Individual Details

Williamson H. Terry

(August 23, 1841 - July 22, 1861)

Williamson H. Terry died in the service of his country at the age of 19 in the Civil War, at Norfolk, Virginia.

"Death of Another Member of the L. L. Guards We are again called upon to record the death of another member of the L. L. Guards. Private Williamson H. TERRY died on Monday night, the 22nd instant, of camp fever. His remains reached here on Friday morning last, in charge of W. B. Jones and Lieutenant J. B. Morgan, and were carried and committed to the grave beside the dust of his father. We sympathize with the widowed mother, and sisters and brothers. [Williamson H. Terry, son of John Thomas Terry and Julia Gaulding-- Gui Flynt.] Tribute of Respect Camp Jackson, Near Portsmouth, Va., Headquarters 4th Reg't. Geo. Vol. July 28, '61. At a meeting of the LaGrange Light Guards, held today, the following preamble and resolutions were unanimously adopted: Our hearts have been saddened, and the cheerfulness of our camp turned to mourning, by the death of two of our brother soldiers--Samuel G. Swindall, and Williamson H. Terry. When the tocsin of war was first heard upon our borders, and before the invader's foot had polluted our soil, with patriotic ardor they responded to their country's first call for volunteers, and marched forth to defend Southern honor and secure Southern Independence. Full of hope, buoyed up by infaltering courage, confident of the success of our arms, they were firmly resolved "to do their duty." Often did their eyes glisten and the fire of their hearts brighten up their faces, as seated around our camp, we talked of the prospect of battle, and the chance of making the northern hirelings bite the dust. Willingly would they have sacrificed their_______ often said _________ and establishing our liberties. But alas! none of us know what fate awaits us.--Stricken down by disease, our brave comrades were denied the glorious death of the battlefield. Quietly they breathed out their lives upon their bed surrounded by their brother-soldiers, ere yet they had been permitted to meet and strike down the insolent invader. In soft, calm voice, Swindall said, "I would not change places with any of you." Terry as calmly and resignedly said, "Boys, if I die, carry me home." Thus two gallant souls passed away in the stillness of midnight. Though theirs was not the soldier's coveted death, yet their young lives were given to their country. Therefore-- Resolved, 1st. That in the death of Samuel G. Swindall and Williamson H. Terry, the LaGrange Light Guards, have deeply to deplore the loss of two of their bravest and worthiest members. Resolved, 2nd. That we tender to the families of the deceased,our heartfelt sympathy in this, their sad bereavement. Resolved, 3rd. That a copy of above preamble and resolutions be furnished the families of the deceased, and also a copy to the "LaGrange Reporter," for publication. Serg't A. H. HERRING, H. O. STANLEY, R. C. HUMBER, Committee."


BirthAugust 23, 1841
DeathJuly 22, 1861Norfolk (Independent City), Virginia


FatherJohn T. Terry (1800 - 1855)
MotherJulia Brooks (1807 - 1863)
SiblingWilliam Terry (1825 - 1844)
SiblingSarah Terry (1827 - )
SiblingJohn Terry (1828 - )
SiblingThomas Terry (1830 - 1895)
SiblingNancy Terry (1832 - )
SiblingAlonza Terry (1834 - )
SiblingMatilda Terry (1836 - 1906)
SiblingMartha Terry (1838 - )
SiblingGeorge W. Terry (1839 - 1861)
SiblingLorana Terry (1843 - 1843)
SiblingZachary Taylor Terry (1847 - )