Individual Details

Bridget Yawkins

( - Bef 11 Apr 1665)

Will written 4 Mar 1664, probated 11 Apr 1665. Bridget died in the Potomac River.

Heard, Bridget, Potomac River, 4th Mar 1664; 11th Apr, 1665
To son William, when of age, ½ estate, real and personal
" sister Mary Yowkins and to John Douglass, Jr, son of John Douglass of Pickiawoxen, ½ estate in equal parts
To mother Katharine Yowkins, personalty
Exs: John Douglass, Sr, and Humphrey Warren of Wicomico River
Test: John Emerson, Walter Story 1 221

Bridget Heard
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Bridgett Heard of Potomake River in the Province of Maryland widow being sick and weake of body but in perfect form followeth vizte
Imprimis I will and bequeathe my body to the Dust in decent and Christian Buriall as my Executor hereafter mentioned shall think fitt and conveniant
Item I give and bequeathe unto my son William Heard the one half part of my Estate both reall and personall
Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Mary Yawkins and John Douglass Jr the son of John Douglass of Pickiwaeter the other halfe parte of my Estate both reall and personall to be equally divided between said Mary Yawkins and John Douglass Jr and each of them
their parts of the Estate upon sond to be delivered unto them after the divident of the Estate be made
Item It is my Will and Desire that John Douglas Senr and Humphry Warren of Wicocomoco River be whole and sole Executor of my Estate
Item It is my Will and desire that the said John Douglass and Humphrey Warren do oversee that part of my Estate which I bequeathes as above unto my son William Heard untill such time as he comes of age to enjoy it
Item it is my Will and Desire that if the above William Heard shall Dye before he comes of age that then his Part of the Estate should be Delivered unto my sister Mary Yawkins
Item I give and bequeath unto my mother Katharine Yawkins the sume of seven pounds sterling to be paid to her yearly so long time as it shall please God to continue her Life in this world out of that Part of the Estate which I will and bequeathed unto my son Willm making
the first payment to her upon the first of March in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty and five
Item it is my will and Desire that my Servt Margaret Hopkins be sett free and at Liberty from her servitude and to Continue in the house and be maintained out of the Estate untill the next shipping Do return from England that then my Executors out of the Estate should pay for her transportation
Item I give and bequeath unto Andrew Ward Senior one gray broad Cloath Suite of Cloathes which is in the house
Witenss my hand this fourth day of March one thousand Six hundred and Sixty and four Bridgett (her marke) Heard
Signed in the presence of John Emerson Walter Story
This will was on the 11th Day of Aprill 1665 att Ste Mary's in the Comon form proved John Emerson and Walter Story being Witnesses thereto they testifying upon oath that the said Will did by Bridgett Heard see delivered as her act and [dee]d and as for her last Will and Testament before me--- Charles Calverte

Heard, Bridget, Potomac River, 4th Mch., 1664;
11th Apr., 1665.
To son William, when of age, 1/2 estate, real and personal.
To sister Mary Yowkins and to John Douglass, Jr., son of John Douglass of Pickiawoxen, 1/2 estate in equal parts.
To mother Katharine Yowkins, personalty.
Exs.: John Douglass, Sr., and Humphrey Warren of Wicomico River.
Test: John Emerson, Walter Story. MCW 1. 224.
Apr. 11, 1665 - John Douglas was granted administration on estate of Bridget Heard relict of William Heard. Humphrey Waring (merchant) was nominated, but relinquished. Bond: John Douglas. Appraisers: Francis Pope, John Cage.
Source: Maryland Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings, Liber 1E, pp. 103-105.

Apr. 22, 1665 - Inventory of Bridget Heard. Will proved 4 May 1665. Appraisers: Francis Pope, John Cage.
Source: Maryland Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings, Liber 1E, pp. 118-120
Heard, William, Potomac River, 4th Jan., 1664; 26th Jan., 1664.
Wife Bridget, execx. and sole legatee.
Test: Walter Story, Andrew Ward. MCW 1. 220.
Jan. 25, 1664/5 - Bridget Heard was granted administration on estate of her husband William Heard. Security: John Douglas.
Source: Maryland Prerogative Court, Testamentary Proceedings, Liber 1E, p. 85.
Charles County Circuit Court, Liber B, 9 Aug 1664, Page 349 - 250
William Heard and his wife acknowledged in open court the following bill of sale: Indenture made 3 Apr 1660 between Thomas Baker, planter and William Empson, planter; a parcel of land lying on the Potomac River beginning near the mouth of Baker's Creek /s/ Thomas Baker (mark); wit. Richard Dod (mark), Thomas Lomax William Empson assigns his rights in above patent to William Heard 12 Feb 1660/1; /s/ William Empson (mark); wit. George Thompson, George Roberts Acknowledged by him and his wife in court 10 Feb 1660/1; /s/ George Thompson William and Brigit Heard assign rights in above to Thomas Baker dated 16 Jul 1664; /s/ William Heard (mark), Brigit Heard (mark); wit George English, John Emerson
Charles County Circuit Court, Liber B, 8 November 1664, Page 383
William and Brigit Heard assign their rights to Thomas Baker for a parcel of land between Mr. Baker and Francis Pope's land; payment acknowledged; patent to be delivered to Baker by 25 Dec; dated 16 Jul 1664; /s/ William Heard (mark), Brigit Heard (mark); wit. George Thompson, George English
Charles County Circuit Court, Liber B, 15 Nov 1665, Page 500 - 502
Mr. John Emerson, atty. of Mr. John Longe, Plt.; Mr. John Douglas, admn. of Brigit Heard, Def.; plaintiff swore to his account of 798# of tobacco and defendant confessed judgment; court ordered payment

John Stone, physician, Plt.; Mr. John Douglas, admn. of Mrs. Brigit Heard, Def.; debt of 1770# of tobacco; 6 Oct 1665; /s/ John Stone, physician; defendant confessed judgment; court ordered payment

Robert Long, by his atty. Mr. Samuell Cressey, Plt.; John Douglas, admn. to Brigit Heard, Def; plaintiff seeks 400# of tobacco for his wife taking care of Mrs. Heard during her illness; Jermima Long, wife of Robert Long, swore the above was true; 3 Nov 1665; before William Marshall (mark); certification of her oath; Walter Beane (mark);
defendant confesses judgment; payment ordered
Charles County Court Proceedings, 1662-1666. p521

Mr Walter Story Produced an Acccoumpt of William Heards wife
Brigit Heard for six hundered and ten pounds of tobacco whearupon
the Administrator of the sayd Brigit Heard desired that the sayd
Walter Story might might bee sworne to his Accoumpt which, was
the Accoumpt is as followeth Brigit heard dr to Walter story viz
Ponegoune 350
P tobacco payd P yr order to James Smith 100
P tobacco payd P yr order to walter Peacke 160 lb 610

Walter Story Sworne and Examined in open Court Sayeth that
the Estate of Brigit Heard Stand Justly indebted unto him P ac-
coumpt the sume of six hundered and ten pounds of tobaco and
further sayeth not
for which the sd Duglas Confeseth a Judgment as the Administra-
tor of the sayd Brigit Heard for six hundered and ten pounds of
tobacco It is thearfor ordered that John Duglas as Administrator of
Brigit heard shall pay unto Mr Walter Story the sume of six hun-
dered and ten pounds of tobacco
Mr Benjamin Rosier in the behalf of Mr Wm Burton and Company
of Rotardam Marchants Produced this ensuing bill of Wm Heards
and Craveth an order of Court thearupon against John Duglas the
Administrator of Wm Heards wife Brigit Heard

This bill bindeth mee william Heard of Charleses County in the
Prouince of Maryland Planter mee my heirs Executors Administra-
tors and Assignes to pay or Cause to bee payd unto Mr Wm Burton
[p. 5221 and Company Marchants in Roterdame or to their Assignes the full and iust quantitie of three hundered fifty and four pounds of good
sound bright and Large Mariland leafe tobacco and Caske at or
upon the tenth of October next ensuing the daet hearof at my now
dwelling hows as witnes my hand this 24th of December Ao 1664
Test Samuell Clarke the marke of
John hillen William H Heard
Charles County Circuit Court, Liber B, 13 Mar 1665/6, Page 524
Marmeduke Snow did pass word for payment 28 Jan 1654; petitions the court for 647# of tobacco on behalf of Brigit Heard deceased to John Foxhall of St. Mary's County, merchant, for goods; petitioner was constrained by the Commissioners of St. Mary's Co. in Nov 1665; John Douglas as admn. confessed judgment; payment ordered from estate of Brigit Heard
Charles County Land Records Liber L#2 Page 66.
At the request of John Chunn Jr of CC, the following patent and assignment was recorded this Dec 20, 1722.
Caecilius, Proprietary of Maryland.-Know that we, for and in consideration that John Compton & Rob. Page of_Maryland, planters, have due them 500 acres of land,_assigned sd Compton and Page, the assignee of Bridgett Heard, the relict of Wm Heard, and 300 acres more out of a -- for 350 acres the sd page as appears - record papers such conditions and terms as are our..,Conditions of. Plantation of the Province of Maryland or our greater Seal dated at London Jul 2, 1649, with such alterations as is made by our Declaration dated Sep 25, 1658, remaining of record in Maryland, do hereby grant to sd John Compton and Robert Page, a parcel of land (called Brothwood, BRATHWOOD lying in St Mary's County in the woods, bounded by a bounded white oak of Edward Swann called Sagteston, EAGLETON containing and laid out for about 800 acres. Signed Sep 20, 1665- Charles Calvert.
Know that we, John Compton and Robert Page of St Mary's County, for a valuable consideration to us in hand paid, we have sold to Walter Bayne, our right to the within mentioned land. Signed May 15, 1666 - John (1c his mark) Compton, Robert Page. Wit - Jonathan Marlow, Andrew Ward.
1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Newport: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 369-51: BRATHWOOD: 800 acres; Possession of - 800 Acres - Bayne, Walter: Surveyed 12 June 1665 for John Compton & Robert Page in the woods at the boundary of the land called EAGLETON: Other Tracts Mentioned: EAGLETON; Conveyance notes - Possessed by Walter Bayne for his brother Ebsworth Bayne, 100 Acres- Samuel Love from Ebsworth Bayne; 28 Jan 1715; 100 Acres- Samuel Love from Ebsworth Bayne; 11 Nov 1718,Joseph Allen from Ebsworth Bayne; 22 Feb 1715, 469 Acres - John Chunn Jr. from Ebsworth Bayne; 23 May 1717; 480 Acres - John Chunn Jr. from Ebsworth Bayne; 16 Sep 1719, 800 Acres - John Chunn Jr. from William Compton; 8 March 1721, Joseph Allen Jr. from Joseph Allen Sr.; 6 Nov 1729; John Wilson from Joseph Allen; 30 May 1746, 12 Acres - Samuel Love from Joseph Allen; 8 March 1745
1642-1753 Rent Rolls Charles County, Maryland Hundred - Newport: Rent Roll page/Sequence: 375-17: EAGLETON: 615 acres; Possession of - 615 Acres - Swann, Samuel: Surveyed 9 July 1669 for Edward Swann in the woods near Piles Fresh at a bound poplar near the head of a branch: mm Note; not identified to a specific Hundred. Location identified by watercourse or nearby tract., 80 Acres - Samuel Swann from Philip Briscoe; 19 June 1725,12 Acres - Samuel Love from Thomas Swann; 17 July 1732, 38 Acres - Samuel Love from Thomas Swann; 23 Aug 1746 mm note: could be 57 & 38, 95 Acres - John Urquhart from James Swann; 2 Aug 1750,

-- MERGED NOTE ------------

Heard, Bridget, Potomac River, 4th Mar 1664; 11th Apr, 1665
To son William, when of age, 1/2 estate, real and personal
" sister Mary Yowkins and to John Douglass, Jr, son of John Douglass of Pickiawoxen, 1/2 estate in equal parts
To mother Katharine Yowkins, personalty
Exs: John Douglass, Sr, and Humphrey Warren of Wicomico River
Test: John Emerson, Walter Story 1 221

Bridget Heard
IN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN I Bridgett Heard of Potomake River in the Province of Maryland widow being sick and weake of body but in perfect form followeth vizte
Imprimis I will and bequeathe my body to the Dust in decent and Christian Buriall as my Executor hereafter mentioned shall think fitt and conveniant
Item I give and bequeathe unto my son William Heard the one half part of my Estate both reall and personall
Item I give and bequeath unto my sister Mary Yawkins and John Douglass Jr the son of John Douglass of Pickiwaeter the other halfe parte of my Estate both reall and personall to be equally divided between said Mary Yawkins and John Douglass Jr and each of them
their parts of the Estate upon sond to be delivered unto them after the divident of the Estate be made
Item It is my Will and Desire that John Douglas Senr and Humphry Warren of Wicocomoco River be whole and sole Executor of my Estate
Item It is my Will and desire that the said John Douglass and Humphrey Warren do oversee that part of my Estate which I bequeathes as above unto my son William Heard untill such time as he comes of age to enjoy it
Item it is my Will and Desire that if the above William Heard shall Dye before he comes of age that then his Part of the Estate should be Delivered unto my sister Mary Yawkins
Item I give and bequeath unto my mother Katharine Yawkins the sume of seven pounds sterling to be paid to her yearly so long time as it shall please God to continue her Life in this world out of that Part of the Estate which I will and bequeathed unto my son Willm making
the first payment to her upon the first of March in the year of our Lord God one thousand six hundred sixty and five
Item it is my will and Desire that my Servt Margaret Hopkins be sett free and at Liberty from her servitude and to Continue in the house and be maintained out of the Estate untill the next shipping Do return from England that then my Executors out of the Estate should pay for her transportation
Item I give and bequeath unto Andrew Ward Senior one gray broad Cloath Suite of Cloathes which is in the house
Witenss my hand this fourth day of March one thousand Six hundred and Sixty and four Bridgett (her marke) Heard
Signed in the presence of John Emerson Walter Story
This will was on the 11th Day of Aprill 1665 att Ste Mary's in the Comon form proved John Emerson and Walter Story being Witnesses thereto they testifying upon oath that the said Will did by Bridgett Heard see delivered as her act and [dee]d and as for her last Will and Testament before me--- Charles Calverte


DeathBef 11 Apr 1665Potomac River, St Mary's, Md
MarriageWilliam Heard
Alt nameBridget Yowkins


SpouseWilliam Heard ( - 1665)
ChildWilliam Heard ( - )
ChildJohn Heard (1643 - 1696)
ChildCatherine Heard (1664 - 1692)
ChildElizabeth Heard ( - )
SpouseWilliam Heard ( - 1665)
ChildJohn Heard ( - 1696)
FatherYawkins ( - )
MotherCatherine ( - )
SiblingMary Yawkins ( - )