Individual Details

Joel Cantrill

(January 8, 1811 - September 4, 1866)

"Joel Cantrill was born January 8, 1811 in Green County, Kentucky. Married Zerelda Branch, May 16, 1839. Died September 4, 1866. She was born November 19, 1821, and died in 1902. She was a woman of strong character, deeply religious, who exerted a wide influence for good. Left with a large family of children, she proved herself a devoted mother and a capable manager. During the last years of her life she was a great sufferer, but bore her suffering with fortitude and Christian patience, and was always bright and cheerful.

"Joel Cantrill went with his parents from Kentucky to Sangamon County, Illinois and spent the remainder of his life on the farm, near Springfield, where his father located, and which is yet known as the "old Cantrill homestead" (1907)." (THE CANTRILL - CANTRELL GENEALOGY, 1908, by Susan Cantrill Christie, pages 49 - 50.)


BirthJanuary 8, 1811Green County, Kentucky
MarriageMay 16, 1839Zerelda Branch
DeathSeptember 4, 1866Sangamon County, Illinois


SpouseZerelda Branch (1821 - 1902)
ChildLewis Cantrill (1840 - 1902)
ChildEdward Cantrill (1842 - 1863)
ChildLaura Cantrill ( - )
ChildWilliam D. Cantrill (1845 - )
ChildJames N. Cantrill (1848 - )
ChildHenry A. Cantrill (1853 - )
ChildHenrietta Cantrill (1853 - )
ChildEmily B. Cantrill (1855 - 1903)
ChildCharles Cantrill (1857 - 1858)
ChildBenjamin H. Cantrill (1859 - 1860)
FatherThomas Cantrill (1775 - 1836)
MotherElizabeth Murray (1774 - 1836)
SiblingMary Cantrill (1797 - 1871)
SiblingWilliam Cantrill (1800 - 1881)
SiblingSusan Cantrill ( - )
SiblingAnna Cantrill (1805 - )
SiblingZebulon Cantrill (1807 - 1840)