Individual Details

Martin Kemper

(June 21, 1778 - September 6, 1848)

"In 1835 Martin followed his son in law, Raleigh Mayes, to Missouri. The women rode horse back with their children following behind. All their household items were in a covered wagon. They went from Culpeper County, Virginia to St. Louis where they crossed the Mississippi River. At that time in history St. Louis was a small French settlement. To protect themselves against the Indians St. Louisians drove sharpened wooded steaks in the ground as a means of fortification. The first night in Lincoln County was spent at the Old Fort Spring on the road between Troy and Auburn. They went to their daughters homestead the next day. While Martin Kemper was searching for a homestead himself he discovered a spring in a small ravine running into Lost Creek lying between the creek and the New Hope Famouth Road, a mile or so west of his daughter Emily Mayes, homestead. He there built his spring house and then preceded to build a log cabin with a huge stone fireplace. Many people traveling to the west from Virginia stayed with Uncle Martin Kemper while trying to find thier own claims." (The Kemper Book, by Clarence Cannon, 1957, page 10.)

Will of Martin Kemper
Lincoln County, Missouri Will Book 2, pages 29 - 33
Martin Kempers will was dated 20 October 1847 and recorded 13 November 1848.
(This will was written as a continuous document, but broken into paragraphs for this transcript to make reading and organization easier - Ralph Terry, 2007.)

I Martin Kemper of the State of Missouri and County of Lincoln being in my proper and disposing mind make this my last will and testament.

First my will and desire is that after my death, I wish my body decently and intered, my soul I recommend to God who gave it,

2nd my will is that my beloved wife Rosanna Kemper have and enjoy all my estate both real and personal during her natural life, with the proceeds thereof for her to have full power to sue and he sued in my name to collect all moneys, that, are, or may be due me and to give all necessary receipts or other acquetances for the same that may be necessary to be done, and she is further authorized and required to pay all my just debts without any action or authority from the county court; and my beloved wife is further authorized to sell any of the proceeds of my farm or farms, and such of my stock as she may think proper without any authority from court of record in this state and my further will and desire is that no court have any power over my aforesaid wife in the transactions of the matters and things herein intrusted to her care and management -

Thirdly my will and desire is that my daughters Mary Shaw, and Matilda Kemper after their Mothers death have two certain tracts of land with all the improvements thereon, being and lying in the state and county aforesaid (County) Lot No two of the south west fractional quarter of Section No thirty one in township fifty one of Range two East containing one hundred and forty seven acres, also the east half of the south east quarter of section No thirty six in township No fifty one of Range one East containing Eighty acres and at the final distribution of my estate by my Executors my said daughters in consideration of the above described, are to be charged the sum of four hundred dollars each to be deducted out of their proportional part of my estate -

Fourth my will and desire is that my son Octavus Kemper have forty acres of land after the death of his mother To wit? being and lying in the state of Missouri and County of Lincoln situated on Lost Creek the south west fourth of the south east quarter of secton No thirty one Township fifty one of Range two east, for and in consideration of the gift above specified, when my executors make final distribution of my estate they are to deduct from my a foresaid son Octavus proportional part the sum of three hundred and fifty dollars -

Fifth my will and desire is that my son Ambrose D. Kemper have the following land being and lying in the state and county aforesaid, to wit, the south east fourth of the south east quarter of section No one in Township fifty of Range 2 East situated on the waters of Lost Creek my executors are not to charge any amount to my said son Ambrose D. Kemper for the last mentioned land as he has paid me a full compensation in money for the same and also my will and desire is that my said son Ambrose D. Kemper have the following described land (To wit) Eighty acres being and lying in the State of Missouri and County of Lincoln it being the East half of the Southwest quarter of section No one Township fifty of Range on east and my executors after the death of my wife when they make a final settlement of my estate shall charge my said son for and in consideration of the last described tract of land as being given to him, the sum of three hundred dollars to be deducted out of his proportional part of my estate

(Sixth) my will and desire is that my Grand Children (to wit) Martin H. Benear and Alexander D. Benear have Eighty acres of land being and lying in said County Lincoln and State of Missouri each described as follows (to wit) the west half of the Southwest quarter of Section No nine in Township Fifty of Range two east and also the Lot No one of the Northwest quarter of section No seven in Township fifty of two East, this last named here to Alexander D. Benear, and the piece or tract named before the last to belong to Martin H. Benear, and after my wife death when my executors make a final distribution of my estate they are to charge each of my Grand children (To wit) Martin H. Benear and Alexander the sum of one hundred and fifty dollars to be deducted out of their proportional part of my estate

(Seventh) My will and desire is that my daughter Nancy Watts wife of Seneca Watts at a final distribution of my estate by my executors, after the death of my beloved wife return to my estate (if alive) a Negro girl now in her possession named Rachel or she be charged with the sum of seven hundred dollars to be deducted out of her proportional part of my estate and also my will and desire is that at a final distribution of my estate by my executors that my said daughter Nancy Watts be charged with the sum of three hundred dollars money heretofore advanced by me to her.

My further will and desire is that my children (including my two grand children (To wit) French Kemper, Matilda Kemper, Polly Shaw, Ambrose D. Kemper, Kitty Benear heirs, Octavus Kemper - at a final distribution of my estate aforesaid to be made by my executors to have distributed to each of them inclusive of what they are in this my last will and testament charged, before my daughter Emily Mayes gets any more of my estate, after that I give to her one dollar, she having been heretofore sufficiently apportioned and after all my children except Emily Mays, are apportioned the sum of nine hundred and twenty five dollars then the heirs of the body of my said daughter Emily Mays are to get one equal eighth part of the remainder of my estate to be apportioned by my executors, said distributive share of the heirs of Emily Mayes shall be kept in the hands and under the control of my Executors until they arrive at the age of twenty one years or marry in either event my executors are required to give to each one their proportional part according to right and justice

My further will and desire is that my beloved son French Kemper have the following described land being and lying the state Missouri and County of Lincoln (to wit) the south east quarter of the North east quarter of Section No thirty one in Township No fifty one of Range two east and the North east quarter of the South East quarter of section thirty one in Township No Fifty one of Range two East containing in all Eighty acres and after the death of my wife at a division of my estate by me executors my said French is to be charged by my executors with the same two hundred and seventy five dollars to be deducted from his distributive share -

My further will and desire is that each of my children (To wit) Emily Mayes, Mary Shaw, and Matilda Kemper after the death of my wife and before distribution of my estate as above directed by my Executors have a horse worth not more than fifty dollars but as near that amount as may be

and my further will and desire is that my two grandsons to wit Martin H. Benear and Alexander D. Benear have one horse before distribution of my estate as above directed and after the death of my wife or they arrive at the age of twenty one years

my further will and desire is that if the Negro girl Rachel now in the possession of my daughter Nancy Watts die before a final distribution by my executors as aforesaid then and in that case my said daughter Nancy Watts is not to be charged with any amount for her

and my further will and desire, and I wish to be understood in both law and equity that I hereby appoint my beloved son in law Seneca Watts and my two sons, to wit, French Kemper and Ambrose D. Kemper my Executors to this my last will and testatment

The Testimony whereof I have hereinto set my hand and seal this twentieth day of October in the war of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty seven

(Martin Kemper -his mark)

Interlived lived before signed (2 East, on the 2nd page will live and on same page, and 19th from the top (settlement, and also on the same page in the 23rd line from the top (ground on the 3rd line from the bottom - and also on 5th page and third line from the top Ambrose D. Kemper

Wm H. Nicklin
Elijah W. Buchanan
Thos F Foley

I Martin Kemper being in my proper and disposing mind make this codicil to my last will and testament (To wit so much of my will as leaves it oftionary? with my daughter Nancy Watts to return to my estate a certain Negro woman named Rachel or to be charged seven hundred dollars for her - my will and desire is that before a final distribution of my estate that she must return said Negro woman with her increase to the general stock of my personal Estate to be equally divided in accordance with the provisions of my said will and my said daughter Nancy Watts is not to be charged any amount for her whatever, but is to be an equal heir with the rest of my children according to the provisions of my will and my further will and desire is that my before named executors (To wit) my son in law Seneca Watts and my two sons French Kemper and Ambrose D. Kemper, that they hereby have full power and authority to divide and distribute all my estate both real and personal to be sued to sue for and recover all debts due me or to become due to me or to my estate and to do and perform all acts and deeds in the management of my estate without taking letters testamentary as in any manner whatever be subject to or under the control of any Court of Record whatever unless it be for the prosecution of suits for the collection of debts. In Testimony whereof I have herewith set my hand and seal this 29th day of August AD 1848

(Martin Kemper - His mark)

Interlived lined before signed
(Dollars, She)

Brice W. Hammock
Ephraim Davis
Thompson Cox

State of Missouri
County of Lincoln
Be it Remembered that on the 13th day of November 1848 the foregoing last will and testament of Martin Kemper late of said County deceased was produced before the County Court of said County in open Court for probate: and by the oaths of William H Nicklin and Elijah Buchanan two of the subscribing witnesses to said will and by the oaths of Brice Hammock and Ephraim Davis Two of the subscribing witnesses to the codicil to said will, was proven according to law to be the last will and testament of Martin Kemper deceased and was therefore approved by the courth. The Testimony whereof y Francis Parker clerk of said County Court have herewith set my hand and affixed ... (remainder not copied).

The Kemper Cemetery is located on the Martin Kemper farm. It is one mile due east of New Hope and fifty yards northwest of the site of the house Martin built when he came to Missouri, in the orchard.


BirthJune 21, 1778Virginia
MarriageJuly 3, 1799probably Culpeper County, Virginia - Rosanna Kemper
DeathSeptember 6, 1848Lincoln County, Missouri
BurialKemper Cemetery, near New Hope, Lincoln County, Missouri


SpouseRosanna Kemper (1780 - 1854)
ChildMatilda Kemper (1800 - 1873)
ChildFrench Fleury Kemper (1801 - 1884)
ChildMary "Polly" Kemper (1804 - 1890)
ChildEmily Kemper (1806 - 1876)
ChildAmbrose Dudley Kemper (1808 - 1883)
ChildCatherine Kemper (1810 - 1832)
ChildNancy "Frances" Kemper (1814 - 1903)
ChildOctavius Kemper (1820 - 1863)
FatherPeter Kemper (1749 - 1824)
MotherMary Whitesides (1752 - 1810)
SiblingElisha Kemper ( - )
SiblingJoel Kemper (1770 - 1848)
SiblingCatherine Kemper (1774 - )
SiblingJoshua Kemper (1775 - 1848)
SiblingMoses Kemper (1783 - 1864)
SiblingSarah Kemper (1785 - )