Individual Details

Elizabeth Ann Powell

(Abt, 1695 - )

Note: Know all Men by these Presents, That We William Dulin, EdwardDulin, William Donaldson and Daniel Mills are held and firmlybound to John West, John Carlyle, Henry Gunnell and WilliamAdams Gent. Justices of the Court of Fairfax County, nowfitting, in the Sum of one thousand pounds current money. To thePayment whereof well and truly to be made to the said Justices,and their Successors, we bind ourselves, and each of us, oureach of our Heirs, Executors, and Administrators, jointly andseverally, firmly by these Presents.. Seales with our Seals,this twenty first Day of October in the Year of our Lord oneThousand Seven Hundred and Sixty and in the XXXXIVth Year of the Reign of our Sovereign Lord KingGeorge the Second. The Condition of this Obligation is such,That if the above-bound William and Edward Admin. of all the Goods, Chattels and Credits ofElizabeth Dulin Deceased, do make, or cause to be made, a trueand perfect Inventory of all and singular the Goods, Chattelsand Credits of the said Deceased, which have , or shall come toHands, Possession or Knowledge of them the said William andEdward or into the Hands, or Possession of any other Person orPersons, for them and the same so made, do exhibit, or cause tobe exhibited into the County Court of Fairfax at such Time asthey shall be thereunto required by the said Court: and Creditsof the said Deceased, at the Time of her Death, which at anyTime after shall come to the Hands, or Possession of the saidWilliam and Edward or into the Hands and Possession of any other Person or persons for them do well andtruky administer according to Law: And further do make a justand true Account of their Actings and Doings therein, whenthereto required by the said Court; and all the Rest and Residueof the said Goods, Chattels, and Credits which shall be foundremaining upon the said Administrators Account, the same beingfirst examined and allowed by the Justices of the Court for theTime being, shall deliver and pay unto such Person or Personsrespectively, as the said Justices by their Order, or Judgment,shall direct, pursuant to the Laws in that Case made andprovided: and if it shall hereafter appear, that any Last Willand Testament was made by the said Deceased, and the Executors thin named, do exhibited the same into the saidWilliam and Edward being thereunto required, do render anddeliver up their Letters of Administration, Approbation of suchTestament being first had and made in the said Court: Then theObligation to be void and of none Effect, or to remain in fullForce and Virtue. William Dulin...............L S Ed. Dulin....................L S William Donaldson.......L S Daniel Mills.................L S Sealed and Delivered in the Presence of the Court and ordered tobe recorded Teste Wagoner Cl. Court This document was transcribed from theoriginal. The original is recorded in Fairfax County, Virginia.Dated October 21,1760, in Bond Book page 58.

INVENTORY: Inventory of the Estate of Elizabeth Duling Pursuantto the order of the worshipfull Court of Fairfax County to usdirected we the subscribers being first Qualified before WilliamAdams Gent. have appraised all the Estate of Elizabeth Dulingproduced to our View as folloeth. Viz L S D
One Bed and furniture Bedsted cord and hide..............................4.....15 ....0 One Ditto and Ditto and hide 100/ one Case and Bottles 18/.........5.....18.....0 One Bedsted and Cord 9/ one chest lock and Kee15/..................1..... 4.....4 One old trunk 2/6 one old Jugg 2/ one Tlax wheel 15/ ..................0.....19....6 One old Sarch and 2old siftens 1/6 1 box Iron & heaters 5/..........0.......6....6 One old Cash 4/ one bedsted cord and hide 10/...........................0.....14.....0 nine old Chairs 11/3 one chest Lock and Kee 15/.........................1......6......3 One Ovil Table 15/ one old sugar Box & tobacco Box 1/3...........0.....16.....3
a parcel old books 10/ one old Lucking glass 6/...........................0.....16.....0
a parcel Earthen ware and bottles and one tin cup.........................0.....10.....0 one old pad lock and one old Jugg 1/3 part of one hackle 6/.........0.......7.....3 one table cloth 8/ a parcel tand leather 20/ ...................................1.......8.....0
a parcel old Bushels and one old Box 2/ 3 Ltt Wool 3/3...............0.......5.....3 one pair old Stillyards 8/ 3 old bedsteds 15/ ................................1......3......0
six old casks 20/ one negro man called Tom 50..........................51......0......0 one negro man called Currey.....................................................50......0......0
2/ Bushells salt 5/ 1 old wheat & 3 pr cards 8/..............................0.....13.....0 one set wedges 8/ 1 old crosscut saw and hand saw 8/.................0.....16.....0 One iron pestle 5/ Eight old hoes 16/............................................1......1.....0 One old harron wt hose 5/ 1 old plow 4/......................................0.......9.....0 One Iron pott and hooks 5/ 1 do. ladle and Flesh forks 10/...........0......15....0 hvo old axes and 2 Iron Rings 9/ 1 froo and Augir 3/....................0......12....0
Six yards cotten 12/ 9 yds fear nothing 36/ ..................................2.......0.....0
15 feathers & 2 Bags 23/9 27 yds Pznabrigs 2/6...........................1.......6.....3 One Iron pott 4/ two Eathen potts 5/ one Do. 2/6.........................0......11....6 One old chirm and Jug 3/ a parcel of old lumber 5/.......................0.......8.....0 Two old bells and Buckels 8/ 4 old Tubs and a tray 8/..................0.......8.....0 Two old mitt bags 4/ 2 old collars hames & other gare 5/6............0.......9....6
1 pewter Quart 4/ a parcel spoons 3/............................................0.......7....0
42 1/2 of pewter 53/1 to 26 1/2 Let old ditto 26/6..........................3.....19.....7
1 spice mortar and Pesil 8/ a parcel of Ton Ware 4/......................0.....12.....0 One Auger and gimblet 2/6 1 Iron pott and hooks 10/...................0.....12.....6 One Iron pott and Iron rack 14/ a parcel knives and forks 4/.........0.....18.....0
1 Gridiron firelongs & 1 hook 7/ 1 old Tlax Wheel10....0...17...0 L S D

2 old Tables 5/ a parcel wooden Ware 10/................................0.......15.......0
1 horse and Bell 160/ 1 Cart 100/...........................................13.........0.......0
a parcel old casks 25/ a parcel of old Tubs 15/.........................2........0.......0
7 head of Gees 10/ 13 head of Sheep 78/.................................4........8.......0
5 stocks Bees 18/ 1 Barr. and funil 4/ 1 gord tarr 1/3.................1........3......3
2 old frying pans 3/ waring apparel 80/ ....................................4.........3......0
1 pr. Seizars & grater and Comb 1/6 1 Cask 2/6.......................0.........4......0 one Molatto Boye called Bazil..................................................10.......0......0 1280 feet of Plank at 5/ one tub and beans 6/.............................3........9......9 one old grindstone & old hoe 6.o one Auger & Cock3/.............0 ......3......6
one book 1/3 1 small Flair 15/ 1 large do. 50/.............................3........6.....3 three Stairs and a Bull 121/6 1 heifter 30/....................................7.......11....
4 cows and yearlings a 35/ 2 Dos. and Do. a 40/........................11.......0.....0
2 Do.and Do. a 35/ 6 sides of Leather 36/ ..................................5.......6.....0
1 green hide 3/ one ram 7/6 ........................................................0......10....6
39 head of Hogs.........................................................................8.......0....0
1 pr. horse fleems 2/6 pr. sheep shears 1/....................................0.......3.....6
4 sows and piggs 48/ one pr. Butts 1/..........................................2......9.....0
2 large hogs 50/ one sow and shoats 25/ .....................................3.....15....0
1 smal cask 2/ 2 sows and piggs 20/............................................1......2.....0
One old Bed and Rugg................................................................2......0....0 L223.10.7 Robert R. Thomas his mark John S Summers Sen his mark John Ratcliff At a court held for the County of Fairfax 19th May 1761. ThisInventory was returned and ordered to be Recorded. Teste G Wagoner Cl. Court This document was transcribed from a copy of the original. The orginal is Recorded in Fairfax County,Virginia. Recorded May19, 1761, in Will Book B-1 pages 255-258.

ESTATE: ESTATE OF ELIZABETH DULIN DEC'D The Accompt of the Estate of Elizabeth Dulin Dec'D
To James Richards for maling the Negroes Shoes..........................0...3...9
To paid John Summers for making a coffin....................................0..12..6
To paid Mrs. Sarah Rhodes 10/ Drummond Wheeler2/..................0..12..0
To 3 gallons of rum & 2 lb Sugar Expended at selling theestate......1...0...0
To paid John Summers on Acco. of Francis Bird...........................0...2...0
To 200 Nails for rolling the Tobacco..............................................0...1...3
To paid the Sheriff the Poll Tax for the year 1760............................0..12..0
To cash paid Joseph Moxley........................................................11..17..4
To paid Thomas Beach................................................................11..17..4
To paid Ann Dulin........................................................................11..17..4
To paid Thomas Halbert................................................................0...17..4
To paid Thomas Moss...................................................................0...2...4
To paid John Ratcliffe....................................................................0...7...6
To paid Thomas Beach for prising two hogsheadsTob...................0...5...0
To paid the Appraiser.....................................................................0..16..6
To cash due me from the Estate......................................................1..17..4
To paid William Dulin his part of the Estate.................................37..16..1.5
To paid Thomas Halbert............................................................37..16..1 1/8
To paid Thomas Moss................................................................37..16..1.5
To paid John Dulin the balance of his part of the Estate................27..3...1/8
To paid Thomas Beach...............................................................37..16..1.5
To paid Joseph Moxley...............................................................37..16..1.5
To paid Ann Dulin ......................................................................37..16..1.5
To my own part of the Estate.......................................................37..16..1.5
To 5 P. Ct. for selling Receiving & paying off...............................19..12..0 L354.9.5
To balance due William Popejoy.......................................................
L 392.5.6.5
Errors Excepted Edward Dulin Adm. Pr Contra
By the amount of the Estate when it was sold...............................320..14..0
By one Son and piggs not appraised................................................1...0..0
By the crop of corn sold...............................................................10..10..7
By 7 1/2 Bushels of oats.................................................................0..11..3
By 4 1/2 Bushels of beans...............................................................0..11.3
By 69 1/2 Bushels Wheat........................................................11..4..10 1/2
By cash received of Col. Carlyle..............................................3..18..5
By cash received of Butler Ashford..........................................1...8..9
By the balance left of the crop of Tobacco after all charges are paid 4000 at 10/3 p. hundred.................................42..2..5 1/2
By cash due from Joseph Thomson..........................................0..6..0 1/2 L 392.5.7
At a Court cont'd & held for the County of Fairfax 17, February1762 Edward Dulin adm. of Elizabeth Dulin deceased Exhibited thisaccount against the said Estate to which he made oath of the same beingExamined was allowed & ordered to be recorded Teste Wagoner clerk court The Accompt of what was sold by me of the Estate of ElizabethDulin Deceased before the Adminiastration.
To cash due me by my mother......................................................1..11..8
To my part of the Estate .............................................................37..16..1 1/2 L 39.10.9 1/2
By cash........................................................................................1..15..0
By cash received of Francis Ballenger............................................1...8...9
By 3 beef sold..............................................................................5....0...0
By 1 mare sold..............................................................................3..15..0
By 1 sheep sold.............................................................................0..9..0
By cash Received of Edward Dulin................................................27..3..1/2
E Excepted John Dulin At a Court Cont'd & held for the County of Fairfax 17, Febuary 1762 John Dulin Exhibited this Account against the Estate of Elizabeth Dulin Deceased which being Examined was allowed & ordered to berecorded. Teste Wagoner Cl. Court (This document was transcribed from a copy of the original. Theoriginal is recorded in Fairfax County, Virginia. Recorded February 17,1762, in Will Book B-1 pages 317-321.)


BirthAbt, 1695
MarriageAbt, 1712William Dulon


SpouseWilliam Dulon (1690 - 1757)