Individual Details

William Heard

( - 4 Jan 1665)

An extract from Thomas Stobie's GEDCOM created 10 Mar 2009. Thomas can be contacted at

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Heard, William, Potomac River, 4th Jan., 1664; 26th Jan., 1664.
Wife Bridget, execx. and sole legatee.
Test: Walter Story, Andrew Ward. 1. 220.

Heard, Bridgett, relict of William Heard Patent granted to Coll John Douglas, late of this co dec'd, ext of Bridgett Heard William Heard died 4 Jan 1664 possessed of 1000 acres called Beech Neck (Arch of MD, v 51, p 297) Charles Co

Archives of Maryland; Volume 51, Chancery Court Proceedings, 1679 Page 297;
Wm Heards Senr Inquisition:
An Inquisition Indented and taken at Pickawaxen in Charles County this Sixteenth day of July in the fourth year of the Dominion of the Rt Honble Charles absolute Lord and Propry of the Provinces of maryland & Avalon Lord Baron of Baltemore &c and in the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Seventy and nine before Henry Adams and Ignatius Caussen Gentln By virtue of a Commission in the nature of a writt of mandamus to them directed and to this Inquisition annexed to Enquire after the Death of William Heard late of Charles County deceased by the Oaths of Henry Bonner, William Hinsey, John Harvey, Thomas Gibson Robert Inglesby, William Ward, Thomas Craxstone Arthur Turner, Edmund Dennis, Thomas Wakefield, George Newman & Joseph Bullett Jurors upon their Oaths Says that the Sd Willm Heard dyed Seized of at the time of his Death as of ffee in the County of Charles upon the day of wch he dyed (viz) the fourth day of January one thousand Six hundred Sixty four of one thousand acres of Land Lying Scituate & being at the head of Portobacco Creek in the County of Charles County Comonly known and Called by the name of Beech neck though not Patented in the life time of the Sd William Heard, but by assignments of Severall warrants from Humphrey Warren late of this County deced to the Said William Heard in his life time doth appear to us to Remain upon Record in the Secretarys office of this Province for the Said one thousand acres of Land as by Patent Granted unto CollĀ° John Douglas late of this County deceased the Exr of Bridgett Heard the Relict of the Said William Heard for the use of the Legatees exprest in the will of the Said Bridgett, By the Rt Honble the Lord Propry of Maryland according to his Grant under the broad Seale of this Province bearing date the two and twentieth day of September in the four and Thirtieth year of the Dominion of the Right Honble Caecilius of happy memory and in the year of our Lord one thousand Six hundred Sixty and five as by the Said Grant Recourse being thereunto had it doth & may more at Large appear To be holden of his Lord ship's mannor of Zachiah in free and Common Soccage by ifealty only for all manner of Services Yeilding and paying therefore yearly at the two most usuall feasts in the year vizt at the feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary & at the feast of St Michael the Archangell by Even & Equall portions the Rent of Twenty Shillings Sterling in Silver or Gold And we the Said Jurors Say that the Said one thousand acres of Land in all profits and issues thereof is worth five hundred pounds of Tobacco p annum and further we the Said Jurors Say that the sd one thousand acres of Land hath been Occupied and possessed by the Said John Douglas by virtue of the aforesaid Grant as Executor of Bridgett Heard for the use of the Legattees menconed in the will of the Bridgett Heard & that the Said John Douglas hath Received the profits & issues thereof untill about November last past, and hath paid his Lordships Rents for the Said one thousand acres of Land untill that time and Since, thence and now the Said one thousand acres of Land is in the possession of the Honble Collo Benjamin Rozer, But by what means we the Jurors aforesaid are altogether Ignorant And further we the Said Jurors Say that John Douglas Junr the Son of the afd John Douglas deceased is the Sole Surviveing Legatee of the Sd Bridgett Heard according to the best information we can gett, therefore we the Said Jurors do find that the Said John Douglas is the true and Lawfull heir to the Said one thousand acres of Land no other Legattee appearing to us to be Liveing and that the Said John Douglas is fifteen years of age, And We the Jurors aforesd further Say that we find not William Heard aforesd possessed within his life any more Lands, In Testimony whereof as well the Commissionrs as the Jurors as aforesaid to these prsent Indentures have Set their hands and Seals the day and year first above Written
William [sic] Adames (sealed) Ignatius Causeene sealed
Henry Bonner sealed Thomas Craxton sealed
Willm Hinsey sealed Arthur Turner sealed
John Harvey sealed Edwd Dennis sealed
Thomas Gibson sealed Thos Wakefield sealed
Robert Inglesby sealed George Newman sealed
William Ward sealed Joseph Bullett sealed

Which being Read and heard It is Ordered by the Court here this day (to witt) the Eigth day of Octobr in the fourth year of the Dominion of Charles Lord Baltemore &c Anncxp Domini one thousand Six hundred Seventy nine, That a melius Inquirendum issue better to Enquire concerning the Land in the aforegoing Inquisition menconed
Nicho: Painter Cl Cur Provincialis

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Not all information verified and/or documented. Not all are my direct line (only those denoted by *). Please use this as a guide and contact the source for more information. I am actively making updates and corrections and reposting the information. With

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Will dated 4 Jan 1664, proven 26 Jan 1664.

An extract from Thomas Stobie's GEDCOM created 10 Mar 2009. Thomas can be contacted at


Death4 Jan 1665Potomac River, St Mary's, Md
MarriageBridget Yawkins


SpouseBridget Yawkins ( - 1665)
ChildWilliam Heard ( - )
ChildJohn Heard (1643 - 1696)
ChildCatherine Heard (1664 - 1692)
ChildElizabeth Heard ( - )
SpouseBridget Yawkins ( - 1665)
ChildJohn Heard ( - 1696)