Birth | 30 Mar 1874 | Grand River, Decatur, Iowa | | | |
Census | 8 Sep 1880 | Richland Township, Decatur, Iowa | | | |
Occupation | 1892 | Lake City Treasurer - Lake City County, Medicine Lodge, Barber, Kansas | | | |
Marriage | 19 Jul 1897 | Burrell, Decatur, Iowa - Katherine Alena "Kate" Sidders | | | |
Divorce | Abt 1904 | Katherine Alena "Kate" Sidders | | | |
Probate-shared | 25 Jul 1909 | (Pvt Noah Warnstaff) County Court of Craig County, Oklahoma, Craig, Oklahoma | | | |
Travel | 30 Nov 1909 | Harvey Warnstaff went to Enid Saturday. - Anadarko, Caddo, Oklahoma | | |  |
Military | 1917 | World War I Selective Service - Sioux City, Woodbury, Iowa | | | |
Death | Abt 1920 | | | | |
Miscellaneous | 3 Jun 1920 | Visit from sister - Missouri Valley City, Harrison, Iowa | | | |
yDNA-shared | 1939 | (Melvyn Glen Warnstaff) R-L51 | | | |
Alt name | | Harold I Wornstaff | | | |