Individual Details

Neely McCoy

(Abt, 1773 - July 9, 1851)

1850 Chambers County, Alabama census, Dwelling #1602: Neely McCoy born SC, living with daughter, Mary George age 32.

"Nealy McCoy's Will - I, Nealy McCoy Senr. Of Chambers County and State of Alabama do hereby make, declare and publish the following writing to be my last will and testament. After the payment of all my just debts, I dispose of my estate both real and personal in the following manner, to wit, I give and bequeath unto my sari Bailey G. McCoy the following names negroes to wit, April a man about twenty years old, Bill a boy about eighteen years old, Charles about four years old, Henerietta a girl about two years old and Hannah a woman about forty years old upon special trust that he the said Bailey G. McCoy as trustee at my daughter Mary F. George (the wife of William George) shall permit my said daughter to possess use and enjoy said negro property above named to her own sole and proper use as a separate estate for and during her natural life free from the use and control of any other person or persons whomsoever except said trustee and after the death of my said daughter (should she have no issue then and in that case) I give and bequeath the before mentioned negroes slaves with all their increase to such issue of my said daughter share and share alike forever, but should my said daughter Mary F. George depart this life leaving no issue or descendants of issue then and in that case it is my will and desire that each and every one of the negroes slaves hereinbefore mentioned together with their increase shall return and become a, part of my estate and pass by and under the residuary clause of this my will, hereinafter contained.

"And I further give and bequeath unto my said son Bailey G. McCoy in trust as hereinafter specified all that tract or piece of land called my small farm hear the town of Lafayette, know as the North half of section twenty two (22) township twenty two (22) and range twenty six (26) in the District of land subject to sale at Montgomery to hold in special trust for the sole and separate use and occupation of my said daughter Mary F. George for and during her natural life and after her death I give and bequeath the aforesaid tract or piece of land to such child or children as she shall leave at her death for ever share and share alike. But should my said daughter depart. this life leaving no issue or descendants of issue it is my will and desire that the said tract or piece of land shall remain and be a part of my estate and pass by the residuary clause of this my will.

"Having made such provision for my said daughter so I conceive my estate will warrant, I the said Nealy McCoy Senr. now proceed to dispose of the remaining part of my estate of every description whatsoever.

"It is my will and desire that all and every part of my estate, both real and personal, of every description whatsoever not disposed of by the foregoing clause of this my will, be equally divided share and share alike between my four sons Bailey G. McCoy, Henry McCoy, Nealy McCoy Jur. and Edmund McCoy to be divided in that way which my said four sons shall think proper, by sale or otherwise. Having by the foregoing clauses of this my will disposed of all my estate of every description in that way which I wish it to go after my death. I now proceed to make appoint and ordain my two eldest sons Bailey G. McCoy and Henry McCoy the executors of this my last will and testament and request them to see that my wishes as herein expressed be fully carried out.

"In testimony whereof I the said Nealy McCoy Senr. to this my will written on this one sheet of paper set my hand and affix my seal this the 18th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and forty six. Nealy McCoy (signed) - (seal).

"The above was this day signed, sealed and published by the said Nealy McCoy Senr. as his last will and testament in the presence of us who subscribed the same as witnesses thereto in the presence of the said Nealy McCoy Senr. and in the presents of each other this the18th day of December 1846. John C. Smith, Leroy Driver, B. L. Goodman.

"The within will probated upon the oath of B. L. Goodman and John C. Smith two of the subscribing witnesses and ordered to be recorded as and for the last will and testament of Nealy McCoy Senr. decd. Samuel Pearson, Judge of Probate. C.C.� (Will or Probate Book 1-2, pages 336 - 337, Chambers County, Alabama, Probate Court.)

"Neely McCoy's will in Chambers County, Alabama is dated 18 December 1846." (MY GREER LINEAGE, by Mary Lee Barnes, 1992, page 52. Information about the family and descendants of Nancy Greer and Neely McCoy is from the records of Addie Adelle McCoy Alton of Liberty, Texas; the cemetery records of Mrs. Jerry Fletcher, Tyler, Texas; and Chambers County, Alabama cemetery and census records, as recorded in MY GREER LINEAGE, by Mary Lee Barnes, 1992, pages 52 - 53.)


BirthAbt, 1773South Carolina
MarriageFebruary 22, 1796Wilkes County, Georgia - Nancy Ann Greer
DeathJuly 9, 1851Chambers County, Alabama
BurialLaFayette Cemetery, LaFayette, Chambers County, Alabama


SpouseNancy Ann Greer (1777 - 1846)
ChildGreer McCoy ( - )
ChildNancy McCoy ( - )
ChildBailey George McCoy (1808 - 1875)
ChildHenry McCoy (1802 - 1867)
ChildNeely McCoy Jr. ( - 1853)
ChildEdmund McCoy ( - )
ChildMary Frances McCoy (1818 - )
FatherHenry J. McCoy (1745 - 1838)
MotherSally Herndon ( - )
SiblingJohn McCoy (1764 - )
SiblingFrances "Frankey" McCoy (1766 - )
SiblingAbner McCoy (1770 - )
SiblingHenry McCoy (1775 - )
SiblingWiley McCoy (1775 - )
SiblingJeremiah McCoy (1780 - 1858)
SiblingElizabeth McCoy ( - )
SiblingSarah "Sally" McCoy (1782 - )
SiblingMary Barbary "Polly" McCoy (1784 - 1824)
SiblingNancy McCoy ( - )
SiblingEdmond McCoy (1784 - 1867)