Individual Details

William Dulon

(Abt, 1690 - May 17, 1757)

"Indenture of William Duling to Thomas Turner. ThisIndenture made this sixth day of June in the eighth year of thereign of our Lord George the Second by the grace of God of Great Britain, France & Ireland King Defender of the Faith and in theyear of Our Lord God one thousand seven hundred & thirty five Between William Duling of the Parish of Hanover & County of King George in the Colony of Virginia planter of the one part &Thomas Turner of the parish & county aforesaid surgeon of theother part. Witnesseth that the said William Duling for & inconsideration of the sum of thirty pounds current money to himin hand paid by Thomas Turner at or before the ensealing &delivery of these present the receipt whereof & of every part & parcel thereof of the said William Duling doth hereby confess & acknowledge & himself therewith fully contented satisfied & paid & thereof doth acquit & forever discharge the said Thomas Turnerhis heirs & assigns & every of them by these present Hath given grant sold aliened conveyed & confirmed & by & by these presents Doth give grant bargain sell alien revise release convey &confirm unto the said Thomas Turner & his heirs forever the said Thomas Turner being in actual possession of all & Singular the premises herein after mentioned & expressed by Virtue of a lease thereof made for one whole year bearing date the day before the date hereof & of the Statue for transferring uses intopossession all that tract or parcel of land containing onehundred & eighty four acres Beginning upon the Land of Perk Cox & Butler at a corner post to the Land of Robert Perk extending thence South eleven degrees & a half West seven poles to a corner hickory to the Land of Peter Butler thence East six degrees North two hundred & twenty eight poles to a marked hickory corner tree in the line of the Land of the said Butler thence North ten degrees West fifty four poles to a marked whiteoak corner thence North ten degrees East one Hundred & forty poles to a marked hickory standing in the Line of the Land of Sam Cox thence North eighty seven degrees & a half West eighty poles to a red oak corner to the Land of the said Perk thence South West & by South two hundred & eighty poles to thebeginning (except one acre part of the said Land lying on the west side thereof & crossing the ridge road and half thereof to be in Westmoreland County the other in King George County during the Natural Life of the said William Duling) Together with houses timber trees woods & underwoods ways waters & watercourses priviledges commodities advantages hereditaments & appurtenances whatsoever to the said Land & premises belonging or in anywise appertaining & the reversion & reversions remainder & remainders rents issue & profits of all & Singular the premises aforesaid & every part & parcel thereof and also all the estate right title interest property benefit possession claims & demand whatsoeverof him the said William Duling his heirs exors. & admins. of in & to the same every part & parcel thereof and all deeds,evidences and writtings whatsoever touching or concerning thepremises aforesaid or any part or parcel thereof To have and tohold the said Tract or parcel of Land containing one hundred eighty four acres with all & Singular the premises hereby granted & released or mentioned or intended to be hereby granted & released & every part & parcel thereof with all & Singular their & every of their rights mentioned & appurtenances whatsoever unto the said Thomas Turner his heirs & assigns forever to the only sole proper, use, benefit & behoof of him the said Thomas Turner his heirs & ass: forevermore to for us, other use, intent or purpose whatsoever the said William Duling for himself his heirs & ass: & for every of them dothfully & absolutely warrant & forever defend the said Land & premises & every part & parcel thereof with all & Singular the appurtenances thereunto belonging or in anywise appertaining unto the said Thomas Turner his heirs & assigns forever against the claim orclaims of all & every person or persons whatsoever & the said William Duling now hath in himself a goodfull pure absolute (line of a reasonable?) estate of inheritance in fee simple in the before mentioned land & premises and hathfull power & lawfull authority to sell & convey the same inmanner aforesaid, he the said William for himself, his heirs,exors. & admins. doth hereby covenant promise & grant that the said Thomas Turner his heirs & assigns & every of them shall & may by force & virtue of these presents from time to time at all times forever hereafter, lawfully, peaceably & quietly have, hold, use, occupy, possess & enjoy all & Singular the premisesaforesaid with the appurtenances, that the land & every part thereof is free & clear & freely & clearly acquitted & discharged of & from all & all manner aforesaid & other bargains, gifts, grants, sales, leases, mortgages, joyntures, dowers & titles of dower whatsoever; of & from all manner of other titles, troubles or incumbrances whatsoever and furtherthe said William Duling his heirs, exors. & admins. shall fromtime to time & all times forever hereafter upon the reasonablerequest & at the cost & charges in the Law of the said ThomasTurner his heirs & assigns make do suffer & execute or cause tobe well & truly made done suffered & executed all & every such further & other att, & atts., thing & things, devise & devises conveyances & assurances in the Law whatsoever for the further better & more perfect assuring (illegible) making & confirming the before mentioned bargained & sold Land & premises unto the said Thomas Turner his heirs & assigns forever as by him or either of them shall be (illegible) devised & entered or required. In Witness whereof the said William Duling to this present Indenture hath sett (illegible) his hand & seale the day & yearfirst above written. Sealed & delivered in the presence of his William W. Duling Seale mark
Thos. Shibling
Wm. Thornton Junr Harry Turner
Received this sixth day of June 1735 the sum of thirty pounds current money of Virginia being the consideration money withinmentioned to be by the said Thomas Turner paid to me.
Witness his mark: William W Duling, Thomas Shibling, Wm. Thornton Junr., Harry Turner." (This document was transcribed from a copy of the original which is recorded in King George County, Virginia. June 6, 1735, inBook 1A pages 333-334.)

"WILL OF WILLIAM DULIN/DULING: In the name of God amen I William Dulin of the Parish of Truroin the County of Fairfax in the colony of Virginia Planter beingweak in body but of sound Memory (blessed be God) do this twentysixths day of November in the year of our Lord one thousandseven hundred and fifty six make and publish this my Last willand Testament in the manner and form following. Imprimis I giveand bequeath to my son William Dulin ten pounds VirginiaCurrency to be due to him on the day of my decease. Item I giveand bequeath to my Daughter Lydia Halbert ten pounds of said money and one thousand pounds of Tobacco. Item I give andbequeath unto my Daughter Sarah Moss five pounds of said money.Item I give and bequeath to my son John Dulin one negro mannamed Jack to him the said John and his heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my son Edward Dulin my Young Marecalled Beauty as also my bridle and saddle. Item I give andbequeath to my Daughter Mary Ann Beach one negro girl namedFanny to her the said Mary Ann an her increase to her Mary Annand her heirs forever. Item I give and bequeath to my(illegible) Mary Ann Beach (illegible) cows calves Item I giveand bequeath to my Daughter Ann Dulin one Negro boy named Sam toher the said Ann and her heir forever. Item I give and bequeathto my Daughter Ann Dulin one feather bed and furniture as alsoone Cow and Calf. Item I give and bequeath to my DaughterBathshiba Dulin one negro Women named Lucy to her said Bathshiba with her increase to thesaid Bathshiba and her heirs forever as also one feather bed andfurniture all to be delivered to the said Bathshiba at the dayof marriage as also one Cow and Calf. Item I give and bequeathto my grandson William Popejoy ten pounds Virginia Curr. to bepaid to him the said William Popejoy at the age of twenty oneyears and if the said William die within the said term of twentyone years that then the said Legacy to be divided between hissisters Lydia and Sarah Popejoy. Item my Will is the aboveLegacy to my Daughter Ann Duling on the day of her marriage bepaid her the said Ann Duling. Item my will is that my well beloved wife Elizabeth Duling beand remain in full possession of all my Estate and to have theuse of the same during her Life accept such Legacies as aboveappointed to be discharged otherwise. Item My will is that aftermy just debts and Legacies are duely paid that the residue of myEstate be it of what kindsoever be either equally divided orsold and the money equally divided among all the afores.Legatics. Lastly I do hereby constitue and appoint my son JohnDuling as also my son in Law Thomas Beach to be my soleAxecutors of this my last will and Testament by me made. Inwitness whereof I the said William Duling have to this my Lastwill and Testament set my hand and seal the day and year above written. his William X Duling Seal mark Signed Sealed and Published In the Presence of us: Ann Rusing, William Summers, Robt Walsham. At a court held for the County of Fairfax 17 May 1757. ThisWill was presented in Court by John Dulin one of the Executorstherein named who made oath thereto and the same being proved bythe oath of Ann Rusing and William Summers two of the Witnessesis admitted to record and the said Executor having preformedwhat is usual in such cases. Certificate is granted him forobtaining a probate thereof in due form. Thomas Beach the otherExecutor relinguished the (illegible)Execution thereof ElizabethDulin widow relinguished all benefit which she might claim bythe said Will. The will of William Dulin/g was transcibed asclose as possible to the original. Both Dulin and Duling appearin the document." (The Will is recorded in Fairfax Co. Virginia.Recorded May 17, 1757, in Will Book B-1 page 149-151.)


BirthAbt, 1690England or Ireland
MarriageAbt, 1712Elizabeth Ann Powell
DeathMay 17, 1757Fairfax County, Virginia


SpouseElizabeth Ann Powell (1695 - )
FatherJames Dulon - Dooling (1686 - 1744)
MotherUnknown ( - )
SiblingRobert Dooling - Dulin (1686 - 1744)
SiblingPhilip Dooling (1688 - )