Individual Details

Arthur Turner

(Abt 1622 - Abt 1666)

Charles County MD Land Records C.244 dated (12 Nov 1667) record the following:
ARTHUR TURNER, eldest s/o Arthur Turner, dec'd chose JOSIAS FENDALL as his guardian;
JAMES TURNER, second s/o Arthur Turner, dec'd chose WALTER BEANE as his guardian;
EDWARD TURNER, s/o Arthur Turner,dec'd, was bound apprentice to James Bowling;
ANNE TURNER, d/o Arthur Turner, dec'd was bound apprentice to William Marshall to age 15;
The youngest girle of Arthur Turner latelie decd about a monthe old be placed in guardianship to SUSANNAH TAYLOR, wife of GEORGE TAYLOR.

Archives of Maryland, Volume 53, Charles County Court Proceedings, 1658-1662;.Page 90; Liber A, p. 104
This witnesseth that I Arthur Turnor of the Province of Maryland Gent Doeth by these presents make over unto my two sonns, as Namely, Arthur Turnor and James Turnor ... If in case it please god to take either of them, that then the other to Injoy all, And if it please god to take them both before they Come to Age then it to be at my Owne Disspose Againe, or to my heires Executtors or Assignes, It Remaininge in my Custody so Longe astill they Come to Age, not beinge Deminished, and for the true and Just Pformance of the same I have hereunto set my hand this Last day of August in the Year of our Lord god 1659: Art: Turnor As witnes by us William Hall his marke John Ward his marke

Archives of Maryland, Volume 60, Charles County Court Proceedings, 1666-1668.
Thus, when Arthur Turner's five children were left orphans in 1667, the youngest was then only about a month old. The Turner family was broken up and prominent men were appointed guardians for them. Arthur, the eldest son, chose as his guardian, Josias Fendall, a former Governor. The second son chose Walter Beane, a justice of the court; the third son, James Bolling, a prominent planter; Ann, a daughter, was apprenticed until sixteen years old to William Marshall, until recently one of the justices, to remaine with him unless married until she was twenty-one. The youngest, a month old infant, was put out to nurse with Susanna Taylor, who was allowed 800 pounds of tobacco if the child died within six months, with 800 pounds more if he died between the ages of six and eighteen months. That all did not go well with these arrangements, and apparently also with Turner's estate, is shown by the fact that soon afterwards some of the guardians were changed, and provision was made for the care of certain of the children in the county levy (pp. 106, 142, 144, 229, 230).

At a Court held in Charles County on the 12th Day of November 1667. Present Comissionrs Mr Henrie Adams, Mr Zacherie Wade, W Thomas Mathews, Mr Francis Pope, Mr James Lyndsey Mr Joseph Harrison;
Ordered That the youngest girle of Arthur Turner latelie decd about a monthe old be put out to George Taylors wife Susannah Taylor who is to nurse the same and to find it all necessaries for Cloathing, diet, &c and to be allowed one Thousand Sixe hundred pounds of tobaccoe p an for the same in manner as followeth vizt, That if the Child die anie time within halfe a yeare then the Allowance to be but for halfe a yeare and if it die anie time within a yeare after the halfe yeare then she is to have the whole yearelie allowance
Arthur Turner eldest Sonne of Arthur Turner latelie decd came into the Crt and chose Cap. Josias Fendall for his Guardian
James Turner Second Sonne of the said Arthur made choice of his Godfather Mr Walter Beane for his Guardian.
Ordered That Edward Turner be bound apprentice to James Bowling untill he come to the age of one and twentie yeares
Ordered That Anne Turner be bound Apprentice to Mr William Marshall untill she come to the age of 16 yeares, and afterwards to remaine with him untill her age of one and twentie yeares unlesse she marrie before such age.
At a Court held in Charles County on the eighth Day of September Anno Dni 1668
Ordered tht Joseph Cooper keep the Child of Arthur Turner late deceased called Anne Turner Notwithstanding the Child was formerly ordered to Mr William Marshall, and tht the said Joseph be allowed the just quantity of one Thousand pounds of tobaccoe in Consideration of his keeping the Child untill November court next ensueing and afterwards if the Court shall not find another to keep the said Child the said Joseph shall be allowed eight hundred pounds of tobaccoe p annum for keeping the same
At a Court held in Charles County on the 10th Day of November Anno Dni 1668.
Ordered tht Susannah Taylor be allowed the quantity of one Thousand Sixe hundred pounds of tobaccoe for keeping the youngest Child of Arthur Turner late deceased finding the sd Child Convenient Cloathing Diet and other Necessaries this following yeare
Att A Court held in Charles County the 20th of Octobr 1669
George Taylor is also (p order of Court) to keep an Orphan of Arthur Turner's & to be allowed out of the County Levy for this ensueing yeare 1600 lb of Tobacco.
Joseph Cooper is also to keep anothr of the sd Turners Orphans & to be allowed for this ensueing yeare out of the County Levy four hundred pounds of Tobacco

According to MD's records Lucie Stratton did not marry Arthur Turner.
4 June 1658, Archives of MD, Vol. 53, Page 7, (Liber A, Page 7) Petition of Lucie Stratton craving court order for what is due her. Petition states she was sold by Edward Bowles to Mr. Arthur Turner for the term of her indenture and that her time had been fulfilled. Further she demanded several times her corn and clothes but Mr. Turner has denied them. Mr. Turner was ordered to deliver the corn, clothes, 2 milk trays which he confesses to be due.

p. 16, Charles County Court and Land Records, Volume I
24th November, (1658) same Court proceeds Commissioner: Mr. John Hatch, Mr. James Walker, Mr. James Linsey, Mr. Edward Parker
Liber A, Page 32
82. The Governor Josias Fendall, Esq. being informed that Luci Stratton was brought to bed of a bastard and yet she unnaturally dried up her milk, through which action the infant's life might have been danger, caused her by his special warrant to make her appearance at Court and here to abide the judgment of the court, appears with her illegitimate child in her arms, and being asked the father thereof named Mr. Arthur Turner and not being able to prove her charge, the denying of it therefore was ordered that the sheriff should cause her to receive thirty lashes.
Liber A, Page 34
18 Jan 1658/59; Lucie Stratton demands a warrant against Mr. Arthur Turner
Charles County Court 26 Jan 1658/59 Present: Governor Josias Fendall, Esq., Commissioners: Mr. John Hatch, Mr. Robert Hundly, Mr. James Walker, Mr. John Ginkins
Petition of Lucie Stratton who was got with child by Mr. Arthur Turner who by his own confession which he now denies; requests Turner help maintain the child.
Page 35
92. Lucie Stratton, Plt.; Arthur Turner, Def.; plaintiff alleges defendant was the father of her child which he denies; John Ashbrooke swore at the request of Lucie Stratton that Arthur Turner came to his house 25 Oct last and stated he had a child and that he came to see if she (Roase Ashbrooke) could nurse the said child; Turner said he thought the child of Lucie Stratton was his.
Mr. John Hatch, age ca 45 years, swore that Mr. Arthur Turner said he thought in his conscience that the child of Lucie Stratton was his.
Christopher Russell, age ca 45 years, swore Turner came to his house to question him about the legality of the situation and Russell told him the usual custom was to take the word of the woman; Turner said he could love her and Russell accompanied him to Piceawakson the next morning to see if she would be his wife; Additional testimony from Christopher Russell who spoke to Lucie Stratton about marrying Arthur Turner indicates she stated "he is a lustful man, a very lustful man and I could never be quiet for him." Joane Modes mentioned; much discussion reported between Turner and Stratton; deponent left to go to
Page 36
house of Mr. Robert Hundlie.
Edward William, age ca 33 years; swore that Lucie Stratton said if she was with child she would lay it upon such a fellow as John Ward or Richard Smith.
Page 37
Deposition of Anne Gey, age ca 50 years, swore Arthur Turner came to her house the Saturday after Stratton was delivered of her child and asked Stratton to marry him and she replied she did not love him and would not marry him. Anne testified in open court that Lucie Stratton told her she "could not love Arthur Turner much less make him her husband."
John Ashbrooke swore she said the child could belong to William Bowls but she thought in her conscience that it was Turner's.
Walter Ges' oath essentially same.
Margaret Pearce swore she heard John Ashbrooke say that to which he just swore.
Page 38
Robert Wilson, age ca 30 years, swore essentially same as Edward William.
Richard Dode, age ca 25 years, stated Mr. Arthur Turner came to him and asked whether his wife could nurse his child and was told she had a child of her own and could not.
Marie Dode, age ca 21 years, stated same as her husband.
With consent of both parties this case was referred to the next court to be heard by jury.
20 Charles County Court: and Land Records, Volume I
Charles County Court 10 Mar 1658/59 Present: Josias Fendall, Esq., Commissioners: Mr. Edward Parker, Mr. John Hatch, Mr. Robert Hundly.
Liber A, Page 45
99. Verdict in the 26 Jan 1658/59 case of Lucie Stratton against Arthur Turner: jury finds Turner to be liable for welfare of the child and to pay Stratton 1000* of tobacco the 1st year, 800* the 2nd year, 700* per year thereafter until the child is able to earn a living; or if Turner does not agree, he may take the child himself to maintain.

15 Apr 1659, Archives of MD, Vol. 53, Page 291, (Liber PCR, Page 254) states that Arthur Turner returned to court to be released from responsibility for Lucie Stratton's child because she refused to marry him. The court obliged.

Charles County MD Court & Land Records, P. #1.210, Q Rev.18,
22 Apr 1662, Samuel Dobson gives his wife's daughter, Mary Stratton, a heifer and a calf and all the increase thereof.


BirthAbt 1622England
ImmigrationAbt 1649
MarriageAbt Jan 1657 or Jan 1658Lucy Stratton
DeathAbt 1666Charles County, Maryland, United States


SpouseMary ( - 1658)
ChildArthur Turner (1656 - 1683)
ChildJames Turner (1657 - 1696)
ChildAnne Turner (1658 - )
ChildEdward Turner (1660 - 1720)
SpouseLucy Stratton ( - )
ChildMary Stratton (1658 - )
SpouseMargaret ( - 1667)
ChildHannah Turner (1666 - 1719)