageAbt 1675Charity Henley
DeathBef 3 Feb 1702Charles County, Maryland, United States
DeathBef 3 Feb 1702/03Charles County, MD
Alt nameJohn Courts , Col.


SpouseCharity Henley (1660 - 1708)
ChildHenley Courts (1678 - 1704)
ChildCharity Courts (1680 - 1711)
ChildCharles Courts (1685 - 1760)
ChildWilliam Courts (1687 - 1711)
ChildJohn Courts (1690 - 1747)
ChildAnne Courts (1693 - 1717)
FatherJohn Courts (1630 - 1702)
MotherMargaret Robinson (1630 - 1697)
SiblingHugh Courts (1659 - )
SiblingElizabeth Courts (1663 - 1730)
SiblingMargaret Courts (1664 - )
FatherJohn Courts (1630 - 1702)
MotherMargaret Robinson (1630 - 1697)
SiblingHugh Courts (1659 - )
SiblingElizabeth Courts (1663 - 1730)
SiblingMargaret Courts (1664 - )